Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/154

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. m. FEB. 25, 1911.

SIB ANDREW JUDD. Is there any portrait in existence of Sir Andrew Judd or Judde ? He was born at Barden, Tonbridge ; Lord Mayor 1550 ; six times Master of the Skinners' Company ; founder of Tonbridge School ; a Muscovy merchant ; defended London successfully at the time of Wyatt's rebellion; died in 1558, and was buried in St. Helen's Church, Bishopsgate. Apparently no print or engraving exists of him.

J. POLAND. Skinners' Hall, E.G.

LITANY : SPITTING AND STAMPING THE FEET. Mr. W. Buckley Jones of Cefn Bryntalch, Montgomeryshire, gives me per- mission to send the following note written in pencil in his father's bound first volume of the third series of Archceologia Cambrensis (1855) :

" Habit to spit and stamp the feet in the Litany when we pray to beat down Satan under our feet 234. It was the custom of the Rev d Llewellin Davies, Rector of Llanmerewig."

The Rev. Llewelyn Davies was Rector of that parish in Montgomeryshire 1794-1827, when he died and was buried in it. There is a tablet to his memory in the church of St. Harmon's, Radnorshire.

Can the spitting be connected with the classical spitting to avert " fascinatio " or the evil eye ? Are other instances known of the habit ? BASIL EVAN JONES.

University College, Oxford.

REV. EDWARD YOUNG. (See 4 S. ix. 63.) Since I became rector of this parish I have had many inquiries made respecting Edward Young, author of the ' Night Thoughts,' who was born here. The last received is one concerning his only son, Frederick, who was living at Welwyn in 1781. His daughter Elizabeth was married at Gretna Green to a Mr. Haine, circa December, 1781.

When did F. Young die, and did his daughter leave any children ? If so, is any representative of the family living now ?

E. L. H. TEW.

Uphara Rectory.


ANNE CHANGED TO ALL SAINTS. The dedica- tion of Nunnington Church is to All Saints e.nd St. James.

Village feasts, I believe, are generally coincident with the church's saint's days ; but Nunnington Feast is on the 5th of August, which is neither All Saints' Day nor St. James's Day.

Dr. Atkinson, the Master of Clare College, Cambridge, stated, as I am told, that at the Reformation dedications to St. Anne were

changed to All Saints. Am I right in con- cluding that, in consequence of the deletion of 10 or 11 days from the calendar in 1752, the original dedication of Nunnington Church was to St. Anne (26 July) and St. James (25 July) ?

Can any one kindly give me the authority for Dr. Atkinson's statement ?


Nunnington Rectory, York.

PEWTER CHURCH FLAGON, 1734. I have a pewter church flagon with the inscription " Richard Cock, Church Warden, 1734,"

I am anxious to find the church from which it came, with a view to its return at my death, or sooner if I discontinue collecting pewter. It was purchased in Suffolk.


1, West Mansion, Worthing.

NAPOLEON AND MLLE. ELIZABETH Pou- LYNE. In a book recently published by Mr. Eveleigh Nash, called ' Recollections of a Society Clairvoyant,' it is stated that the Emperor fell in love with this lady when he was at Erfurt in September, 1809. Miss Poulyne is said to have been gifted with

    • extraordinary psychic powers and the

uncanny gift of second sight." Napoleon called her ".ma petite sorciere," and she prophesied his disaster in Russia.

His letters to the lady are alleged to have been sold to a collector after her death in 1881.

Is there any corroboration of this story, and where are these letters now ?


THOMAS MORRES JONES is described, in Burke' s 'Landed Gentry' for 1882 as "the Bumper Squire Jones of Carolan's Muse." should be glad to learn further particulars of him. When was he born ? Whom and when did he marry ? When in December, 1769, did he die ? G. F. R. B.

JEAN VOLE'S ' LES ARRIVANTS.' ' Les Arrivants,' p. 76, by Jean Vole, reads :

"Mme. Guitton met la dernieremain au convert, qui s'etalait sur une belle nappe a chemin de table ouvrage," &c. Can any of your readers construe this ?

J. M.

" OWNS " : " BLITHERING." What are the meaning and derivation of the words " owns " (" blood and owns ") and " blither- ing " ("blithering baboon") in Shaw's ' The Devil's Disciple ' ? SPRING.


[Owns - wounds.]