Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/535

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1915. AUTHORS' INDEX.


Gordon Highlanders, 300. Raeburn's portrait

of the fourth Duke of Gordon, 321. Bolls of

Honour, 127

Burd (Henry A.) on " Scots "=" Scotch," 306 Burnett (J. G.) on professors at Debitzen, 1756,

32 Buxton (Rev. J. Frank) on Corpus Christi in

England : post-Reformation, 430 Byron- Webber (R.) on ' Tale of a Tub,' 251

C. on Butlers in parish registers, Bucks and Oxon, 382. Chantries, 322. Foxtone (Master John), 474

C. (A. C.) on " All 's fair in love and war," 198. Alphabet of stray notes, 369. Cockburn, 258. Easter hare, 320. " Fingers " of the clock, 255. " Inchalffe hesper," 327. Necessary nick- names, 405. " Peace with honour," 209 C. (E. E.) on goats with cattle, 500 C. (F. H.) on bumblepuppy, 342. " Fingers " of the clock, 256. Floating ironclad batteries, 482. Necessary nicknames, 320 C. (H.) on College hall-book of 1401-2, 393, 415,

426. Incident in the life of Edward V., 221 C. ( J. A.) on Canadian medal, 341. Duck's storm :

goose's storm, 370

C. (J. D.) on George IV.'s natural children, 16 C. (L. A.) on St. Giles's Church, Oxford, 381 C. (Leo) on Acton-Burnell, Shropshire : Garbett family, 287. Author wanted, 31. Beszant family, 11. Browne and Angell families, 172. Elbee family, 213. Extraordinary births, 27. Heraldic : foreign arms, 194. Ichabod as an exclamation, 110. McGowan (John), pub- lisher, 58. Marsack, 115. " Poiss on de Jonas," 189. Ravis (Thomas), Bishop of London, 255. Retrospective heraldry, 77, 236. Sherborne, Shireburn, &c. : place-names, 131. Wakefleld (Edward Gibbon), 115 C. (P.) on Dutch prayer-book, 452 C. (R.) on Red Cross flag, 148 C. (S. D.) on heraldic : Boteler arms, 496 C. (S. R.) on " alter " in a Latin epitaph, 454. Author of quotation wanted, 135. Digby's (Sir Everard) letters, 59. Fawcett, Recorder of Newcastle, 421. " Forwhy," 35. " Magna est veritas et- (?)," 34. " Poisson de Jonas," 285. "Scots "=" Scotch," 108. Sex of Euodias, 58. " Wangle," 135. " Wick," 388 C. (W. A.) on Good Friday in Cambridge, 381 C. (W. M.) on photograph of Dickens, 211 Cahill (Miss M.) on letters sought : Scottish ecclesi- astical affairs, 129

Castro (J. Paul de) on Fielding's ' Tom Jones ' : its geography, 56. Portrait of Miss Sarah Andrew as Sophia Western, 301. Robinson (Luke), M.P., 55. Williamson (Rev. Dr. John), F.R.S., 251 Cavenagh (F. A.) on Dufferin : ' Letters from

High Latitudes,' 88 Ch. (A.) on Nancy Dawson, 400 Childe-Pemberton (William S.) on Frederick

Hervey, Bishop of Derry, 48 Chippindall (Col. W. H.) on Harrison = Green, 108,


Chislett (W.), Jun., on Thackeray's Latin, 298 Clarke (A. W. H.) on Brian Duppa, 349 Clarke (Cecil) on author wanted, 13, 306, 401. ' Dramatist ; or, Memoirs of the Stage,' &c., 146. Old tree in Park Lane, 228, 289. Punctuation :

its importance, 178. Vanishing City landmarks,. 490. Woolmer or Wolmer family, 269

Clarke (R. S.) on Sir John Moore and the Gordon Highlanders, 390

Clements (H. J. B.) on heraldic : Boteler arms, 496.. Oxfordshire landed gentry, 346

Clippingdale (Dr. S. D.) on English prisoners in. France in 1811, 116

Clow (H. Austin) on Terrace in Piccadilly, 437

Cochrane (Blair) on silver cakestand, 171

Cock (E. G.) on Dr. Benamor, 189. Derwent- water memorial, 361. Shewell, 169. Smith (Edward Tyrrel), actor, 281

Colby (Elbridge) on bibliography of Thomas Holcroft, 4, 43, 84, 123, 164, 203, 244

Coleridge (Stephen) on author wanted, 340

Coolidge (W. A. B.) on courtesy titles, 250. Fitzroy (George), Duke of Northumberland,. 134. Names of novels wanted, 130. Term " Varappe"e," 134

Cope (Mrs. E. E.) on heraldry of Lichfield Cathedral, 12. Puleston (Allen), 437

Corfield (Wilmot) on banner of Sir Philip Francis,. 317. Calcutta statues and memorials, 450. D'Oyley's Warehouse, 1855, 478. Farthing Victorian stamps, 176. London homes of Impey and Hastings, 394. Reversed engrav- ings, 258

Corio (Silvio) on alleged survival of ancient Pelasgic, 109

Corney (B. Glanvill) on women serving as men on board ship, 398

Cotterell (Howard H.), F.R.Hist.S., on Acton- Burnell, Shropshire, 209. Electro-plating and its discoverers, 365. Printers' work, 368

Court (W. del) on Guilielmo Davidsone, 192.. " Scummer," 460

Courtauld (G.), Jun., on " to " with ellipsis of the infinitive, 418

Crane (H. E.) on origin of ' Omne Bene,' 280, 477

Crawford (O. G. S.) on perambulations of the Hampshire forests, 281

Crooke (W.) on Mrs. Meer Hassan AH : ' Ob- servations on the Mussulmauns of India,' 150.- Archer family, 471

Cross-Crosslet on Henley family, 218

Cross Fleary on Sherren : Sherwyn, 250

Cubbon (W.) on families of Kay and Key, 176

Cummings (C. L.) on epitaphiana : Longnor churchyard, 490. Fawcett, Recorder of New- castle, 422. " Quiet Woman " : " The Honest Lawyer," 338

Cummings (Dr. W. H.) on Nathaniel Cooke, 53, Our National Anthem, 114, 307

Curiosus II. on custody of ecclesiastical archives, 501. Savery family of Devonshire, 196

Curry (J. T.) on " Conturbabantur Constantmo-

Cu?tis t^i F.S.A., on notary, 264, 339. Stoke Poges Church : picture, 494

D. (A. H. C.) on Poseidon and Athene, 377

D. (G.) on Jonathan Forbes and \\hiterill,. Shakespearian critics, 49

D. (T. F.) on Albuera and Ypres, 265. An- struther, Fife : Scott of Balcomie, 288. Duf- ferin : ' Letters from High Latitudes, 135, Great Harry, 159. Kingdom of Fife, 11.. Starlings taught to speak, 154

Daleth on Zanzigs, 249