Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/389

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us. XL MAY 15, i9io.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

BOURN BRIDGE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE. For- merly there were two inns at Bourn Bridge on the London and Newmarket road, close by the spot where the road from Cambridge to Colchester crosses the London road. One inn was called " The White Hart," and was demolished at the end of the eighteenth century; the other, "The King's Arms," was demolished about the middle of the nine- teenth century. Both inns must have been well known in coaching days, especially " The King's Arms," where the London coach changed horses for the stage to Newmarket. At one time (1724), when, it is stated, the road was so bad near Bourn Bridge that it took three hours to cover a distance of three miles, many travellers, undoubtedly, were glad of the hospitality offered by these inns. Some of the Le Neve correspondence is dated from Bourn Bridge. I shall be glad to receive information of any kind about the Bourn Bridge inns. CATHERINE E. PARSONS.

Horseheath, Cambridgeshire.

THE KOMAN LEGION IN LIVY. Where does Livy write of the composition of the legion and its elastic nature, " that can be parted or joined at will " ?

G. L. DE ST. M. W.

[See Livy, ix. 19, in the comparison between the Macedonians and the Romans :

"Statarius uterque miles, prdines servans : sed ilia phalanx immobilis, et unius generis : Romana aeies distinctior, ex pluribus partibus constans ; facilis partienti, quacunque opus esset, facilis jungenti."

It may perhaps be noted that this is said not of the legio in itself, but of the acies, i.e., the battle- array. For the locus dassicus in Livy on the f ormation ' and fighting order of the legion see viii. 8.]


(1) England. I have lately heard more than one educated man call our country England, in lieu of the more usual Ingland. Is there warrant for this, or is it a mere vulgarism ?

(2) Pacifist. In the newspapers the word pacifist seems to be driving out the word pacificist. Surely the latter is more correct.


[(1) The pronunciation of England was discussed flJb 10 8. iii. 322, 393, 453, 492.]

YOUNGS OF AULDBAR. David Young, the Laird of Auldbar, was one of the Jacobite leaders who met the Earl of Mar at Aboyne in August, 1715. He seems to have escaped to France after the disastrous ending of the rising of that year (see Hist. MSS. Com., ' Calendar of Stuart Papers,' vol. ii. p. 224). His children by his wife, Marjory Fothering- ham, were David, Bobert, Anne, and Mar- garet. Anne, or Anna, born 8 Jan., 1710, (Aberlemno Parish Register), is said to have married in 1732 Daniel Stewart, and to have been the grandmother of Capt. Daniel Stewart of Scindia's service and H.M.'s 24th Dragoons (see US. viii. 388). The Aber- lemno Parish Marriage Register is blank from 1710 to 1745. ^

Can any of your readers verify this, or furnish any information as to the subsequent history of the Auldbar Youngs. C. S.

The University, Brisbane.

ARMS OF HUNGARY. One of the quarter- ings in the Hungarian royal shield is a two- headed eagle, both heads towards the sinister, with imperial crown above, and standing on what appears to be a closed book and a broken egg, with the motto, " Indi- ficieriter." I should be glad to have a correct description of this quartering, and to know what country in the Hungarian kingdom it represents ; also what the motto means and to what it alludes. J. A. ALBP.ECKT.

AUTHORS WANTED, and reference to works in which occur :

1. He summed the actions of the day Each night before he slept.

2. A parody commencing :

I never had a slice of bread With butter spread so fair and wide But on the floor 'twas sure to fall, And always on the buttered side.

3. Then from out his mouth he spat The phantom of a quid,

And from his ghostly 'bacca-box He lifted up the lid. Query Thackeray. P

KING OF POLAND, 1719. Who was the King of Poland in this year, and who was his ambassador or minister to the British Court at that time ? I should be very much obliged for the information.


[The king was Augustus II. (Frederick Augustus, Elector of Saxony), elected in 1697 after the death of John Sobieski. He was deprived of the kingdom in 1704, Stanislas Leszczynski being elected in his place ; but was enabled to return by the battle of Poltawa, 1709.]