Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/461

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a s. xi. JUNE 12, i9i5.] N OTES AND QUERIES.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

" LE ROY NE VEULT" : ' LE ROY S'AVISERA." In ' Divi Britannic!,' by Sir Winston Churchill, Kt., 1675, p. 20, is the following :

"'Tis true that each Law receives its form Ex traduce Parliament, that is (as our vulgar Statutes express it) by advice and consent of the Lords and Commons, who sit with the resemblance of so many Kings, but they find but the grosser substance, or the material part, 'tis the Royal Assent that Quickens and puts the Soul, Spirit, and Power into it. A Roy s'avisera, only much more A Roy ne veult< makes all their Conceptions abortive, when he pleases."

The form " Le Roy (or La Reyne) s'avisera " is well known. Was the denial of assent ever expressed by " Le Roy (or La Reyne) ne veult " ?

In Erskine May's ' Parliamentary Prac- tice,' eleventh edition, 1906, p. 513, we read : -

"The form of words used to express a denial of the royal assent would be ' Le roy s'avisera.' . . . This power was last exercised in 1707, when Queen Anne refused her assent to a bill for settling the militia in Scotland."

One can scarcely suppose that Sir Winston Churchill was in error, seeing that he sat in Parliament 1661-79, his book being pub- lished in 1675. ROBERT PIEBPOINT.

" THE ICE SAINTS." It would be interest- ing to ascertain whether there is any reference in English folk-lore to the Saints Mamert, Servais, and Pancrace, whose "Days" occur successively on 12, 13, and 14 May.

In the Netherlands they are called " The Ice Saints," "The Severe Lords," from the well-established belief that, no matter how genial preceding days may have been, their influence brings a fall in the temperature. The French say : " Sans froid ces Saints de glace ne passsnt jamais."


71 Loraine Mansions, N.

BOUCHER FAMILY OF SOMERSET. I should be grateful for any genealogical information relating to the Boucher family of Somerset, and more particularly to the branch of the family which was settled at Yeovil from the middle of the sixteenth century or earlier. I am especially anxious to ascertain the name of the wife, and evidence of the marriage, of John Boucher, who had a child

John, baptized at Yeovil on 17 Nov., 1754. I have extracted all the entries relating to this family from the Yeovil Parish Registers, and have a considerable amount of evidence gleaned from wills and other sources. I shall be pleased to communicate with any one interested in this family and to supply any information in my power. Other variants of the name are Boocher, Bocher, Bowscher, Bucher, x Bourchier, &c. Some members of the family spelt the name Butcher. H. TAPLEY-SOPER.

City Library, Exeter.

GHOSTWICK (? CHOSTWICK, THOSTWICK). Wanted, information regarding the " Right Worshipful Sir Edward Ghostwick [possibly Chostwick or Thostwickl, Kt." Three baptismal entries (1612-6-8), and servant's burial (1616), recorded in the registers of Norton Church, Herts. No trace, otherwise, of connexion with Norton or Herts.


Hitch in.

PALMER AS HAMLET. Can any one tell me where this portrait, by James Lonsdale, now is ? It was exhibited in the Royal Academy in 1818.



FLEMISH IMMIGRANTS. I shall be obliged to any reader who can tell me where I can see lists of the names of those Flemish weavers who came to England prior to 1750.

G. T. S.

OLD ENGLISH RING. In Mr. Jewitt's book on HaddonHall there is an engraving of a fifteenth - century finger - ring, bearing the inscription " de boen cuer," in old English letters, round the hoop, and a figure of St. John the Baptist with the Lamb en- graved upon the bezel. Is it known where this ring is now ? I have ascertained that it is not, as has been stated, either at Haddon Hall or in the possession of the Duke of Rutland. P. W.

TRACY. Who were the parents and grand- parents of Dorothy Tracy ? She married first Edward Braye, and secondly Sir Edward Conway, first Viscount Conway, who died 1630. KATHLEEN WARD.

FERRERS OF TAMWORTH CASTLE, c. 1628. Will somebody be so kind as to tell me what is the royal descent in the person of Sir Humphrey Ferrers of Tarn worth Castle, circa 1628 ? R- USSHER.

Westbury Vicarage, Brackley, Northants.