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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. xi. MAR. 20, 1015.

jtion of a heating apparatus may be in itself pertinently justified, it cannot be said that the Authorities of 1838 had otherwise at all improved on those of 200 years before, for they actually removed some of the brasses from the chapel .altogether, and stored them in the Bursary, where ome twenty years or more ago, Dr. Macray found five of them, and had them restored to the -chapel. The last burial within the chapel, it will be remembered, was that of President Routh. The last memorial chronicled here is that to rSamuel Rupert Sidebottom, Demy 1907-11, who died in 1913.

Why the War Cannot be Final. By Albert Win.

Alderson. (P. S. King & Son, Is. net.) MR- ALDERSOX has written this pamphlet as a friend of peace, and while we cannot agree with him that one universal language would put an nd to war, we have read what he has to say with considerable interest, as he arrives at his conclu- sion after careful reasoning, and shows a thorough belief in his theory. We fear that we can only hope for universal peace when " all men's good " shall be " each man's rule." Until that time arrives there will be Avars, although, we trust, with long years of peace between.

The Newspaper Press Directory, 1915. (Mitchell

& Co., 2s.)

WE congratulate Messrs. Mitchell on their famous Directory entering upon its seventieth year. For many years it has been our pleasure to watch its steady growth, which is significant of the growth of the British press the only press in the world that could, until the commence- ment of the present war, boast that during the whole of those seventy years there had been no -Government interference in its control.

Among the chief newspaper events of the past year are to be noted the reduction of the price of The Times to a penny on the 16th of March ; .and the starting of another half -penny paper on the 5th of October The Daily Call, which, like most of the dailies, devotes space to illus- trations. One daily has been discontinued, The Daily Herald, one of the two Labour journals ; it continues, hoAvever, as a weekly, Avith the omission of the middle word of its title. We note with pleasure the coming of age of The West- minster Gazette, born January 31st, 1893, Sir Edward Cook being its first editor. He was succeeded, as is Avell knoAvn, by Mr. J. A. Spender, the present editor. Among the losses by death recorded are Sir Douglas Straight, whose name AA'ill be always associated with The Pall Mall Gazette ; Sir John Duncan of The South Wales Daily News, and other papers; and Sir Jarnes Henderson of The Belfast News-Letter. Of each of these excellent portraits are given.

The other contents include ' The Press Censor and his PoAvers,' by Mr. George E. Leach ; a revieAv of the legal year in its relation to the press, by Dr. Hugh Fraser ; and ' Things that Matter in Advertising, 1914,' by Mr. George Edgar.

The British Review for March opens with an article on 'German Culture in the Crucible,' by Mr. T. H. S. Escott, who recalls one academic benefit that came in the nineteenth century from Germany to England. When Jowett in 1846 visited certain Teutonic seats of learning, he was

  • o impressed with the researches carried on there

in the history of Greek philosophy that o his return to England the subject acquired a new importance in the Oxford schools. In Rail Power and Sea Power : a Study in Strategy,' Mr. Vernon Sommerfeld refers to the remarkable object-lesson provided by the Russo-Japanese War, when " Russia round the Trans-Siberian railway inA^aluable, even in the condition it was at the time, and used it for the transport of vast masses of troops." The writer also dwells upon the advantage a Channel Tunnel railway would be at the present time, as the German fleet would have no transports to attack, so long as men and munitions could be conveyed under the Channel by rail. M r. Paul Parsy discusses ' The War in France : Rou mania and the Allies,' and says : " It is clear that it is to the interest of the Roumanian people to bring back to their flag the three and a half millions of Roumanians who are still subject to Austria-Hungary," and in conse- quence "she is drawing away from the Germanic group, and drawing nearer to the policy of the Allies and of France, her elder sister among the Latin races."

Mr. J. B. Williams, whose name is familiar to the readers of ' N. & Q.,' writes on ' Dr. Johnson^s Accusation against Milton. A Contribution to the History of " Eikon Basilike,'" and arrives at the conclusion that " the partisans of both sides have overstated their case. Milton was guilty of endeavouring to ridicule, for political purposes, a book which, in his own heart, he believed to be genuine. In attempting to blacken his conduct for doing this without taking the trouble to be accurate in their accusations, his adversaries succeeded in injuring the cause they most wished to serve, and threw an additional doubt upon the authenticity of a book that, for twelve years at least, was seriously impeached by no one."

The other articles include 'Monsieur de Paris,' by Mr. Rupert Wontner, and ' The True Story of the War,' by Major G. W. Redway. There is also some poetry, and a coloured supplement repro- ducing a landscape after Turner.

MR. FREDERICK T. HIBGAME writes to us : " The death of Mr. Philip Francis of West-gate, Wrecclesham, Surrey, Avhich took place at London on 24 Feb., removes the grandson and direct representative of Sir Philip Francis, Avho fought the duel with Warren Hastings at Calcutta, and Avho is generally recognized as the author of the ' Letters of Junius.'

" Educated at Eton, says The Times, he had reached his 75th year, the best part of his life having been spent in the Home Civil Service. He Avas a strong ConservatiA r e, a Free Trader, and an excellent sportsman, taking at the same time a keen interest in current events almost to the last day of his life."


EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.