Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/393

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ii s. in. MAY 20, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

WILLIAM PENN'S WORKS. * The Com- plete Works of William Perm,' founder of Pennsylvania, is now in preparation under my direction and editorship. Over 1,100 letters of Penn have already been found. Of these leas than 40 per cent have been printed. It is estimated that the ' Works,' including contemporaneously printed books and pam- phlets, with the letters and other writings, will extend to more than a dozen volumes large octavo. Information as to manu- script letters of Penn which are likely to be new, as well as new biographical data respecting him, is requested, and should be sent to me at Devonshire House, Bishops- gate. ALBERT COOK MYERS.

CHRISTIAN NAMES USED BY BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. In the course of the dis- cussion on Essex as a Christian name (see 11 S. ii. 328, 374, 394, 437, 534 ; iii. 92, 173, 214, 295, 338, 377) G. E. C. stated that Essex has been used as a Christian name for men and women. Apropos of Christian names borne by both sexes, can readers of

  • N. & Q.' give me a full list of such used in

English ? I have been able to find only ight : Marion, Hilary, Clare, Cecil, Florence, Valentine, Evelyn ; and now Essex.

In the Spanish language there are many such, as Trinidad, Encarnacion, Guadalupe, Refugio, Rosario, Luz, Paz, Cruz, &c,


Eagle Pass, Texas.

" GREAT GEORGE OUR KING." To which of the Georges do the following lines refer ? O ! grant him long to see friendship and unity Always increase ! May he his sceptre's sway [sic], All loyal souls obey, Join heart and voice, huzza !

God save the King.

It is from an old song sheet folded as a booklet of eight pages, printed by J. Mar- shall, Old Fish Market, Newcastle-upon- Tyne. THOS. RATCLIFFE.

BIRTHDAYS AND THE CHANGE OF CALEN- DAR. George III. was born on 24 May, 1738, but, after the change in the calendar fourteen years later, his birthday was always celebrated on 4 June. Is there any record

of a like alteration in date being generally adopted at that time ; and, if so, did it apply all round to wedding anniversaries, for example, as well as birthdays ?


QUEEN VICTORIA'S MATERNAL GREAT- GRANDMOTHER. Who was she ? Queen Victoria's great - grandfather was Henry XXIV. of Reuss. Whom did he marry ? J. M. BULLOCH.

118, Pall Mall, S.W.

PRE-REFORMATION URSWICK VICARS. I am anxious to complete the list of these. I have :

Daniel le Fleming, c. 1150.

W. de Melmerbi, 1260.

William de Bovill, c. 1288.

Willelmus Normande, c. 1381.

Johannes, c. 1404.

Thomas Herryson, c. 1530.

Thomas Harteley, 1535.

Suggestions as to sources of information are desired. No further information can be obtained either from the Furness Coucher Book or from the Diocesan Registry at Chester. Are any records preserved of the old Archdeaconry of Richmond, and if so, where ? Please reply direct.


Urswick Vicarage, near Ulverston.

SIR WILLIAM ASHTON, KT., M.P. for Hertford 1624 and 1625, was son and heir of Robert Ashton, Gentleman of the Horse to Francis, Earl of Bedford, which Robert is " said to be descended from the Ashtons of Leaver," i.e., Asshetons of Great Lever, Lancashire (see ' Visitation of Herts'). Sir William was knighted 19 December, 1629, and was, I believe, the " William Ashton, Esq.," M.P. for Appleby in 1626 and 1628. In 1611 he had a demise of the King's benefit from recusants to the value of 62Z. 12s. lOd. ; acquired the Grove in Wat- ford, Herts, in 1631 ; was J.P. for West- minster in 1636, an Assessment and Seques- tration Commissioner for Middlesex in 1643, and one of the Commissioners for putting into execution the Statutes and Ordinances for observance of the Lord's day, 26 August, 1646. This is my latest reference to him.

When did he die ? There is no will in P.C.C. He is said to have married about

1604 Anne, dau. of Moate, and left

three sons : 1. William, who married Mary, dau. of Henry Ewer of South Mimms, and died 3 October, 1651, leaving a dau. Mary. His widow became the second wife of Sir