Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.

G confused with B in Domesday and Feudal Aids,

" Gabetin " =overall, use of the word, 26, 78 Gag, Parliamentary term, its origin, 35 Gainsborough (Thomas), his picture ' Morning

Walk,' 281, 435, 530

Gallot (John), actor, and Will Watch, 35 Gaily (T. & P.), printsellers, date of the firm, 208 Garrick (David) and Diderot's MS., 27 Garugh, Irish place-name, 1722, its locality, 369 Gautier (Th^ophile), 1811-72, his biography, 241,


Gee, origin of surname, 158 Geese and Michaelmas Day, connexion between,

450 Genealogical collections, form of preserving, 29,


Genealogy, Cornish, and the Civil War, 228, 272 George I. statue in Leicester Square, 261, 313 George II., baptism of his cnildren, 1721-4, 266 George III., his statue and the dragon, 147 ;

review of troops on Wanstead Flats, 310 George V., his ancestors, 87, 134, 173, 232 German universities and eleemosynary students,

Ghosts of horses, stories of, 127, 176

Gibbons (Grinling), books on the life of, 89, 137, 154, 217, 255, 299

Giffard family of Halsbury, 490

" Gifla," Isleworth, Islington, etymology of place- name, 43, 133, 196, 238

Gilbert (Sir John) as illustrator, 1838, 521

Gin, called strikefire, and " strip and go naked,"


Gipsy language, slang terms derived from, 409, 478 Glassware with Orange emblems, 390 Glastonbury, excavation of wooden structure, 448 Glen (James), " Swedenborgian," d. 1814, 150 Glubb, Plasse, and W T eekes families, 186 Gods, Japanese, the names of, 407 Gordon (Col.) in ' Barnaby Rudge,' his identity,

Gordon (Col.), steel engraving of, 1809, 508 Gordon (second Duke of) 1678-1728, his biography

published in newspapers, 165

Gordon (Sir J. \Villoughby) and lithography, 90 Gordon (Nathaniel) = Laura Turton, c. 1760, 127 Gordon (Rev. Patrick), his ' Geographv,' dates of

editions, 188, 237

Gordon House, Scutari, origin of the name, 210 Gordon of Park, baronetcy, 306 Gorges and Aishe families, 169 " Gothamites "^Londoners, name used 1727, 25,

loo j IT & Gotherson (Major Daniel), c. 1663, and Matthew

Prior, 447

Gounod (Charles) at Saint Raphael, 1866, 106 Gower (Thomas), iemp. Henry V., arms of 528 Gower family of Worcestershire, 53 Grammar, English, illogical constructions, 287

356, 437, 491

Grammar School, Midhurst, names, dates &c 308 Grandfather clocks in France, 509 Grant (James), author, and battle of Maida, 232 Grantham, pronunciation of place-name, 269, 314

455, 535

Graves, trees growing from, 250, 297 Gray (Thomas) : his ' Elegy,' translations and

Great Fosters, Elizabethan mansion, at Egham, Greatheed (Rev. Samuel), friend of Cowper, 347

" Grecian," 1615, meaning of the word, 270, 337

Gresham family, 269

Greville (Fulke), Lord Brooke, d. 1628, his epitaph,


Grey (Rev. Henry), 1778-1859, his father, 407 Griffin, Wilkes, and Arnold families, 249 Griffith (G.), Bishop of St. Asaph, his marriage, 528 Grimald (Nicholas), 1519-62, his life and poems,


Grimaldi (Joseph), 1779-1837, as a canary, 25, 95 Grosvenor Square, its origin, 1725, 327, 414 Grymbolde (John), his relation to Nicholas Gri- mald. 384 ' Guard Salute,' military music with three names,

227, 337

' Guesses at Truth,' the contributors to, 229, 276 Guild of Clothiers in 16th and 17th centuries, 8,

50, 118 Guild of Merchants of the Staple of Calais, 1661,

507 " Guild or Fraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,"

c. 1790, 490, 538

Guillotine, Parliamentary term, its origin, 35 Gunn (the Misses) of Dublin, 1808, their family,


Gustavus Adolphus, his birthplace, 26 Gwinett (Ambrose), advertisement in London

paper, 1709, 410 Gyp, " Robe en toile a voile," in ' Petit Bob,' 170,




Hacket (Sir Andrew), d. 1709, 68, 114

" Hacket " cow, meaning of the word, 445

" Had I Wist," bogy in A.-S. fairy-tale, 475

Hadria, character in a novel, its title, 450

Haggatt family, 388

Hakluyt (Edmund) at Cambridge University, 68

Haldeman, origin of the surname, 329, 398

Halfacree, origin of surname, 134, 179

Hall (Rev. W. J.), editor of ' Selection of Psalms

and Hymns,' 348, 433 Hallett family of Canons, and Gainsborough's

picture, 281, 435, 530 Halley (Dr. Edmond), 1682, his marriage register,

85, 198 ; his pedigree, 466

Halley, Walters, Ward, and Wright families, 389 Hamilton (Lady), colour of her hair, 447 Hamlet as Christian name, 1590, 305, 395, 538 Hampshire, formation of the county, 482 Hampstead : Keats and Sir C. W. Dilke, 51 Hampstead Manor Court held 1911, 526 Hampton Court, unknown picture at, 403, 496 ;

portrait of a lady at, 505

Handwriting of legal documents, c. 1864, 486 Hanover Square, Club Etranger in, 179, 216,


" Happen," \ise of the word, 346, 437, 497 Hardcastle (Ephraim)=W. H. Pyne, author, 227 Hardwicke and Mytton MSS., pedigrees, 327, 417 Hare (A. and J.), 'Guesses at Truth,' 229, 276 Hare (St. John), barrister, 1647, 169 Hare family, 389 ' Harlequin Gulliver,' pantomime, 1818, and

Grimaldi, 95

Harmonists, Society of, c. 1813, 188, 239 " Harp struck by lightning," meaning of the

phrase, 449, 498 Harrison (James), c. 1827, painter and architect,


Hart (Eliza Rebecca) = John Darby, 1835, 110 Hart (Sir Richard), M.P., his biography, 247, 291,

372 Hawes (Thomas), rector in Wilts, 1709, 169