Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/195

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ii s. iv. SEPT. 2, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


The ninth edition, which I have not seen is stated by "Peter Lombard" (Churcl Times, 20 April, 1906) to have appeared in 1722. The twentieth edition, with a new set of maps engraved on a larger scale Emmanuel Bowen, appeared in 1754. are the dates of the other editions ?


118, Pall Mall, S.W.


All heaven and earth are still, though not in

sleep, But breathless, as we grow when feeling most.

M. A. B.

Search the sacred volume. Him who died

Her lips betrayed not, nor her tongue denied

And even when the Apostles left Him to His

doom, She lingered round His Cross, she watched His


(Mrs.) E. C. WIENHOLT.

ELI COMYN was "Lord of Newbold Comyn, co. Warwick," temp. Edward III Can any information be given concerning him ? What were his arms ? Who were his heirs ? R. VAUGHAN GOWER.

SS. BRIDGET, GERTRUDE, FOILLAN, AND FEBRONIA. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' explain why St. Bridget (probably the Irish saint, not the Swedish princess of that name) is represented in a fifteenth-century picture at Cologne with a cow, and St. Gertrude in a later picture with a mouse ?

Is anything known of St. Foillan or Foilan, to whom one of the principal churches at Aix-la-Chapelle is dedicated, or of St. Febronia, whose martyrdom was painted by a Cologne artist about 1600 ?

N. L. P.

FORD, MILWARD, AND OLIVER FAMILIES. I shall esteem it a great favour if any reader of ' N. & Q.' can inform me in what book pedigrees of the Ford, Milward, Yorke, Henzell (Huguenot), Wilmer, and Oliver families appear.

I also wish to learn into whose possession the letters written by Col. John Milward (deputy lieutenant of Derbyshire 1660-6) to the Earl of Devonshire passed, when sold by Sotheby's in 1893.

(Mrs.) ELSIE OLIVER. 45, Church Crescent, Muswell Hill, N.


pedigree of the Wiltshire Bacons traced back to the Conquest is said to be preserved. Can any reader say where it is to be found ? FRANCIS BACON.

ASTWELL CASTLE AND MANOR, NORTHANTS, In Fuller's 'Worthies' we are told of five Sir Thomas Levels who held the above between 22 Edward IV. and 14 Elizabeth ; but Fuller is not backed up by any other recognized authority of whom I have knowledge. Did Sir Thomas Lovel, K.G., who died 1524, own Astwell, or a property or properties other than Astwell within the county of Northampton ? and if so, where- abouts ? By what qualification did this Sir Thomas represent Northamptonshire in the first Parliament of Henry VII. (1485) ? He was a son of Sir Ralph Lovel of Barton Bendish, Norfolk, who represented a Lovel branch of the parent tree at Tichmarsh, the head of which, Francis, Viscount Lovel, K.G., was attainted, and his vast property confiscated by Henry in revenge for Level's support of the White Rose.

I shall gratefully acknowledge a reply to my queries. THOS. H. WRIGHT.

" CARATCH." Can any of your readers give the meaning of this word, which is engraved on the silver mounting of one of the bottles of a kind of ancient cruet-set containing six bottles with different desig- nations ? G. G.

PRINCESS LOUISE MEDAL. A very hand- some medal, designed by the late J. S. Wyon, was struck to commemorate the marriage of Princess Louise with the Marquis of Lome on 21 March, 1871. A specimen in silver is two and a half inches in diameter, and weighs over five ounces, having portraits "n profile on the obverse, and an elaborate design of coats of arms, coronets, crest and mottoes, with diaper ground, on the reverse. V as the issue a small one, and for presenta- ^n only ? and were specimens struck in any other metal than silver ? W. B. H.

" THYMALOS " : " MOUSE OF THE MOUN- AINS." I have recently become the emporary possessor of Culpeper's * English 5 hysitian Enlarged ....,' London, 1656. 3n p. 80 Culpeper writes, quoting from he ' Dispensatory ' of the " Colledge of hysitians " :

" Therefore consider that the Colledge give the Apothecaries a Catalogue of what Parts of Living features and Excrements they must keep in heir shops. The Fat, Grease, or Suet of a Duck .Thymalos (if you know where to get them) .Wolf, Mouse of the Mountains (if you can atch them).. ..Fox, Vultur (if you can catch hem) " ;

nd so on for another column and more.

What are " Thymalos " and " Mouse of he Mountains " ? C. S. HARRIS.