Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/126

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NOTES AND QUERIES. rn s. iv. AUG. 5, 1011.


MB. ANDREW BAXENDINE'S Edinburgh Cata- logue 124 contains the Library Edition of Dickens, 30 vols., green cloth, new, Ql. 6s. ; the original illustrated Library Edition of the Waverley Novels, 25 vols., half -morocco, 1852-3, 81. 10s. Qd. ; also various other sets and some first editions. Works under Angling include Grimble's ' Salmon Rivers of Scotland,' 4 vols., 4to, 1899, 51. 10s. Qd. There are interesting items under Burns, Fife, and Flowers. Under George Meredith is the Clear-Type Edition, 12 vols., cloth, 1889-95, 21. 2s. The Library Edition of Hugh Miller's Works, 13 vols., cloth, is 11. Is. Under Rox- burghshire is Jeffrey's ' History,' 4 vols., 1855-64, 31. 3s. There are a number of works under Scotland. Under R. L. Stevenson are first edi- tions ; also the Swanston Edition, with introduc- tion by Mr. Lang, 1911-12, 2 vols., 11. 10s. The Library Edition of Kinglake's ' Crimea,' 8 vols., half-calf, 1863-87, is 31. 3s.

Mr. William Glaisher's Catalogue 379 is a list of Remainders. There are many books beauti- fully illustrated in colour. These include 'Assisi of St. Francis,' 7s., or large paper 15s. ; Mar- goliouth's ' Cairo, Jerusalem, and Damascus,' 7s., large paper 15s. ; ' The Clyde,' described by Neil Munro, 7s. Qd. ; ' Liverpool,' painted by Hay, described by Dixon Scott, 2s. Qd. ; ' The New Forest,' painted and described by Mrs. Willingham Rawnsley, 3s. Qd. ; Durand's ' Oxford,' 9s. ; ' John Pettie,' by Martin Hardie, 6s. Qd. ; and ' Switzerland,' by Clarence Rook, fifty-six coloured plates by Mrs. Jardine, 7s. Under

  • Brougham and his Early Friends ' are letters to

James Loch, 1798-1809, arranged by Atkinson and Jackson, 3 vols., royal Svo, half -vellum, gilt tops, privately printed, published at 51. 5s., now offered at 10s. The third volume contains an extended biography, and includes an account of the foundation of The Edinburgh.

In a four-page addition to the list we find Volk- mann's illustrations to Dante, 8s. ; Life of Sir George Grove, by C. L. Graves, 3s. ; Macalister's ' Ecclesiastical Vestments,' 4s. ; and ' Orrock, Painter, Connoisseur, and Collector,' by Webber, 2 vols., 21. 12s. (published at 10Z. 10s. net).

Messrs. Sotheran & Co. send a Coronation Number. It contains many illustrations of magnificent Cosway and jewelled bindings, includ- ing an Omar with a thousand jewels, which has taken nearly two years to produce. Among many beautiful books is Edmund Gosse's ' Painters .and Engravers of the Eighteenth Century,' in levant with 9 miniatures on either side, the price being 851. Another fine example of Cosway binding is the Diary of Major Andre, the minia- tures including Washington, Andre, and his betrothed, Miss Sneyd, General Wolfe, and others, 121. 10s. Yet another specimen is Ireland's ' Napoleon,' with 9 miniatures, 2851.

Other works include ' Sonnets from the Portu-

fuese,' 10Z. 10s. ; Keats, Chiswick Edition, vols., crown 4to, a choice specimen of Riviere's binding, 32 51. ; and a Boccaccio extended to 10 vols. by 675 additional engravings, levant, 105Z. Under Extra-Illus- trated Books we find Morley's ' Bartholomew Fair,' 105Z. ; and Knight's ' Pictorial Shake-

speare,' 8 vols., extended to 95 ready for binding, 1838-42, enclosed in an elaborately carved book- case of woods collected from 40 different sources connected with Shakespeare's life, or buildings and localities mentioned in the plays, 750Z. Under Vauxhall Gardens is a remarkable collec- tion, 9 vols., royal folio, olive morocco, 185/,

The general portion contains ' Sartor Resartus,' a presentation copy, levant by Riviere, 1834, 101. 10s. Under Branwell Bronte is ' The Pirate,' an unpublished MS., signed at the end "P. B. Bronte, February 8th, A.D. 1833," in the original brown-paper cover, 12?. 12s. Mr. Clement Shorter describes this as " the most pretentious of Branwell's prose stories." There are French illustrated books of the eighteenth century, a number of Tenniel's original drawings, much of interest under Americana, and many scarce second-hand books and choice editions. The illustrations include a key to the Shakespeare bookcase, showing the various places from which the woods have been taken.

Messrs. Sotheran also send No. 716 of their Price Current. It contains important scientific sets, these including The Philosophical Magazine, The Annual Register, Archceologia, Geographical Society, and Geological Society. In the general portion we find the first collected edition of Beaumont and Fletcher, 2 vols., folio, in 1, 1647-52, red levant, 281. There is a choice set of Coleridge, Pickering, 1835-53, 27 vols., half- calf, 111. 11s. Under Dickens is the scarce dated edition, 24 vols., cloth, 1861-5, HZ. 11s. Under Rochefoucauld are two important manu- scripts. There is a large Collection of Sporting Books, comprising a number of works under Angling, Daniel's ' Rural Sports,' Millais's ' Breath from the Veldt,' Mytton's memoirs, and other well-known works.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

We must call special attention to the following

notices :

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previoui entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

EDITORIAL communications should be addres&ed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

R. VAUGHAN GOWER (" Right to use the Cock- ade"). This subject has been much discussed in ' N. & Q.' See 10 S. ii. 407, 537 ; iii. 356 ; and the references there supplied.