Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/411

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ii s. iv. NOV. is, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


144. [Blank.]

145. Mrs. Anne Riggs, d. 15 July, 1822, a. 69. Miss Anne Riggs, dau. of the above, d. 15 Dec.,

1824, a. 45. Mr. William Gabriel Riggs, d. 10 Jan., 1830, a. 80.

146. Elizabeth Robieson, d. Dec. 26, 1844, a. 52. George Robieson, builder, husb. of the above, d. March 22, 1848, a. 57.

147. Mrs. Sarah, relict of Lieut.-Col. Farquhar, d. ber 27, 1803, a. .

148. Mrs. Edith Price, d. 26 Dec., 1791, a. 55. Mr. John Price, d. 5 Oct., 1802, a. 59. Mrs. Sarah Turner, d. 29 April, 1821, a. 41. Mrs. Esther Price, dau. of the above Mrs. Sarah Turner, d. 28 Sept., 1836, in her 37th year.

149. Charlotte, w. of Charles Miles, d. May 23, 1816, in her 26th year. Also Charles, s. of the above [no date]. Also Charles Miles, husb. of the above, d. Feb. 21, 1828, a. 43.

150. Mr. Joseph Wright, of this p., d. 17 March, 1820, a. 47. Mrs. Mary Wright, relict of the above, d. 27 Nov., 18 , a. 67.

151. Edward Read, of 20, Causton Street, d. (4) June, 1851, a. (18). Maria, w. of the above, d. 20 July, 1851.

152. Mrs. Ann Russ, d. 30, 1830, a. 70.

153. [Blank.]

154. Mrs. Margaret " Harrison .... Also .... Also

m Purn , s. of 9th, 1817, a. . All

of this parish.

155. Elizabeth

156. Agar, .... d 5th, 1818.

157. George Boys, of this p., d. April 22, 1833, a. 49. Four sons of the above, , George, Edmund, and Gilbert, died in their infancy. Mrs. Mary Boys, wid. of the above, d. Feb. 8, 18(37), a. 53. Also Georgiana Susanna , grandd. of the above, d. 20 March .

158. Sarah Boys, eldest dau. of the Hev. Daniel Boys and Sarah Rider, his w., d. 1 July, 1839, a. 29.

159. Alexander, s. of John and Elizabeth Percy, d. 2 June, 1823, a. (4) yrs. Mrs. Eliz. Percy, mother of the above, d. 19 March, 1837, a. 33.

160. Sarah Cooper, of this p., d. 2- Dec., 1833, a. 6(3) yrs. Also m Cooper, [husban]d of the above, d*, 18(01).

161. Ha (Jo) n, died D , a. 1 year. Sarah F , died , a. . Also Mr(s.) , wife of .

162. Jane- Boys, eldest dau. of Thomas Boys, Esq., and Jane his w., d. 12 Feb., 1851, a. 80.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut.-Col. 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

(To be continued.)

JAMES CALDWALL, ARTIST. Such records as those of COL. PARRY, ante, pp. 302-4, are of the greatest value. His Xo. 72, for instance, tells us of the death and burial-place of James Caldwall the artist, who was born in 1739, and who, " by the dates on his prints," according to Bryan, " is known to have lived till 1789." The transcription in question clearly proves that he was living thirty-three years afterwards. W. ROBERTS.

One Sunday not long ago I made a note of No. 72 in this list. The inscription seems to fit in with a notice of James Caldwall in Bryan's ' Dictionary of Painters and En- gravers,' where it is stated that the artist was born in 1739 ; this agrees with the age 84 as given on the tombstone. No date of death is given, but the notice and tha inscription evidently refer to the same person. A. RHODES.

KING'S THEATRE (OPERA-HOUSE), HAY- MARKET. The history of this theatre has yet to be written, and would be a welcome volume. One can find the date on which any particular play was acted at Drury Lane, Covent Garden, or the Little Theatre in the Haymarket, in Genest's * Account of the English Stage,' but it is necessary to go to contemporary newspapers to glean informa- tion about the King's Theatre. Moreover, both Genest and the newspapers generally give a portion of the cast at the three other houses, but the newspapers seldom mention the names of the performers at the Opera- House. Great stars, like Heinel and Ga- brielli, are sometimes announced, but the details in this respect are very meagre ; yet there must be large collections of playbills from which an adequate historical account might be compiled. Both Dr. Doran and Barton Baker have far too little to tell us about the King's Theatre.


CRYSTAL PALACE TICKETS. In view of the increased interest excited by the Crystal Palace at the present moment, some account of the tickets in use there in the late fifties of the last century may be of interest.

Below is a copy of a Crystal Palace Opera Concert ticket :

GENTLEMAN'S. Crystal Palace, 1858, Non- Transferable Subscription Ticket

For Opera Concerts May 28 ; June 11, 15 ; July 9, 23 ; August 6.

N u A 4700 Autograph |

Signature W. G. Shand. of Proprietor)

N.B. This ticket is available only when ac- companied by a Season Ticket bearing the same signature as the above.

Half a guinea. Bradbury & Evans, Engravers, Whitefriars,


On the back of the card are the words :

" The Proprietor of this Ticket must signlMs

or her name on the face of the Ticket, and also in

a book at the Palace, and produce it when required

by the servants of the company.