Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/296

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religious and military. The woodcut illus- trations remind me of some I have seen in the hieroglyphic Bibles of the eighteenth century which are occasionally met with.

W. B. H.

ETHERINGTON FAMILY AND PICKERING CASTLE. I wish to learn the history of the Etherington family, at one time Governors of Pickering Castle, Yorkshire, latterly of Driffield and Hull ; also the parentage of Joseph Etherington, born 1782, died at Preston 1839.

Is there a book published dealing with Pickering Castle and the part it played during the Civil Wars ? E. E.

KILBO. What is the meaning of this word, which appears in several Scottish place-names ? A property near Meigle, in Perthshire, is called Drumkilbo ; and a corrie in Glen Doll Forest, in Forfarshire, is known as Corrie Kilbo. Is the Tcil derived from the Gaelic till, meaning a church, or from cul, the back, or coille, a wood ? Is the bo the same as in Skibo and Embo, in Sutherlandshire, which Mr. Johnston (in his ' Place - Names of Scotland ') derives from the Norse bol, a dwelling ? T. F. D.

BRITISH ROYAL ARMS IN MILAN. On the pavement of the two transepts of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele at Milan, built from the designs of Guiseppe Mengoni in 1865-72, there are two mosaic reproductions of the royal arms of Great Britain and Ire- land. On the pavement of the main gallery are two mosaic reproductions of the royal arms of the house of Savoy. Is it the fact that the arcade in question was built by a British company ?


SPANISH MOTTO. I should like a transla- tion of the following motto : " La Cabra ha Tornado la Granada." A. MYNOTT.

' MA!TRE GUERIN.' In Stevenson's ' Vir- ginibus Puerisque ' we read : " ' What, are you afraid of marriage ? ' asks Cecile in ' Maitre Guerin.' ' Oh, mon Dieu, non ! ' replies Arthur, ' I should take chloroform.' ' Who wrote the book in question ?

P. C. G.

HEINE AND BYRON. I should be grateful if any of your readers could supply me with the German of Heine's translation of Byron's stanzas in ' Childe Harold ' com- mencing

Adieu, adieu, my native land. Some years ago I bought in Leipsic a small pocket edition of Heine's lyrics in German which contained the translation referred to, but unfortunately I have lost the book, and have been unable since to find the poem in any edition. So far as I can remember, Heine translated only two stanzas, viz., the first and last. E. N.

[' Maitre Guerin ' was a comedy by Augier, produced at the Com6die Franchise on 28 December, 1864, and published a little later. The author died in 1889.]

" ASPINSHAW, LEATHER LANE, LONDON." This is the wording of the maker's name- plate upon an old printing press in an oak frame, and probably of late eighteenth- century construction. Will any corre- spondent kindly mention the date when Aspinshaw's name occurs in London Direc- tories ? The inquiry made at 10 S. xi. 429 has remained unansvrered.

R. OLIVER HESLOP. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

j "THOMAS OLIVER, BOND STREET." The name occurs in a document dated 1785. Does it appear in a London Directory of that period ; and, if so, what was his occupa- tion ? R. OLIVER HESLOP.


THE GRAND KHAIBAR. The Daily Journal of 20 July, 1725, included the following among its London news :

" This Day comes on the Election of Master of the Grand Khaibar, in the room of Mr. Robert Prior, deceased, at which the several Members, Honorary Brothers, and Candidates, are desired to assist."

Is anything known of the history of this apparently pseudo-Masonic body ?

P. G. D.

DIATORIC TEETH. What is the derivation of the word " diatoric " as applied to arti- ficial teeth ? M. LETTS.

ARNO SURNAME. Is there any record of a family of this name in this country ?


PURVIS SURNAME. I am anxious to know the derivation and meaning of the surname Purvis, which appears in various parts of the country, but chiefly in the Border districts. K. P. K.

" WALM " AS A STREET-NAME. Can any reader tell me the derivation of the name " walm," used as the name of a road in the north-west of London, and in a similar connexion in the city of York ?

E. A. L.