Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/126

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. m. FEB. 11, 1911.


MB. RICHARD CAMERON'S Edinburgh Catalogue 234 is again full of items of Scottish interest. We note Couper's ' Bibliography of Edinburgh Periodical Literature,' 1908, 10s. ; facsimile issue of the Kilmarnock Burns, 11. 5s. ; Drummond's 4 Old Edinburgh,' large folio, 18s. Qd. ; ' Edin- burgh in the Olden Time,' large folio, 15s. ; W. H. Murray's addresses at the Adelphi and Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, with memoir, 1851. 6s. Qd. ; Grant's ' Old and New Edinburgh,' 3 vols., 15s. ; Hogg's ' Jacobite Relics,' first edition, 2 vols., 1819-21, 11. 2s. ; Dunn-Pattinson's ' Ninety- First Highlanders,' 1910, 21. 2s. ; and a complete set of Wodrow Society Publications, 24 vols., 11. 4s. In the general portion are Baxter Colour- prints of ' The Ninth Hour,' after Dtirer, 1Z. 5s., and ' Copper, your Honour,' 16s. Qd. Under Phiz is an original chalk drawing of ' Little Em'ly,' 8J in. by 6 in., in frame, 11. Is.

The first portion of Mr. Robert McCaskie's Catalogue 34 consists of books in general lite- rature. Under Portugal is Vertot's ' History of the Revolutions of Portugal.' Among Trials is that of Lord Cardigan for the duel on Wimbledon Common with Capt. Tuckett, 16 February, 1841. The second portion contains autographs, old deeds, and MSS. Among the autographs are those of Perry of The Morning Chronicle, Tadema, Lytton, Frith, the Young Pretender, Queen Adelaide, Henry Fawcett, and Allan Cunning- ham. Among documents are the regulations of the Common Council, 1801, for the " Nightly Watch and Beadles within the City of London." There is a broadside of the Whig Club, declaring the right of the English people to free public meeting, 1796. Under Old Engraved Portraits are 157 items. There are also a number of mis- cellaneous engravings.

Mr. W. M. Murphy's Liverpool Catalogue 161 contains a complete set, 1842-1904, of the Pro- ceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 167 vols., 221. 10s. ; and ' Harleian Miscellany,' 12 vols., red morocco, 1808-11, 81. 10s. Under Architecture is Fergusson's ' Handbook,' 3 vols., 11. 6s. Of railway interest is Bradshatc's Paihcay Companion, 32mo, original cloth, 3rd mo. 2nd, 1840, 11. 10s. Under Caricatures is Heath's Sketches,' early impressions, oblong folio, 21. 5s.; under Edward FitzGerald, the first edition of

  • Polonius,' Pickering, 1852, 31. 5s. ; under Illu-

minations, Westwood's illustrations of the ancient versions of the Bible, 4to, half-morocco, 1863-5, 7Z. 10s. ; under Morland, Williamson's ' Life,' illustrations on Japanese paper, 1904, 21. 5s. ; under Scotland, Billings's ' Antiquities,' 4 vols., 1845-52, 31. 10s. ; under Addington Symonds,

  • Wine, Woman, and Song,' first edition, 1884,

21. 5s. ; and under Tennyson, the first collected edition, 2 vols in 1, Moxon, 1842, 31. Other entries include Wheatley's ' Cries of London,' 31. 10s. ; Whittier, 7 vols., 14s. Qd. ; and ' The Wilkie Gallery,' royal 4to, 19s. Qd. Under Cole- ridge are first editions of ' Biographia,' 1817 11. 15s., and ' Sibylline Leaves,' 1817, 11. 10s.

both fine copies. Disney's ' Specimens of Ancient Bronze,' royal 4to, half-morocco, 1849, is 11. 10s. There are works under Liverpool and under United States Geological Survey.

Mr. Charles J. Sawyer's Catalogue 24 contains under Campanology ' Tintinnalogia,' 12mo, crimson morocco, 1668, 31. 15s. The scarce first edition of ' Through the Looking-Glass,' 1872, is 21. 15s. Under Coloured Plates are the fifth edition of ' Dr. Syntax,' 1813, 4Z. 10s. ; the first edition of ' Life in London,' blue morocco, in the finest state, 1821, 10Z. 7s. Qd. ; ' The Tour of Dr. Prosody,' red levant, 1821, 4Z. 10s. ; and Pierce Egan, the original edition, red levant, 1825, 81. 10s. Under Dickens is the chair he used at his office in Wellington Street, 10Z. 10s. ; a snuff-box with coloured scene of Pickwick in bed at Dingley Dell, 11. 10s. ; and a set of first editions of the Christmas Books, 1843-8, 81. 10s. (the ' Carol ' and ' Battle of Life ' are second issues). Under ' Don Quixote ' is the facsimile of the rare first edition, 1605-15 (Barcelona, 1872-4), 3 vols., 4to, vellum, 31. 15s. Under Early Music is Neale's ' Pocket Companion,' Vol. I., containing 152 engraved pages of music and words of the songs, small square 8vo, 1725, 21. 2s. (according to the Museum authorities, this is the first issue of the first edition of this rare musical item). A brilliantly illuminated edition of ' Imitation de Jesus Christ,' Paris, 1856, is 12Z. 12s. La Fontaine is represented by the privately issued edition of the Society of Biblio- philists, this being one of ten copies in which the plates have been delicately coloured by hand, 2 vols., royal 8vo, 1906, 51. 12s. Qd. Under Lever is the first edition of ' That Boy of Norcott's,' 1869, 51. 5s. There are also handsome sets of Le Sage, Rousseau, Ruskin, Scott, and others.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

WILLIAM LOFTIE RUTTON. Just as we go to press we learn with regret of the death, at 80, of Mr. William Loftie Rutton, a frequent and diligent contributor to our columns. The Tenth Series contains a number of contributions by him to London topography.

THOMAS FORSTER. By the death of Mr. Thomas Forster, which took place at his residence, 68, Edinburgh Road, Walthamstow, on the 29th ult., aged nearly 71, ' N. & Q.' loses a reader of some 40 years, and an occasional contributor. Mr. Forster was the eldest son of Mr. John Forster, of Colchester, and afterwards of Islington. His great-grandfather was John Forster of Winteringham, a local poet of some repute, who died in 1809, and whose poems were published in two booklets in 1797. He also wrote a narrative of his own life. Thomas Forster was a life member of the Essex Archaeological Society, and more recently a member of the North London Anti- quarian Society. He was formerly a well-known bookseller in Colchester, and, apart from a brief period when he lived in Kennington, passed the last 10 or 12 years of his life in Walthamstow. CHAS. HALL CROUCH.

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J. T. F. (' Villikins and his Dinah '). See 10 Si iv. 188, 277, 318.

H. B., W.C., and G. W. E. R. Forwarded.