SUBJECT IND lliX. Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915.
Woodcock (Justice), character in an old play,
320, 409 Woodhouse (James), shoemaker and poet, c.
1750, 89, 137, 173 Woods (John), engraver, his views in London, 1838,
Wool, black, a cure for deafness, 247, 328 Woolmer or Wolmer family, 208, 269, 349 " Woolpack," tavern sign, Banstead, 399 Words, transposition of, in metrical verse, 415 Wordsworth (W.), his influence on Shelley, 83 ;
his ' The Happy Warrior,' 162 ; on the ideal
woman, 358
Wrestling " in oyled skynne," 1620, 48 Wright family of Essex, 189, 256 Wyatt (Sir Dudley), c. 1647, his career, 29
Xanthus, Exanthe, Exhantus, the river, 46, 67 r
Young (Brooke), Etonian, 1762, 267, 410
Ypres and Albuera, a comparison of the battles,
Zanzig (husband and wife), their performances,
249, 304, 367, 409, 481