Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/326

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MR. BERTRAM DOBELL'S Catalogue 199 presents an interesting collection of " out-of-the-way " books. Among the choicer items we notice a set of the original issue of Durfey's ' Wit and Mirth,' 1719 ; Young's ' Night Thoughts ' with the marginal designs by William Blake (in un- cut state) ; and Nashe's ' Christ's Teares over Jerusalem.'

From Mr. Dobell also comes Part II. of his Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Historical Manuscripts, containing a large collection of letters, chiefly of celebrities of the nineteenth century, but including some of earlier date, and also a selection of foreign letters and documents. The Catalogue is interesting reading on account of Mr. Dobell's annotations and its many quotations.

Messrs. Drayton & Sons of Exeter send two Catalogues. No. 228 contains Green's ' Ency- clopaedia of Medicine and Surgery,' 10 vols., 41. 4s. ; ' Le Cabinet des Fees,' 41 vols., 31. 15s. ; Boase and Courtney's ' Bibliotheca Cornubi- ensis,' 3 vols., 1874, 11. 4s. ; and ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 10th ed., 35 vols., half -morocco, 51. 5s. There are also fine proof portraits of Fox, Pitt, Lord Brougham, and other notabilities.

Catalogue 229 is devoted to Modern Theology- Among the contents are ' The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Old Testament,'

21 vols., 21. 2s. ; Butler's ' Lives of the Fathers,'

12 vols., calf, 11. Is. ; Grimm and Thayer's -' Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament,' 1886, 1Z. Is. ; and ' The Speaker's Commentary on the Bible and Apocrypha,' 13 vols. (published at 121. 19s.), 21. 5s.

Messrs. Maggs Brothers' Catalogue 270 is -devoted entirely to Autograph Letters, Signed Documents, and Manuscripts. The frontispiece is a facsimile of one of Keats's letters to Fanny Brawne, in which he says, " I should like to cast the die for Love or death," 95L Literature figures largely in the Catalogue. There is an autograph poem by R. L S., ' Embro Hie Kirk,' consisting of 11 six-line verses, 95Z. A pen-and- rink drawing by Thackeray of his coat of arms, with autograph note at foot, is 26Z. A letter from Tennyson expresses his pleasure at an Arctic Cape being named after him, 11. 10s. Pope writes to Tonson, asking him to "bind Gulliveriana and letter it thus Libels on Swift .and Pope," 25Z. Melancholy interest is lent to Hesba Stretton's letter, " I have been terribly shocked at the death of Mr. Charles Dickens .... He was always so liberal," by the announcement

  • of her own death this week. Of special interest

to readers of ' N. & Q.' will be a long letter from Robert Browning referring in terms of high praise to ' Dorothy,' a poem published anonym- ously , but Written by A. J. Munby, whose initials were familiar to older readers of ' N. & Q.' London clubs are just now figuring in our pages, and Messrs. Maggs offer the original manuscript book of rules of the famous Whig Club, with .autograph signatures of the members, for 60Z. Drama is represented by a correspondence between Garrick and Mrs. Abington (38Z.), and a letter written at Montreal by Edmund Kean,

in which he expresses his hope that his Canadian

tour will enable him to reap such a " Dramatic Harvest" that he will be able to accomplish his 'one ambition .... to possess Drury Lane Theatre ' ' 10Z. 10s.). The Catalogue is replete with interest.

Mr. C. J. Sawyer's Catalogue 27 includes Byron's Works, Library Edition, extra-illustrated with coloured portraits and plates, 6 vols., bound in blue levant morocco, 6Z. 6s. ; Dickens, Edition de Luxe, with original drawings, 30 vols., half citron levant morocco, 27Z. 10s. ; Browning's Complete Works, 17 vols., finely bound, 6Z. 6s. ; Baker's ' Newe Jewell of Health,' 1576, 6Z. 10s. ; Boorde's ' Breviary of Healthe,' 1557, 10Z. 15s. ; and Pater's 'Marius the Epicurean,' first edition, with autograph letter inserted, 4Z. 14s. Qd. The Catalogue contains also a large number of stan- dard historical works by Lecky, Green, Duruy, Gardiner, Banke, Bawlinson, and Walpole.

Messrs. Young & Sons' Liverpool Catalogue CCCCXXV. contains Cruikshank's own copy (with his signature) of the first edition of Grimm's ' Fairy Tales,' illustrated by himself ; a complete set of the original editions of Surtees's sporting novels ; a copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 ; first edition of Florio's Montaigne, 1603 ; a fine original impression of Bewick's celebrated ' Chillingham Bull,' with the border ; an extra- illustrated copy of Miss Berry's Journals ; speci- mens of fine bindings and of early printing ; an almost complete set of the original editions of Sir R. F. Burton's books of travel ; first edition of Carlyle's ' French Revolution ' ; many fine Baxter prints ; collections of books about America, birds, history, Isle of Man, the lathe, Liverpool, natural history, Scotland, and sport ; and books illustrated by Blake, Bewick, Diirer, Alken, Turner, and other artists.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

ON all communications must be written the name ind address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub^ lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

J. W. R. Forwarded.

ASTARTE (" Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth "). ' Paradise Lost,' Book IV. 1.677. t