Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/570

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.

Dixon (Ronald) on Jessie Brown and the relief of Lucknow, 328. Cassiterides, Scilly Isles, and Lyonesse, 286. Hellings family, 267

Dobbs (E. Wilson) on Queen Mary's armorial bearings at the Coronation, 467

Dodds (M. H.) on Lady Buhner alias Margaret Cheyne, 448

Doran (Alban) on ' La Carmagnole,' 27

Douglas (W.) on Misses Dennett, 173. Watch Will) : John Gallot, 35. Watchmakers' sons, 494

Dowling (A. B. P. Baymund) on Fulani, a Nigerian tribe, 270. Pears : " Bon Chretien " and " Doyenn6 du Cornice," 372, 438. Porch inscription in Latin, 457

Dowling (J. N.) on Thackeray : W 7 ray, 418

Drury (C.) on Drury family arms, 369

Duarte (Marie Louise) on SS. Bridget, Gertrude, Foillan, and Febronia, 236

Duff (E. Gordon) on Du Bellay, 347

Dunheved on " Beat as Batty " : " Busy as Batty," 314. Peers immortalized by public- houses, 332. Spettigue, Carpenter, and Rowe families, 346

Dunheved [2] on diatoric teeth, 395. Manzoni : ' Promessi Sposi,' 408

Dwight (T. F.) on portrait in Pitti Gallery : Justus Sustermans. 195. St. Swithin's Day, 94

Dyer (A. Stephens) on Buckeridge book-plate, 150. Moyle book-plate, 210. Spurring book- plate, 289

E. on Etherington family, 250

E. (A. R.) on Richard Baddeley, 78

E. (E.) on Etherington family and Pickering

Castle, 290

E. (H. E.) on Evelyn Hall, 430 E. (K. P. D.) on touching a corpse, 95 Eagleton (Jno.) on John Bankes, haberdasher, 387 Eden (F. Sydney) on Charles Corbett, bookseller,

197. Courayer (Peter) on Anglican orders, 413 Edgcumbe (R.) on ' Catalogue of Honor,' 488.

Elliott (Mrs. Grace Dalrymple), 392 Editor ' Irish Book Lover ' on Sir Walter Ralegh's

house at Youghal, 472 Edwardes (D. J. W.) on Capt. Edwardes =

Forster, 408 Edwards (F. A.) on Lord Beauchamp, 1741, 170.

Dates in Roman numerals, 315. Fulani or

Fulahs, a Nigerian race, 335. George V.'s

(King) ancestors, 87. Holed bridal stones,

227 Edwards (W. H.) on vanishing landmarks of

London : " The Swiss Cottage Tavern," 514 El Soltero on Major-General Alexander Stewart:

Brigadier-General Alexander Leslie, 67 Ellis (A. S.) on Thackeray: Thackery : Wray,

283. Pontefract Castle': an unknown picture

at Hampton Court, 403 Ellis (H. D.) on Overing surname, 216 Emeritus on "Bast," 74. 'Convict Ship,' 515.

Skeat on derivations. 7

F. (F. R.) on Caversham : Chapel of St. Anne, 509. Dates in Roman numerals, 250, 315, 437. Money value, 490

F. (F. T.) on French thunderstorm, 9

F. (G. S.) on Forbes of Skellater, 17

F. (J. T.) on authors of quotations wanted, 28. Hebrew medal, 447. Robinson arms and motto, 28. St. Patrick and the shamrock, 76.

Stockings, black and coloured, 257. Tatters- hall : Elsham : Grantham, 314, 536. Thread- ing St. Wilfrid's needle, 507.

F. (S. J. A. ) on Fives Court, St. Martin's Lane : Tennis Court, Haymarket, 155. Hook (James), 154. ' Wine and Walnuts ' : " Ephraim Hard- castle," 227

Fairbank (F. R.) on deer-leaps, 89

Fairbrother (E. H.) on Bristol M.P.'s : Sir Arthur Hart and Sir John Knight, 292. Lord Chief Justice, the Sheriff, and ventilation, 257. Ollney (Lieut.-Col.), 256

Fairchild (Mrs. Charles S.) on John Ledyard, traveller, 387

Fairchild (H. L.) on " Make a long arm," 498. " Swale," its English and American meanings, 495. ' Velvet Cushion,' 494

Fanshawe (H.) on Lpwther family, 388. Lowther and Cowper families, 518

Farrer (W.)on John Niandser, 213. " Walm " as a street-name, 358

Ferrar (M. L.) on Ceylon officials : Capt. T. A. Anderson, 355

Fishwick (Col. H.) on Cardinal Allen, 258. Thirteenth, 213

Fitzgerald (Percy) on "Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner," 236

Fitz-Gerald (S. J. Adair) on Campbell the Scottish giant, 130. ' Young Son of Chivalry,' 150

Fitzguillaume (H. F.) on porch inscription in Latin, 330

Fleming (W. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 449

Fletcher (J. M. J.) on birthplace of Matthew Prior, 161

Folkard (G. cle C.) on Grinling Gibbons, 154

Forman (Maurice Buxton) on ' Milieux d'Art,' 527

Fortescue (A.) on heraldic, 489

Fortescue (Mary Teresa) on Board of Green Cloth, 89. Caracciolo family, 69. Fort Russell, Hud- son's Bay, 130. Pitt's Buildings : Wright's Buildings, 50

Foster (J.) on Somerby, Lincolnshire, 265

Fowler (H. W. and F. G.) on ' Concise Oxford Dictionary,' 223

Francis (J. Collins) on jubilee of the Post Office Savings Bank, 423. ' Punch,' 1841-1911, 81. " Scotland for ever ! " the Scot in America, 444. Thackeray (William Makepeace), July 18th, 1811-December 24th, 1863, 21, 61, 101, 141

Eraser (E.) on ' Lord Macaulay's Last Lines : a Riddle,' 248

Freeman (J. J.) on Fives Court, St. Martin's Lane : Tennis Court, Haymarket, 232. ' Slang Terms and the Gipsy Tongue,' 409

Frood (A.) on lunatics and private lunatic asylums, 251

Frost (F. C.) on Frost arms at Winchester, 330,

Frost (W. A.) on Disraeli and Bulwer, 25. Lytton (First Earl of), 165

Fry (E. A.) on county bibliographies, 488

Fynmore (Col. R. J.) on authors of quotations wanted, 476. Bassett or Bassock family, 446. Brown (Jessie) and the relief of Lucknow, 416. Haldeman surname, 398. Jenner (Edward), M.D., and Thomas Jenner, D.D., 169. Lush and Lushington surnames, 53. Military Canal at Sandgate, 23. Pigtails in the British Army, 17. Ralegh's (Sir Walter) house at Youghal, 473. Regimental sobriquets, 446. Salamanca, 1812 : Capt. G. Stubbs, 529. Shipdein family, 37. Southey's (Robert) letters, 538. Sunday schools in 1789, 465.