Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/535

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ii s. iv. DEC. so, MI.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


built, circa 1615, the mansion that, after belonging to some intervening owners, was replaced in 1720, by Sir George Colebrooke Bart., by the present-day building. An en largement was made in 1777 by Sir Willian Mayne, Bart, (afterwards Lord Newhaven) who disposed of the property to a Mr. James Brown. From him it was purchased by Mr Isaac Walker, and it still remains in the Walker family, one generation of which gav the famous seven brothers to first-class cricket in the period 1846-84.


" COUSIN AND COUNSELLOR." When was the royal greeting of " cousin " extendec to viscounts ? Blackstone relates how Henry IV. thought it politic to acknowledge his relationship then a fact to every ear in England, and says that the usage con- tinued when the reason had failed. Bui he does not say that, when the title oj viscount was created in a later reign, cousinhood was created with it.

A. T. M.

SALAMANCA, 1812: CAPT. G. STUBBS. On a monument in the Holy Ghost Burial- ground, Basingstoke, there is the following inscription :

" To the Memory of George Stubbs, second son of Thomas Stubbs, Esq re , and Mary his wife, late a Capt" in His Majesty's 61 Bt Reg* of Infantry, who departed this life on the 22 July, 1812, aged 35 years.

" At the memorable battle fought on the plains of Salamanca in Spain, the command of the regi- ment devolved on him, and whilst gallantly leading on his men [he] fell in the midst of victory."

Where can I find this statement verified ? I have read several accounts of the battle, but this man's name does not occur.



CATHOLICS: AS A SURNAME. In the regis- ters of St. John the Baptist's Church, Bath- easton, Bath, is the following entry ad an. 1792: "April 21. William Smith, B. [mar- ried to] Hannah Sheppherd. Witnesses : Charlotte Sheppherd, William Catholick." Is not the last surname somewhat unusual ? Can any further instances of it be given ? At all events, it is sufficiently curious to merit noting in ' N. & Q.'

J. B. McGovERN.

St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.

DENNIE OF LONDON AND JAMAICA. Can any one throw further light on the following pedigree ? I should bo glad of information, if any is forthcoming, as soon as possible,

as I want it for the Lister or Lyster family history which I am about to publish.

Thomas Dennie (? or Denny, there being a tradition that the spelling was changed owing to a family quarrel), of Kingston, Jamaica, in and before 1779, was of Titch- field Street, parish of Marylebone, London, when he made his will, dated 14 Nov., 1795, proved P.C.C. 5 March, 1799. It mentions his sons Henry and Robert ; his daughter Sarah and Hon. Simon Taylor, Clephalet ffitch, Walter Richmond, Angus Macbean, and Thomas Bagnold, Esqs., all of the island of Jamaica, executors. His sons were :

(a) Robert Dennie, younger son, ensign 38th (S. Staffs) Regt. of Foot 14 Aug., 1783 (' Army List,' 1785), living November, 1795. [Can he be identical with Robert Denny, son of Lieut.-Col. Thomas Denny, 7th Dragoons (dead in 1805), ensign Fifeshire Fencibles January, 1796 ; 3rd Garrison Battalion, 1808; 67th Regt. 1808 or 1809; 3rd Buffs 1809, captain 30 June, 1809; m. in Dublin, August, 1805, Helen, dau. Capt. Anthony Lyster, of Grange, co. Roscommon (and sister of Lady Lees, whose family were intimate friends of Major Henry W. Dennie, below), and had issue (with a dau. Sophia,

who m. Rev. Eaton, and had issue) a

son Robert Denny of Kingstown, co. Dublin, d. there in or about 1841, having m. first, 1839, Rebecca S. Irvine, widow of Christopher Deey, Esq., who d.s.p. ; m.

2ndly , by whom (who remarried after

his death) he had an only child Helen, who died young ?].

(b) Henry Dennie, elder son, of London, barrister-at-law, admitted Lincoln's Inn, 10 Feb., 1779. [Can he be the Henry Denny who m. Sarah Aldridge at St. George's, Hanover Square, 1774, or the Henry Denny, of the parish of St. Clement, buried at St. Paul's, Co vent Garden, 28 Oct., 1810, aged 55 ?] He m. Grace, dau. of William Steele, and granddaughter of Laurence Steele, Esq., of Rathbride, co. Kildare, by whom (who remarried Col. William Kent, ICTth Foot, and d. 1856) he had issue a son :

Col. William Henry Dennie, C.B., 13th Light Infantry, b. "about 1785," "the gallant Col. Dennie" killed at Jellalabad see ' Dictionary of National Biography,' Lady Sale's ' Journal,' Sir N. Chamberlain's book on the 'Afghan Campaign of '42,' Gossip of the Century,' ' Account of the War ji Afghanistan in a Series of Letters by Col. W. H. Dennie, C.B.,' Dublin, 1843, &c.). He m. a French lady, and had issue (besides hree daus. Grace, Genevieve, and Aimee,