Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/534

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 24, 1914.

Gangapatra, Indian plant, 369

Garibaldi, veteran who fought with, 1860, 15 ;

magazine articles on the time of, 368 Garnett (Henry), Jesuit, c. 1664, 507 Garnett, Neville-Rolfe, and Brooksbank families,


Gas, theatre lit by, 1821, 10, 96, 153, 227 " Gas " as a street-name, 290, 337, 356, 378, 418,


Gaskell (Mrs.), her ' The Half-Brothers,' 247 Gay (John), bibliography of, 241 Gentlemen Pensioners of Royal Household, 310 George I., his German and Hanoverian com- panions, 178

Ghost of a witch at Stoke Dry, 85 Ghost stories and legends, 389, 453 Giffard or Gyffard family of Bures, c. 1250, 169 Gilbert (Sir Humphrey), his last words, 445 Gilbert (Sir John), J. F. Smith, and ' The London

Journal,' 121, 142 Gisalbertus (Andreas), name in old violin, 409, 454,


Gladstoniana : ' Glynnese Glossary,' 146 Glamorgan (De) family of Isle of Wight, c. 1248,


Glasgow Cross and Defoe's ' Tour,' 349, 416, 492 Glasgow men as Papal Zouaves, 1867, 50 Glass, " seen through glass " in legal evidence,

230, 252, 294, 331, 380

Gloucester, College (or King's) School, 85, 433 Gloves, scarlet, worn by Tractarians, 509 ' Glynnese Glossary,' Gladstone's copy, 146 Godiva and horse-toll, 328 Goldsmith (O.), his ' Deserted Village,' 26, 135 ;

his allusiqn to " twelve good rules," 54 Goodameavy House, South Devon, 290 Goodyere (Sir H.), of Warwickshire, 109 Gordon (Col.) in ' Baraaby Budge,' his identity,


Gordon (Lieut. Loudoun H.), d. 1839, 410 Gordon of Park, a Hu igarian noble, 486 Gore family of Weimar, 215 Governors, Colonial, style of address to, 329,

377, 512

Gozzoli fresco, Florence, the Magi in the, 130 Grace before meat, rime, 126 Graduation and matriculation at the Universities,

33 Graham (A. M.), his ' Fudge in Ireland,' 1822,

329, 376 Graham (W.) his conversations with Jane Cler-

mont, 228, 249 Grammar, possessive case, 25, 91, 135, 153, 174,


" Grass widow," etymology of the term, 209 Grave;, trees growing from, 425, 494 Graves, British, in the Crimea, 209, 274 Gray (Jacobus) of Brown's ' Horae Subsecivae,' 227 Great Chart, church and village, Kent, 232, 292 Great Eastern launched 1857-8, 506 Greek typography, changes of type, 429, 517 Green (J. R.), queries from his ' Short History,'

15, 97

Greene (Thomas), cousin of Shakespeare, 70 Grew (Dr. Nehemiah), botanical anatomist,

d. 1711, 248

Grey (R.), of Withyham, c. 1569, 488 Grillion's Club, its history, 30, 57, 495 Groom of the Stole, Court official, 466, 515 Grosyenor Chapel, reopened 1913, 507 " Guide or botherby," reference to, 369 Guild of Knights, temp. King Edgar, 448 Guildhall, curious explanation of the name, 287

' Gulliver's Travels,' line engraving, 190

Guns, distance their roar is heard, 269, 310, r 320.

376, 517

Guy (Admiral John), of Greenwich, 309 ' Guy Livingstone,' its sub-title, 370, 415 ;


Hall family, friends of Straffprd, 409

Halley and Cawthorne families, 305

Hals (Franz), his picture ' The Laughing Cavalier,*

189, 318

Halsall family, 147

" Halydaye," meaning of the word, 426, 478 Hamilton family of Blackhole, Scotland, 90, 310 Hamilton (James), traveller, c. 1856, 88 Hamilton (Lady), her grave at Calais, 188, 276,.

356, 450

Hamlett, profile artist, Bath, c. 1790, 350 Hands, clasped, on Jewish tombstones, 14, 95,.

154, 217, 273

Hardy (Thomas), a coincidence in Ms novels, 481 Hares, superstitions concerning, 346 Harleston (Sir John), his imprisonment, c. 1393,.


Harlow (George H.), his parents, 168 Harvest custom of Alsace and Lorraine, 130, 178 Harvey ( W.), R.N., c. 1790, 47 Hat thrown into a house, meaning of, 288, 336,.


Hatfield charter, temp. Edward III., 126 Havilland (Christopher), 1512-89, his ancestry, 384 Hawes family of Solihull, 147 Haymarket Theatre, performances c. 1876-8 r

370, 436 Hayter (Sir G.), his picture ' The Peris of the

North,' 189

" He," in game of " touch," 34, 115 Heart-burial in niches in church walls, 289, 336,.

352, 391, 432, 493

Heavens, three, from funeral sermon, 1657, 212 Hebrew or Arabic proverb, 30, 115, 136, 215,

257 Heine, his " Convictions can build cathedrals,"

4< '7 ; translation of ' Pilgrimage to Kevlaar,' 410,


Hele family of South Molton, 129 Helmets over memorial tablets, 289 Helmont (F. M. van), the younger, " Fahnen-

schwingen," and Lambourn, 54 Hemans (Mrs.) and "the distinguished linguist/'

88, 132

Heminge family of Warwickshire, 109 " Hen and Chickens," old sign, c. Iti52, 307


Argent, a chev. embattled az., 33

Argent, a cross ragulee gules, 269

Argent, a fesse gules between six Cornish choughs proper, 108

Argent, a less? sable between four hands- dexter, 370, 470

Argent, a lion rampant sable, 115

Argent, a saltire gules charged with another saltire, 232, 278

Argant and gules, in the first quarter an escal- lop, 443

Crossed batons or bourdons upon a saltire* 232, 278

Fane and Vane families, 273

Gules, a fesse vaire, erm. and azure, 411

Gules, a lobster's claw erect or, 6