Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/226

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. in. MAR. is, 1911.


MR. LI C. BRAUN'S Catalogue 68 is devoted to Topographical Books and Engraved Views of Old London. We find many well-known places The Strand, Fleet Street, Covent Garden, Enfield, Hackney, Hammersmith, Chelsea, Kew Gardens, & c . and a number of engraved portraits.

Mr. Braun's Catalogue 69 contains, under Art and Illustrated Books, ' Artists at Home,' photo- graphed by MayaH, with notices by F. G. Stephens, Is. 6d. ; 'Catalogue of T. and J. Bewick's Works,'

2 vols., large paper, 18s. Qd. ; Sainsbury's ' His- tory of France,' 4to, 1845, 11. 10s. ; and Uzanne's ' La Franchise du Siecle,' blue morocco, 21. There is a list under Classics. ' Cranford,' illustrations by Thomson, morocco, uncut, is 15s. ; and Bvron's Works, with Life by Moore, 17 vols., half-calf, 3L A copy of ' The Greville Memoirs,' 5 vols is 21. In the Addenda are the first edition of ' Bleak House,' 7s. Qd. ; Pococke's ' Egypt,'

3 vols., folio, 1743-52, 11. 15s. ; Beranger, 3 vols., 11. 10s. ; Dr. Johnson's Works, 16 vols., New York 1903, 31. 3s. Lysons's ' Environs of Lon- don,' 5 vols., 4to, half-calf, 1811, 21. 10s. ; and Sainte-Beuve's ' Causeries du Lundi,' 15 vols., half-morocco, with Oscar Browning's ex-libris in each volume, 21. 12s. Qd. ; under Marlborough Gems is a series of beautiful reproductions in

Mr. Francis Edwards's Catalogue 307 contains, among works under America, a complete set of the original editions of Las Casas's treatises on Mexico, the West Indies, and South and Central America, gothic letter, 8 parts in 1 vol., small 4to, 1552-3, red morocco extra by F. Bedford, 3SZ., and Maudslay's ' Biologia Central! - Americana : Arrhjpoloev ' plates, 16 vols., folio, and text, 16 v*ls?, 4to; 1889-1902, 24?. Works under Art and Architecture include the Dictionary issued by the Architectural Publications Society, Masquellier's ' Florence,' Hamilton's ' Greek and Roman Antiquities,' and Vitruvius. -There are over a hundred items relating to Australasia. A fine copy of the Vinegar Bible, Oxford, 1717, is 11 Works under Bibliography include Dibdm s Decameron,' 3 vols., 1817, 10Z 16*. Works on Birds include Godman's Petrels, 1910, 15L 15s. The second edition of George Herbert s Country Parson,' 1671, is 21. 10s. Under Wagenar is ' The Mariners Mirrour,' with engraved title and 39 charts (including the movable compass), coloured by De Bry and others, folio (the lower corner of title-page wanting, and only 39 plates instead of 41), 25L In the Addenda of Standard Historical Works is a complete set of The Annual Register,' 1757-1907, 25Z.

Messrs. William George's Sons of Bristol send their Catalogue 324, entitled Americana, which should interest all Americans. Messrs. George must have bestowed much pains in bringing to- gether these eighteen hundred items relating to America. We note a few. Almon's Parlia- mentary Register, 35 vols., 1775-So, is 47. 4s. This is a record of everything which passed in Parliament bearing upon the state of the American j Colonies. Andrews's ' History of the VVar, j 4 vols., 1785-6, is 3Z. 10s. ; Smith's Narrative j

of Andre,' 1808, 3Z. 10s. ; the first English edition of the first American Prayer Book, 1785, 31. 15s. ; Cartwright's ' Labrador,' 3 vols., royal 4to 1792, 31. 18s. ; Gordon's ' United States,' 4 vols., 1788, 21. 2s. (in the list of subscribers occurs George Washington) ; Heriot's ' Travels through Canada,' 1807, 21. 10s. ; and Lewis and Clarke's ' Travels,' Longmans, 1814, 51. 5s. There is a variety of maps, including Moll's. Among engravings is a brilliant copper-plate of the Declaration of Independence, with portraits of all the signers, in maple and gold frame, 31. 15s.

Messrs. James Rimell & Son's Catalogue 224 is a good miscellaneous list. We find Addison, Tonson's editions, together 10 -vols., 1713-65, 4L 14s. Qd. Under JEsop is Dodsley's translation, Baskerville, 1761, calf by Bedford, 31. 5s. ; and under JEsop and Gay, Stockdale's editions of the Fables, together 4 vols., new calf gilt, 1793, 12L 12s. Major's edition of ' The Complete Angler.' large paper, proofs, 1824-5, 2 vols., is 4L 14s. Qd. Under Alpine is Laborde's ' Tableaux,' 400 fine views, 3 vols. in 5, royal folio, old French calf, Paris, 1780, 91. A set of the Duke of Buck- ingham's Memoirs, 10 vols., half-calf, 1853-61, is 11. 10s. ; and the second edition of ' The Anatomy of Melancholy,' 1624, 11. Is. Under Children's Books is a rare collection, Ql. 16s. Qd. Under Crime will be found the ' New Newgate Calendar ' and a collection of tracts by Fielding and others. There are first editions of Dickens. The large-paper edition of Symonds's ' Wine, Women, and Song,' one of fifty copies, is 31. 10s. Under Tobacco is a collection of 155 engraved tobacco papers previous to 1770, with figures of Indians, ships, portraits, &c., mounted in a folio volume, 35Z. It was made by Winston, manager of the Haymarket Theatre, and comes from the Beaufoy Collection.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

Jlottas 10

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor o. f 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

W. S. ("Bates's 'Maclise Portrait Gallery'"). William Bates was for many years a valued contri- butor to ' N. & Q.' He died in 1884, and an account of him will be found at 6 S. x. 280, 304.

CORRIGENDA. P. 186, col. 2, 1. 1, for "Wonds" read Wends. P. 193, col. 2, 1. 2 from foot, for " copyholders " read copyholder. P. 194, col. 1, 1.44, for " chitdr-pdi " read chihdr-pai. P. 196, col. 2, 1. 41, for " Stiffie " read Stiffle