Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/422

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s.vm. NOV. 22,1913.

have a record of a fourth edition at 5s. (Tinsley), 1862, and 1864 (fifth edition) ; a sixth edition at 2s. ("Railway Library"), Routledge, 1867 ; an edition with the im- print ' ; London, Daily Telegraph, E.G.," no date ; another, by Routledge, in January, 1894 (" Hearth and Home Library ") ; and the one in the " Half -forgotten Series," Routledge. 1903, with Introduction by E. A. Baker, M.A. (not G. A. Baker). All, except the last, appear to give the sub- title of " or, Thorough." The book was also translated into French ; and an American edition was published by Button of New York, at $1, in 1903. It is spoken of as being "a deification of strength and of very questionable morality " in the ' D.IST.B.'


This book was first published in 1857 as ' Guy Livingstone ; or. Thorough.' Al- though the 'D.N.B.' does not mention the fact, Lawrence spent one term (the first of 1838) at Harrow School in Mrs. Leith's house. He did not enter at Rugby until August, 1841. Both his father and his uncle were old Harrovians.


My memory is that the title-page ran ' Guy Livingstone ; or, Thorough,' and ] am justified by 'The English Catalogue. The book was published anonymously in 1857 by Parker & Son of the West Strand ; the price being 9s. ' Sword and Gown, ' Barren Honour,' and other works by the same author (George Alfred Lawrence 1827-76) were all issued anonymously, I think. WM. H. PEET.

[G. F. R. B., Miss G. DE C. FOLKARD, and MR CECIL A. FRANKLIN also thanked for replies.]

TARRING (US. viii. 368). A Miss Sarah Tarring keeps a small grocery store at Holberton, and Alfred Tarring has a baker's shop in Totnes. HARRY HEMS.

Fair Park, Exeter.

GALIARBUS, DUKE OF ARABIA (11 S. viii. 347). There is a transcript of ' Common Conditions ' in the Bodleian Library.


COACHING TOKENS (11 S. vi. 50, 133). In ' Stage-Coach and Mail in Days of Yore,' by Mr. Charles G. Harper, London, 1903, vol. i. p. 174, is the statement that, in 1797,

" three mail-coach halfpennies were struck by some now unknown admirer [of John Palmer]. They bear on the obverse a mail-coach, and on the reverse an inscription to him ' as a token of gratitude for benefits received ' from his system " ;

bp. of t

' One of three mail-coach halfpennies struck at Bath, 1797." At the second reference in N. & Q.' a correspondent described illustra- ions which had appeared in a serial in 1905, depicting three " mail-coach halfpennies," me of them bearing the date 1797, the other

wo undated. As I understand all these

somewhat scarce tokens were, in fact, ssued about the same time, I should be grateful for knowledge as to the implied greater rarity of any bearing the date 1797, as compared with those which give no year.

W. B. H.

POWLETT : SMITH OR SMYTH (11 S. viii. 68, 133, 255). Joseph Smith of Corley in Warwickshire had the following family by tiis wife Judith, sister of Rev. Dr. John Burton, Rector of Crux-Easton and Head Master of Winchester College :

1. John Smyth, M.D. of New Coll... Oxon ; married twice ; left a son and three daugh- ters ; died at Chipping-Norton, 2 Sept., 1792 ; will proved P.C.C. (583 Fountain) ; his widow Ann died in November, 1792.

2. Joseph, baptized at Corley 13 Dec.. 1710; was of Whittlebury, Northants ; had two sons, Henry, and Rev. Charles John Smyth, who died 1827.

3. George, baptized 11 April, 1716; M.A. of New Coll., Oxon; Proctor 1751; vivens 1773.

4. Rev. Richard Smyth, M.A. of Xew Coll.. Oxon; born in 1720; Rector of Myddle, Salop. See p. 255 for particulars of his two marriages, his issue, &c.

5. Simon, baptized 20 Nov., 1725.

6. Judith, baptized 26 Dec., 1712 ; mar- ried at Yelvertoft, 11 Nov., 1740, Rev. John Watkin, Rector of Yelvertoft, Northants, who died 30 July, 1772, aged 72 ; she died 6 April, 1772, aged 60 (M.I.), having had issue a son, Rev. John Burton Watkin (b. 1745, d. 1822), and six daughters.

7. Elizabeth, baptized 16 Dec., 1714; married Mr. Taylor.

8. Katherine, baptized 28 Dec., 1721 ; married Mr. Carramole.

The sons of Joseph Smith changed the spelling of their name to Smyth.

G. R. B.

GLASGOW CROSS AND DEFOE'S 'TOUR' (US. viii. 349). My copy of Defoe's ' Tour ' is of the sixth edition. It is described as " with very great additions, improvements, and corrections, w h bring it down to the year 1761," the date on the imprint. It includes the words in which MR. W. G. BLACK is interested : "In the centre stands the