Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/520

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915,

" Duck's storm," origin of the phrase, 188, 254, 370 Dufferin (F. T., Marquis of), his ' Letters from

High Latitudes,' 88, 135 Duignan (W. H.) bibliography of his works, 373,


Dunfern (Sir John), " in the immortal story," 69 Duppa (Brian), and Duppa's Hill, Croydon, 299,

349 ; his foreign mission, temp. Charles I., 299,


Dupuis, French violinist, 340, 389, 442 Duston or Durston, Northants, the living in 1641,


East Anglia, families of, 9, 72

Easter eggs, origin of, 320, 382

Easter hare, Leicestershire custom, 320, 407

Easter, observances in Russia, 277, 440, 498

Easton Maudit, iamily portraits at, 63, 186 ;

furniture at, described in inventory, 186 Ecclesiastical archives, the custody of, 359, 436,

501 Ecclesiastical letter, Scottish, to James I., 1614,

129 Eccleston (Daniel) and pamphlet on ' The Children

of Israel,' 1813, 190, 238, 325 ' Echoes from the Classics,' an error, 27 Edgehill, the battle of, standard-bearer at, 334 Edward V., an incident in the life of, 221 ' Edwin Drood,' Miss Twinkleton's parting speech,

Egg, Easter eggs, origin of, 320, 382

Egypt, letters from an army officer, 1801, 334

Eisteddfod, revived about 1788, 334

Elizabeth (Queen) and a well in Surrey, 334

Elbee family, arms of, 108, 213

Eleanor of Provence (Queen) and fine remitted,


Electro-plating, discoverers of, 297, 365, 459 Ellerman (C. F.), c. 1854, author, 452 Elliott and Parker families, 229 Ellison (Capt. Lieut. Thomas), Royal Reg.

Artillery, 151 Ellops (or elops) and scorpion, Milton's use of the

words, 150, 212

Elton (Edward), his book on the Ten Command- ments, 1624, 334 " Embuss " and " debuss," words used in war,

1914, 246

Emerson (R. W.), quotation from essay of, 190 Emigrants, Highland transatlantic, list of, 417 England and France quarterly, .50, 74, 96, 138, 177,

232 England, incivility upon the read, 334; population

in 1705, 334

England, pronunciation of the word, 379 English, expressions of the 20th century, 450 English prisoners in France in 1811, 66, 116 English records in Aleppo, 101, 249, 408 Engraving, pictures reversed on the plate, 217,

258, 328

" Ephesians," Shakespearian term, 32 Epigram : Pox on't,says Time to Thomas Hearne,

454 " Episcopalian " or " Church of England," 28

Epitaphs :

Beneath lie mould'ring into Dust, 490 Billited by Death, I quartered here remain,

490 Clervaux Ricardus jacet hie sub marmore

clausus, 454

Epitaphs :

Death, that fell Kite, on Betty Pidgeon

pounc'd, 168 Epitaphium cujusdam de numero anno rum

ejus, 334

Here under lyeth a man of fame, 137 Learne so to live by faith, as I have liv'd

before, 334 Presbiter hie verus Huswyf jacet ecce

Rogerus, 334

Esquire, title used by a clergyman, 1681, 334 Essex (Earl of), account of attack by, 1596, 293 Etonians, Old, 9, 29, 56, 69, 110, 151, 154, 169,

229, 235, 267, 452 Euodias, the sex of, 58 Euripides, his ' Iphigenia,' Lord Raglan and,


Everett family, arms of, 28 Ewell, Surrey, the tithes in 1621, 335 Exanthe, Exhantus=the River Xanthus, 1633,

46, 67, 94 Ezra (Ibn) and the Marquis of Montrose, 128

Farthing stamps, c. 1880, 34, 93, 134, 176 Farquhar (G.), " Scrub " in his ' The Beaux

Stratagem,' 149

Fat, human, as a medicine, 35, 438 Fauquier (H. T.), Royal Reg. Artillery, d. 1840,

151, 215, 271, 367 Faw^cett (Christopher), Recorder of Newcastle,

his parentage, 380, 421 Fawcett (Rev. Joseph) of Walthamstow, 208,


Feld or Field families of Yorkshire, 434 Felix (Don), character in an old play, 320, 40 9 1 Ferrers (Sir Humphrey), Tamworth Castle,

c. 1628, 451

" Fi-fi," name for grotesque figure of a cat, 249 Fiction, detectives in, 11 Fiction, Irish, a ' Guide to,' 47, 68, 89, 107, 129,


Field, Day, Sumner, and Whitton families, 150 Field or Feld families of Yorkshire, 434 Fielding (Henry), geography of ' Tom Jones,' 12,

56, 60 ; and Sarah Andrew, 1725, 301 Fife, called the " Kingdom " of, 11 ' Fight at Dame Europa's School,' pamphlet,

1871, 93

Film-producing companies, American, 321 Filtering stones brought from Barbados, 229,


" Fingers " of the clock, 188, 255 Fire and new-birth of seeds, 12 Fitzgerald (P.) on Dr. Johnson and Hannah More,

188, 235 Fitzroy (George), Duke of Northumberland, and

his duchess, 134

Flabellum called " culebath," 189 Flags : use of the white flag, 1444, 147 ; Red

Cross flag, the right to use, 148, 191 ; French,

and the Trinitarian Order, 167, 235 ; of the

Knights of Malta, 359, 439, 481 " Flash " of the uniform of the Welsh Fusiliers, 324 Flemish immigrants, names of, before 1750,

451 Flynn (Lieut. C.), Royal Reg. Artillery, d. 1781,


Flynn family, Irish, the descent of, 305 Foley (Lord) and the first Earl of Mansfield, 399