Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/126

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. vm. AUG. 9, 1913.

Scotland,' 2 vols., folio, 1813, 21. 5s. ; and Ed- wards's ' Modern Scottish Poets,' 16 vols., 21. 2s. There are some old acts for levying at Dundee two pennies Scots on every pint of ale, 1731 ; Edinburgh, the same, 1717. There certainly should not be a house without a copy of Mac- aulay's ' England ' : Mr. Macphail offers a copy of what we like best of all, the edition in 8 vols., crown octavo, for 8s. Qd. We gave four times that for ours, and would give double the amount rather than miss it from our shelves.

MESSRS. MAGGS & Co. send us their Catalogue 811, being Part I. (A L) of their series of ' Old- Time Literature.' They have an interesting collection here of incunabula, and in particular from Venice : Vindelin de Spira's Curtius (c. 1471), 24Z. ; Jensen's Valla (' De Linguae Latinse Ele- gantia ; et de ego, mei, tui et sui '), 1471, 42Z. ; and an ' Imitatio Christi ' by an unknown Venetian printer, formerly in the Amherst library

a rare edition not represented either in the

Bodleian or the British Museum, c. 1480, 21Z. Among other Italian incunabula we noticed the Florentine ' Convivio,' printed by Bonaccorai, 1490, 18Z. 18s. ; while from northern presses we liave Amerbach's St. Augustine (' De Trinitate ' and ' De Civitate Dei'), printed at Basle, 1489, 10Z. 10s. ; Ulrich Zell's edition of Leonardus de Utino's ' Sermones de Sanctis,' with pen initials in red and blue and the original binding (Cologne, 1473), 34Z. ; and Zainer's ' De Adhaerendo Vero Deo,' by Albertus Magnus, Ulm, 1474, 11Z. 11s. But the best things in this Catalogue are the two great Bibles : a first edition of Coverdale the " Bug " and " Treacle " Bible for which 275Z. is asked, and, yet better perhaps, the ' Complu- tensian Polyglot,' a complete copy, which includes 'the six-leaved sheet bearing the Greek preface to St. Paul's Epistles, 1514-17, 115Z. Good, -even though of minor interest, are also Matthew's Bible 1549, 45Z. ; a first edition of the Low German version of Luther's Bible, 1533, 52Z. 10s.; and the second folio edition of the French Bible, printed by Lempereur, 1534, 221. 10s.

In the way of chronicles we have the first "black-letter Arnold, ending with the death of Prince Arthur (1502), printed at Antwerp, 88Z. 10s.; Wynkyn de Worde's * Cronycles of Englonde ' the 1528 edition 28Z. ; and an attractive Frois- sart, 1530, Paris, Jehan Petit, 12Z. 12s. Worth

notice is Florio's ' Second Frutes to which is

Annexed his Gardine of Recreation, a small 4to " printed for Thomas Woodcock, dwelling at the Black-beare, 1591," which, in the sonnet 'Phaeton -to his Friend Florio,' is supposed by some to contain an unrecognized sonnet of Shakespeare s, 281. Pine's Horace the first issue, which has the error on the medal of Caesar engraved throughout, bound in the contemporary dark-blue morocco, 1733, is an attractive item for which 151. 15s. is asked. Braithwaite's ' The Honest Ghost,' with the second part entitled ' An Age tor Apes,' a first edition having both of Vaughan s engravings, is offered for 42Z. 10s. Among first editions of poets we noticed Collins's ' Odes }j 1747, 14?. 14s. ; Goldsmith's ' Good-natured Man '/the rare first issue), 1768, 18Z. 18s. ; and John- son's ' Lives of the Poets,' 1781, 9Z. 9s. And a word must be said about a copy of the first Greek and Latin Lexicon, made by Joannes Crastonus, and printed at Milan c. 1480, which is here to be liad for 12Z. 12s.

MESSRS. MYERS & Co. send two Catalogues, Nos. 193-4. The former contains a small collec- tion of Shakespeariana. A'Beckett's ' Comic History of England,' 2 vols., half calf, is 31. 15s., and his ' Rome ' 4Z. 4s., both being first editions. Under Beaconsfield Souvenirs are some purchases at the Hughenden sale. Under Binding are some choice specimens. Coloured Plates include some Japanese examples. Under Cruikshank will be found Ainsworth's Magazine, 17 vols., 1842-50, 4Z. 10s. ; and a fine copy of the first edition of ' The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman,' Bogue, 1851, 21. 2s. Under Decoration is Audsley's ' Practical Decorator,' folio, 21. 10s. There is an extra-illustrated copy of the edition of Hogarth by Sala, 70 additional plates, 1866, 4Z. 4s. Works under Napoleon include a pre- sentation copy of Verestchagin's ' Napoleon in Russia,' imperial folio, 5Z. Under Sue is a uniform set of his works, 20 vols., 1900, 9Z. 10s.

Messrs. Myers's Catalogue 194 contains portraits, naval, military, political, and literary ; also portraits of ladies. In addition there are political caricatures, views in Rome by Piranesi, French engravings, Arundel Society's chromo- lithographs, and a few original drawings and oil paintings.

MESSRS. JAMES RIMELL & SON'S Catalogue 233 is devoted to the Fine Arts. There are nearly thirteen hundred items ; we can quote only a few to give an idea of the contents. The Works of Robert and James Adam, 2 vols. in 1, imp. folio, printed for the authors, 1778-9, are 19Z. 19s. ; Bloome's ' Five Columns of Archi- tecture,' black-letter, 1601, 6Z. 10s.; and the Works of Blake, Qma-itch, 1893, 3 vols., 5Z. 5s. The first edition of Burgmair's ' Le Triomphe de 1'Empereur Maximilien I.,' royal folio, 1796, is 10Z. 10s. A note states: "These wonderful series of engravings were made early in the six- teenth century, but for some reason were laid aside unused until 1796." Among scarce works is ' Temple of Taste,' comprising historical engrav- ings, also views of the principal buildings in London, 4to, original boards, uncut, 1795, 10Z. 10s.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings. Chancery Lane, E.C.

ON receiving W. G. D. F.'s address, O. S. T. offers to send him the names of 55 of the 123 persons who died in the Black Hole from the pamphlet by Holwell.

F. A. J. Mr. SYDNEY HERBERT suggests that information miejht be obtained from Mrs. Burns, 7, Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham.

X. Y. Z. Many thanks. The "skit" appeared jn full in our columns at 7 S. ix. 11.

L. E. MORIARTY. Forwarded.