Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/464

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [ii s. xi. JUNK 12. wie.

son 's a daughter, produced Strand theatre 15 Sept. 1862 ; stage manager for Fanny Joseph at Holborn theatre 13 April 1868; at the Globe acted in Craven's Philomel 10 Feb. 1870; went to America with Charles Wyndhanrfs company in 1873; con- nected with the management of A. M. Palmer's Union square theatre, New York 1873 to death. d. New York 17 Feb. 1885. bnr. Evergreen cemetery. 'Entr'acte Annual' (1882) 58 portrait ; Scott and Howard's 'E. L. Blanchard' (1891) 105,

P. J. ANDERSON. University Library, Aberdeen.

"ALTER" IN A LATIN EPITAPH. The epitaph given below is on an altar- tomb in Croft Church, Yorkshire. Clervaux Castle (now the property of the Chaytor family) is in the parish. Will any one of your readers give me his view (not of the conspicuous false quantities, but). of the force of "alter" in the last line ? My eminent friend the late Prof. Evans of Durham, who was with me when I copied it many years ago, considered " alter " as implying " opposed to." His Greek-loving mind made it, no doubt, equivalent to e'repos- " alius ?; rather than " alter."' There does not appear, how- ever, to be any other possible interpreta- tion, and perhaps it finds some support from Horace, ' Odes," IV. x. 6.

Clervaux Ricardus jacet hie sub marmore clausus

Crofte quondam Dqininus, huic miserere Deus. Armiger Henrici Regis et pro Corpore Sexti

Quern Deus excelsi duxit ad astra poli. Sanguinis Edvardi quarti, ternique Ricardi,

Gradibus in ternis alter utrique fuit.

S. R. C.


CHESAPEAKE AND SHANNON. When on 1 June, 1813, the Chesapeake came out of Boston Bay to fight the Shannon, the band on board ^ was playing ' Yankee Doodle Dandy, O,' and a song was afterwards written about Capt. P. V. Broke, who commanded the Shannon, the first verse of which was something like this : Brave Broke he drew his sword, Crying, "Come on, my lads, let's board, And we 11 soon stop their playing Yankee Doodle Dandy, 0.'"

Where can I find the words of this song ? It used to be sung in the Navy years ago.

HARRY^ B. POLAND. Inner Temple.

ADAM GORDON OF DOWNING STREET. Who was this Government official ? He was the godson of Lord Adam Gordon, who told Dundas, 1 July, 1791 (P.R.O. ; H.O. 102, 4) :

" He is an orphan, and has the heart and behaviour of a gentleman, and since the death of his worthy father, who lost a handsome fortune

for his loyalty in America, he has been my eleve

Lord Hawkesbury and Mr. [Evan] Nepean both befriended him, and Lord Grenville appointed him just before he left the Home Department."

I think he was the Adam Gordon, " late of the Colonial Office," who died in April, 1841 in Manchester Square, aged 71, and

who married a certain Amelia, , (died in

York Street, Portman Square, 15 Feb., 1845.) J. M. BULLOCH.

123, Pall Mall, S.W.

THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE EMPEROR CHARLES V. In Robertson's ' Charles V.,' and in Stirling-Maxwell's ' Cloister Life of Charles V.,' and in many works of the six- teenth century, statements are to be found to the effect that the Emperor committed to writing some of the memorable events of his career. His Majesty's private secre- tary, Van Male, wrote on 17 July, 1550, to his friend Baron de Praet :

" The Emperor, during his journey up the Rhine from Mayence, having nothing to do, has written an account of all that has befallen him from the

year 1515 to the present day The manuscript is

written with great vigour of mind and power of language. I did not think the Emperor was gifted with so much talent."

This manuscript was not found after the Emperor's death, and it was suspected that Philip II. was responsible for its destruction. Stirling -Maxwell, however, suggested that it might still be " buried in some forgotten hoard of Spanish historic lore." Was the MS. ever found, and has it been published? I have a. copy of the following book :

" The Autobiography of the Emperor Charles V., recently discovered in the Portuguese Language by Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove. The English Translation by Leonard Francis Simpson, M.R.S.L." Longmans, 1862.

This, however, purports to be translated from a French original, and Baron de Letten- hove says :

" We have not had the good fortune to disinter the actual text of the Commentaries of the cele- brated Emperor. We have simply discovered a translation in the Portuguese language."

Can the volume of 1862 be looked upon as an authentic version of the Emperor's ' Commentaries ' ? WM. H. PEET.

EPIGRAM ON THOMAS HEARNE. On the margin of an engraved portrait of him by Vertue is written :

Pox on't says Time to Thomas Hearne

Whatever I forget you learn !

Says Hearne to Time in furious pet

Whate'er 1 learn you soon forget. Is this epigram to be found in print ?