Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/371

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11 8. XL MAY 8, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


TERRACE IN PICCADILLY. A London news paper of 2 April, 1815, had the following :

"Lord and Lady Byron will receh'e the world o fashion this spring at the house which was one occupied by Lord Yarmouth, and afterwards bj the Duchess of Devonshire, on the terrace it Piccadilly."

What constituted the terrace, and how long did it remain ?


Glendora, Hindhead, Surrey.

"MYRIORAMA." The ' N.E.D.,' under 1824 and 1832, defines this as a collection o many thousand landscapes, designed by Mr. Clark on sixteen oblong cards ; anc (from an American source) as

" a sort of landscape kaleidoscope invented by Bres

of Paris, and improved by Clark of London With

16 cards 20,922,789,888,000 changes may be made.'

Within the last few weeks a myriorama appeared in an auction catalogue in the West of England as follows :

"The Myriorama, consisting entirely of Italian scenery. The Myriorama is a movable Pic- ture, capable of forming an almost endless variety of Picturesque Scenery. The changes or variations which may be produced by the 24 cards amount to the almost incredible number of 620,448,401,733,239,439,360.000, the magnitude of which cannot be better illustrated than by the following illustrations."

(Then follow calculations involving even more imposing figures, based upon the time it would occupy all the inhabitants of the globe to effect one change every minute, night and day.) Is anything now known of the instrument or apparatus in question ? The description given seems to point to some printed pamphlet or such like which accom- panied the actual Myriorama, the name of which I do not recollect meeting with before.

W. B. H.

TOMB OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. In a book entitled ' A Doffed Coronet,' 1902, by the author of ' The Martyrdom of an Em- press,' is an account of an extraordinary tomb -chamber. The writer, it seems, is a Polish lady who was formerly an intimate friend of the late Empress of Austria, and she has just published another book.

The account says the tomb was accident- ally discovered by the writer and four friends. It is situated under the Mosque of Daniel, on Mount Soma in Alexandria. The tomb chamber is oval, lined and paved with rare coloured marbles, adorned with rich carvings, and lighted by antique lamps of yellow metal, suspended from the carved ceiling, and tall bronze candelabra. In the centre, on a pedestal, is the embalmed body of a young

man sumptuously arrayed, enclosed in a crystal casket. The visitors came to the conclusion that the body was that of Alex- ander the Great. I should be glad to know whether this is a true incident.

From history it appears that Alexander was embalmed in Babylon, and interred in a gold coffin under Mount Soma in Alexandria, and that Caligula replaced the gold coffin by one of crystal. Murray says that the common opinion in Alexandria is that Alexander's tomb is under the Mosque Nabi Daniel ('Guide to Egypt'). I have just received a coloured photograph from Alex- andria of this mosque, which is of a square form, rather lofty, of green and red material, with a richly ornamented coloured dome. Any further information about this (if true) extraordinary archaeological rarity would be welcome (see The Truth, Jerusalem, 10 July, 1914, No. 170). D. J. *

DERWENTWATER MEMORIAL. I should bf glad to know the history of the Derwent- water Memorial in the Park, Acton. I am told it was erected by the Countess of Derwentwater in the grounds of the mansion in Horn Lane, Acton, which was known as Derwentwater House, and removed to Acton Park in January, 1904. E. G. COCK.

The Vicarage, Winster, Windermere.

" IMMORIGERIS." At I Pet. iii, 20, Beza has " Olim immorigeris, quum semel exspectabat Dei lenitas in diebus Noe." This edition of Beza has no date ; but in another edition, bound with Tremellius and Junius's Latin version of the Bible, the reading is " Qui olim non obedierunt." What is the meaning of " immorigeris " ?


["Morigerus" though not classical is pretty good Latin for "obedieiit." "Immorigerus "will herefore easily mean "disobedient."]

" CLYST." There are several Devonshire >lace-names ending with the suffix " clyst," .g., Broadclyst, Narrowclyst, Hydonclyst, Honitonclyst, &c. What is the meaning of his term " clyst " ? B. PHILLIPS.


CREAM-COLOURED HORSES. The " cream- coloured " horses which on state occasions drag the Royal coach are well known, and are generally supposed to have figured first in 'oyal processions after the accession of the lanoverians. As the Duchy of Brunswick A^as in places coterminous with the kingdom >f Hanover, a confusion as to the source f this special breed may easily have arisen. .n any case one associates the horse as an