Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/495

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ii s. iv. DEC. 16, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


and garden in Charter-House Churchyard and Charter-House Lane. He. was knighted by James I. in 1603, and died in 1609, leaving, apparently, one-third of his York- shire estates and London property to his son and heir William, then 5 years old. William Thekeston, son of Sir Richard, married at Flixton, Suffolk, in 1624, Dorothy Tasburgh, gentlewoman, and he was knighted the same year. He died and was buried at Flixton in 1649. Administration of his estate had been granted that year to three guardians on behalf of his son and heir Richard, late of Reedham, who in 1659 attained full age, when "commission" was granted to him. He seems to have lived later in Surrey (see The Ancestor, vol. iii. p. 140).

The family was presumably of Yorkshire descent, and connected with other Yorkshire families of the same surname, which were fairly numerous in the seventeenth century, as proved by records which I have collated. I wish to discover the age, birthplace, and parentage of Sir Richard Thekeston of Thekeston. Probably he was born between 1520 and 1560. Also, I should like to find out what crest and motto he used with the coat of arms (confirmed in 1587). Will any readers interested in the Thekeston ancestry communicate with me ?


Spanish Buildings, Stanley Street, Liverpool.

HERALDIC. Could any of your readers kindly identify the following arms ?

(1) On a chevron three crosses pattee between three bucks passant. (This coat is impaled with the arms of Weld of Lul- worth, but I can find no family connected with the Welds bearing these arms.)

(2) Arg., on a fesse azure between three horses courant, three roundles of the first. Arms borne circa 1800 on a shield of pretence by a widow of a Walford of Sibthorp, Oxfordshire. A. FORTESCUE.

Sprydoncote, Exeter.

DR. BUTLER'S CURIOUS PICTURES IN 1618. Amongst the goods of the eccentric Dr. Butler of Cambridge, when he died in 1618, are enumerated a number of pictures :

" Fifty-two pictures of limned work and divers sentences written on tables, valued at 51. 10s.

" Eight alabaster pictures, 51.

"Three prospective pictures at 30s.

" Two stone pictures, two steel pictures, two ivory pictures, a silk picture, an enamelled

icture, divers small pictures, these last six bems, with a bottle of ivory, a snakeskin, and an ostrich egg, are valued at 30s."

What weret hese various pictures ? Dr. Butler was wel known during his lifetime as being fonder of curiosities than money, and he seems to have been successful in his hobby. W. M. PALMER, M.D.

Linton, Cambs.

ALEXANDER FORBES (1564-1617). The ' Dictionary of National Biography ' says :

"Alexander Forbes (1564-1617), bishop of Aberdeen, belonged to the Brux branch of the Forbes family. He was the son of John Forbes of Ardmurdo in Aberdeenshire, by his second wife,

a daughter of Graham of Morphie One of his

sons, John Forbes, [was] minister of Auchterless .... another, Colonel William Forbes, is probably the same as an officer of that name and rank in the army of Montrose."

A bishop of Aberdeen was a son of William Forbes of Ar[d]murdo. A William Forbes, colonel in the army of Montrose, was a sou of George Forbes of Skellater by Euphemia, daughter of William Skene of Auchtererne.

Will some of your readers inform me if Alexander Forbes (1564-1617), Bishop of Aberdeen, was the son of John Forbes ; OP, if not, who was his father ? Was the noted colonel in the army of Montrose a son of George Forbes of Skellater ? J. F. J.


REEVE : DAY : PYKE : SHARPE. The will of Richard Pyke of Chelmsford, Essex, dated 1726 (cf. 10 S. viii. 44), mentions the testator's granddaughters Mary Bland and Jane Day. His son, William Pyke of Green- wich, in his will, dated 1727 (ibid., p. 45), mentions

" loving niece Mary Reeve, late Mary Bland, fully provided for by my late dear father Richard Pyke ; cousin Archibald Bruce and his wife."

" Will of Richard Day, of Epping, Essex, aged ; grandson Sir Richard Day Jenoure ; kins- man Francis Reeve, citizen and tobacconist." P.C.C., Reg. Spurway, folio 224 ; circa 1740.

' Lewisham Marriages ' (p. 157) shows :

" 1742, May 20. James Turpin of St. Mary, Whitechapel, and Eleanor Reeve of East Green- wich."

The marriage register of St. Bene't, Paul's Wharf (London, 1910, p. 179), contains this :

" 1718, Oct. 10. Thomas Bruce of St. Margaret, Westminster, Midx., B. and Frances Sharpe of St. James, Westminster, Midx., S. Cf. ante, p. 217.

In the Faculty Office Marriage Licences we find :

" 1710, Sept. 26. Richard Day and Mary Watkins." P. 255.

" 1704, Dec. 22. Henry Attfield and Sarah Day." P. 210.