Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/277

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BRANTOME. Were the works of Brantome ( Pierre de Bourdeille) translated into English before 1612 ? B ON A. F. BOURGEOIS.

BEN JONSON : PINDAR. In which o Ben Jonson's works is the Seventh Olympic of Pindar quoted ?


13, Rue d'Argentine, Beauvais.

PACK-HORSES.- " The Pack-horse " is stil an inn sign, but are any actual pack-horses left in the wilder parts of the British Islands ' Can any one inform, me how these horses anc their drivers formerly appeared as regards equipments and dress ; and whether they usually went in cavalcades, two together, or singly ? In cases where there were severaj following each other, did they all wear bells to give warning of their approach, or was the fore-horse the only bell-horse of the company ? Lastly, what type of horse was used in the various English counties ?

T. W. S.

MARY DACRE. Dr. John Carr, Mayor of Hertford in the years 1792, 1799, and 1800, is said to have married Mary, daughter of Admiral Dacre. She died in" the year 1793, aged 58. Wanted information as to where she was born and married. J. A. F.

GEORGE BODENS. This individual was a celebrated wit in the latter half of the eighteenth century. He was a very fat man and stammered. He was an officer in the Army, and, I believe, reached the rank of colonel. Capt. Grose, Miss Burney, and Mrs. Piozzi all make reference to him. Probably he was a son of Col. Charles Bodens, who is mentioned in ' The Grenville Papers.' According to George Selwyn, Hist. MSS. Comm., 15 Rep., Appx.,pt. vi. p. 553, George Bodens was imprisoned for debt in Newgate in December, 1781. I shall be obliged if some one can tell me the date of his death, or give me any further particulars about him. There appears to be no obituary notice in The Gentleman's Magazine.



Crosse of Liverpool, esquire, by his will, 9 Nov., 1596, left to his daughter Elizabeth Chorley one of " my little gilt bowles," and to Alice her daughter " an inchalffe Hesper." This is according to an abstract of No. 2251 of Towneley's MS. G.G. (Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,305). I have not referred to the original MS. If correct, what is the mean- ing ? R. S. B.

OLD ETONIANS. I shall be grateful for information regarding any of the following : (1) Verdon, John, admitted 4 Oct., 1765, left 1767. (2) Villet, Thomas, admitted 6 July, 1762, left 1765. (3) Webley, Kedgwin, admitted 21 Sept., 1760, left 1768. (4) West, Edward, admitted 12 Sept., 1761, left 1764. (5) West, Robert, admitted 12 Sept., 1761, left 1763. (6) Weston, Henry Perkins, 'admitted 15 Sept., 1758, left 1763 or 1767. (7) Williams, Charles, admitted 23 Sept., 1756, left 1762. (8) Williams, Hugh, admitted 28 March, 1756, left 1756. (9) Williams, Jacob, admitted

8 May, 1760, left 1762. (10) Williams, John, admitted 9 Feb., 1758, left 1761. (11) Wil- liams, John, admitted 27 May, 1763, left 1764. (12) Williams, Thomas, admitted 30 May, 1761, left 1762. (13) Wilson, Wil- liam, admitted 24 June, 1763, left 1766. (14) Wingfield, Thomas, admitted 30 Jan., 1761, left 1762. (15) Wogan, William, admitted 22 April, 1765, left 1765. (16) Wood, Sampson, admitted 2 Sept., 1762, left 1768. (17) Woodrofie, Skynner, ad- mitted 10 Feb., 1761, left 1766. (18) Worrall, Jonathan, admitted 14 Oct., 1762, left 1762. (19) Wotton, Richard, admitted

9 June, 1760, left 1761. (20) Young, Brooke, admitted 7 Sept., 1762, left 1766. (21) Young, Charles, admitted 8 July, 1754, left 1763. R. A. A.-L.

" SOCK." What is the origin or deriva- tion of this slang term, which is used either as a transitive verb, e.g., " to sock the Ger- mans," or as a noun substantive, e.g., " to

  • ive the Germans socks " ? In either case

he meaning is "to give the Germans a drubbing." Is it possible that the noun socks "=soccos, and that the literal mean- ng of the verb is "to kick," " to give the to " ? JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT.

[See 98. iv.539; v. 53, 97.]

PETER SMART. When and whom did he marry ? The ' Diet Nat. Biog.,' lii. 392, nly states that his wife's Christian name was Susanna. Is it possible to ascertain the exact date of his death ? The aforesaid authority is inclined to think that it " prob- ibly took place in 1652." G. F. R. B.

NAME MJLNKINHOLES. In the upper part f the valley of the Yorkshire Calder is a hillside village known by this name. I have traced it back in documents to the thirteenth century. The Whalley Ecclesiastical Act Book (Cheetham Society) mentions several persons between the years 1522 and 1536 bearing that name in slightly different forma,