Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/245

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ii s. XL MAR. 20, i9i5.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


STABS IN LISTS OF INDIA STOCKHOLDERS <11 S. xi. 168). In the Lists of Stock- holders alluded to by Disraeli and Thackeray, stars may have been used instead of figures. The following is from the official ' East India Register and Directory for 1826 ' :

" List of the Proprietors of East India Stock, who are qualified to Vote at the General Election, 12 April, 1826.

" The figures denote the number of Votes.

"One thousand pounds stock qualifies the pro- prietor for one vote ; two thousand pounds qualifies for a director ; three thousand pounds to two votes ; ix thousand to three votes, and ten thousand to four votes."


PERCY FITZGERALD ON DR. JOHNSON AND HANNAH MORE (11 S. xi. 188). The entry mentioned above in Mr. Fitzgerald's Index must be a mistake. Although Johnson called Miss Monckton " a dunce " to her face, yet

"when she some time afterwards mentioned this to him, he said with equal truth and politeness,

  • Madam, if I had thought so, I certainly should

not have said it.' "

On the evening of Saturday, 15 May, 1784, Johnson told the Essex-Head Club :

"I dined yesterday at Mrs. Garrick's with Mrs. Carter, Miss Hannah More, and Miss Fanny Burney. Three such women are not to be found : I know not where I could find a fourth, except Mrs. Lennox, who is superior to them all."


THE FRENCH FLAG AND THE TRINITARIAN ORDER (US. xi. 167). Your correspondent asks if any book has been published on national flags. I would mention ' The Flags of the World,' by F. E. Hulme (Frederick Warne & Co.), a most useful and interesting foook. J. DE BERNIERE SMITH.

4, Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park, N. W.

FAMILIES OF KAY AND KEY (US. xi. 90, 127, 136, 176). Could any Lancashire reader let me know whether there are any of the Kay or Key family still at Butterworth-in- the -Willows, near Bolton ? The place, how- ever, may have disappeared with the spread of Bolton. I remember as a child hearing my mother say that her maternal grand- father came from that place. As a young man he was foolish enough to go to a fair near by while the pressgang were about, with the result that, though of a superior station to those generally taken, he was pressed. He served in the Fleet during the Napoleonic wars, never receiving leave to go home, nor permission, I believe, to write, for his mother never knew what had become of him, and died of a broken heart.


OLD ETONIANS (US. xi. 110). (4) David Ogilvy, perhaps third son of Sir John Ogilvy of Invercarity, fifth Baronet, born 10 April, 1758, lieutenant -colonel in the army, killed 1801 in Egypt. His eldest brother, Walter (later sixth Baronet), according to his grand- father's letter, was going to Eton in 1766. Another David Ogilvy, son of David, Lord Ogilvy, was born before 1757, and died in 1812 ; but as his father was an attainted Jacobite in France, his son one would not expect at Eton.

(11) Edward Parsons, perhaps eldest son and heir of Edward Parsons of the island of St. Christopher, and of Little Parndon, co. Essex, by Mary Woodley his wife (marriage settlement dated in 1738). He succeeded to his father's estates in 1780, was appointed a Member of H.M. Council in 1786, and in asking in 1798 for extension of leave stated that he had a wife and eight children.

(16) John Pogson, elder son and heir of John Pogson of the island of St. Christopher, and of Woodside House, co. Essex, by Elizabeth Mary his wife (married in 1754). His younger brother, Bedingfield, entered Westminster School in September of the same year. John married at St. George's, Hanover Square, in 1783, Harriott Manners, and died in 1805 at Bougham Hall, co. Suffolk.

(11 S. xi. 169.)

(3) John Stanley, perhaps eldest son of Michael Stanley of the island of Nevis, Esq., born 1740; Solicitor- General of the Leeward Islands, 1771-81 ; Attorney -General, 1781 ; President of Council, 1793-5 ; M.P. for Hastings, 1792 ; died 1 April, 1799, in Berners Street. His portrait has been engraved.

(17) Thomas Vanderpool was probably of the island of St. Kitts, where his family owned several estates. He was there in 1774, and died at St. Martin's, September, 1793.

(18) James Verchild, otherwise James George Verchild, second son of Col. James Verchild, President of the island of St. Chris- topher, 1759-69, was born 22 June, 1747; married, 22 April, 1773, Frances Hill Brother- son, and was probably father of the Rev. Lewis Brotherson Verchild, at Eton 1793, Hector of St. Ann's and St. Paul in the said island, who died 1818.

(19) William Verchild, otherwise William Mathew Verchild, elder brother of the above James, died 4 Nov., 1764, aged 20.

V. L. OLIVER. Sunninghill.