Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/396

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s, iv. NOV. 11, 1911.

already shown that Francis Halley, sen., married in 1696 Eleanor Pyke, daughter of Richard Pyke and Eleanor his wife. There is an indenture between Francis Halley, Richard Pyke, et al, dated 21 April, 1694, which might seem to imply some previous relationship between those families.

The ' Register of St. Bene't, Paul's Wharf (London, 1911, p. 234) shows this marriage-entry :

" 1779, Nov. 9. Wm. Wright, of this parish, B., and Mary Pike, of the same, S., by John Gibbons, Curate. Banns, Wit. : W. Purnell, Charles Home."


135, Park Row, Chicago.

ORANGE EMBLEMS. Who was the maker of old glassware with Orange emblems ? Are they still produced in England also delph figures of William III. (I think made long ago in Staffordshire) ?



MUNICIPAL RECORDS PRINTED. (11 S. ii. 287, 450, 529 ; iii. 493 ; iv. 131.)

ALLOW me to thank the gentleman who one day left a kind note on the desk I occupied at the British Museum, recommending a certain book on the shelves to me. I know the book well, but he will see that my list was compiled for biographical and genea- logical purposes, and consequently is supple- mentary to topographical or genealogical guides already published.

With regard to G.'s complaint that I had omitted the volume of Glasgow Burgh Records published in 1908, I can only say that, though published by the Scottish Burgh Records Society at Edinburgh in 1908, it was not received at the British Museum till 25 July, 1911, a month after the publication of the number of ' N. & Q. containing my list, and it will be some little time before the volume appears in the Catalogue. I may also point out thai a subsequent volume, dealing with the perioc A.D. 1739-59, published by the Corporation in 1911, is in the Catalogue. All these wil appear in the supplementary list which ] hope to contribute to ' N. & Q.' ; as wil ' The Records of the Trades House of Glas gow,' published in 1910.

G. likewise mentions several Trade In corporations, apparently not the volume

ust alluded to. In the British Museum ire two volumes, one dealing with the hardeners, the other with the Weavers >oth of these have been noticed. If any more lave been published, they have not yet reached the Catalogue of the British Museum ^ibrary.

Coming now to the REV. A. B. BEAVEN iii. 494), he has done splendid work, often under difficulties, but he confuses descrip- ion with criticism. As I said about his Bristol book, an index would virtually duplicate the work, but to have to wade through, say, seven hundred years of annual names to drop on the right one is no light

ask. MB. BEAVEN is too well acquainted

with books not to know the value of an ndex ; many a book, good in itself, is spoilt or want of an index, such as Bacon's Annalles of Ipswich ' and plenty of printed Darish registers. MB. BEAVEN'S book on London would be improved by an index, and I sincerely hope one will appear in a future volume.

Finally, with reference to London itself, the bibliography is disappointing, the sub- jects overlap so much, and I know of a list of Freemen of the City of London, published over two years ago, of which, when these lines were written, a copy had not reached the British Museum. Though the list is disappointing, I venture to think that it is the fullest^ yet published. LONDON.

Camera Regis ; or, a Short View of London : containing the Antiquity, Fame, Walls, Bridge, Biver, Gates, Tower, Cathedral, Officers, Courts, Customs, Franchises, &c., of that Renowned City. By John Brydall. (1676.) No index. The Priviledges of the Citizens of London : con- tained in the charters granted to them by the several Kings of this Realm, and confirmed by sundry Parliaments. Comprehending the whole Charter, only Words of Form left out. Now seasonably publisht for general information, upon the occasion of the Quo Warranto brought against the said City. (1682.) At the end of the second charter of Charles I. is a curious list of duties leviable on certain articles. Privilegia Londini ; or, the Laws, Customs, and Priviledges of the City of London. Wherein are set forth all the Charters .... all their general and particular Customs, &c. " With an Exact Table to the whole." (1702.)

Third Edition, with large Additions. By W. Bohun. (1723.)

An Epitome of the Privileges of London, including Southwark, as granted by Royal Charters, con- firmed by Acts of Parliament, and established by Ancient Custom, with remarks on the repeated invasions of the rights, franchises, and juris- diction of the Metropolis of Great Britain. By D. Hughson. (1816.) Table of Contents, Glossary, Privileges and Customs alphabetic- ally arranged.