Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/573

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.



K. ( J. ) on Chas. Cardale Babington, 229. Kynoch (Capt. John) : Quatre Bras, 348. Ludlow Castle, 150

K. (J. H.) on Jane Austen's ' Persuasion,' 412

K. (K. P.) on Purvis surname, 290

K. (L .L.) on " Bombay duck," 238. " Caratch." 237. ' Correspond ance Prive"e,' 230. Eliza- beth (Queen) at Bishop's Stortford, 72. ' Eng- lische Schnitzer,' 368. Hunyadi Janos, 317. Learned horses, 285. Miksz&th's (Coloman) works in English, 310, 394. Military and naval executions, 237. St. Clement the' Pope and Wyremongers, 196. Stevenson (R. L.) as a scientific observer, 205. Submarine boats in 1828, 346

K. (P. M.) on Salisbury family of Westmeath, 249

Kastner (L. E.) on Drummond of Hawthornden, 487

Kelly (R. J.) on Boleyn or Bullen family in Ire- land, 6

Kemp (J. T.) on ancient metal box, 208

Kempling (W. Bailey) on " Crown Prince of Ger- many," 45

Kennedy (G. L.) on dry weather in nineteenth century, 409

King (C.) on " fraternal " : " sisterly," 369

Kingsford (W. B.) on "caratch," 237. " Scam- mel " =to tread on, 277

Krebs (H. ) on Christmas and its name in European languages, 505. ' Nibelungenlied ' : its locali- ties, 395

Krueger (G.) on "backseat": "take a back seat," 7. "I am paid regular wages " : the passive with an object, 287. " Swale," its American and English meanings, 175. " Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner," 86

L. (E. A.) on " broken counsellor," 368. " Walm " as a street-name, 290

L. (F. de H.) on Robert Anstruther, M.P., 494. Leigh (Theophilus), D.D., 429

L. (G. D.) on deeds and abstracts of title : society for their preservation, 216

L. (H. P.) on moor, more, and moory-ground, 37

L. (J. A.) on Irish schoolboys : descriptions of parents, 70

L. (J. B. R. J.) on chess and duty, 88

L. ( J. H. ) on ' Mother and Three Camps ' : ' Point of War,' 337

L. (R. A. A.) on Jane Austen at Southampton, 67. Strahan (William and Andrew), 67

L. (S.) on manor of Milton-next-Gravesend, 436

Lane (H. Murray) on Eleanor of Bretagne, 464

Lansdown (C. ) on Tattershall : Elsham : Grant- ham, 536

Laughton (Sir J. K.) on Nelson : " musle," 307, 414

Law (Ernest) on Queen Elizabeth's portraits at Hampton Court by Zucchero, 292. Pontefract Castle : picture at Hampton Court, 496

Laws (Edward) on John Lord: Owen, 395

Lazla (Rene de) on Spanish titles granted to Irish- men, 427

Lee (A. Collingwood) on women carrying their husbands on their backs, 279

Lee (John W.) on Maida : naked British soldiers, 334

Leeper (Prof. Alex.) on siege of Derry, 156

Lega-Weekes (Ethel) on " cockrod " : " cock- shoot," 526. Plasse : Weekes : Glubb, 186. Rating of clergy to find armour, 532

Leslie (Major J. H.) on Col. Sir J. Abbott r ' Constance ' and ' Allaoodeen,' 228, 337, Drayson's (Capt.) 'Third Motion of the Earth,' 168. Lane (Henry Bowyer), 408- Maida, 172, 334

Letts (M.) on diatoric teeth, 290

Lewin (P. Evans) on Colonies : their arms, 436

Lewis (A.) on Charles Elstob. 257. Fulani or Fulahs, a Nigerian race, 335

Lewis (Penry) on Ceylon officials, writers, &c., 268, 355, 453. Edwards (G.): drawings of birds, 150. Mahony (Capt. Dennis) : Capt. Strickland Kingston, 107. Pope's position at Holy Communion, 179

Leyson (W.) on riddle, 58

Librarian on Capt. Marrvat : ' Diary of a Blase,' 497

Lock (Rev. Campbell) on Channel Tunnel and Mr. Gladstone, 108. French peasant drinking song, 109. Griffin, Wilkes, and Arnold families, 249. History of England with riming verses,

Longstaff (G. B.) on St. Sabinus or St. Salvius, 47

Lowndes (Arthur) on American national flower,. 455. Ogilvie (Rev. Dr.), brother of the poet,, 227. ' Velvet Cushion,' 288

Lucas (E. V.) on Lieut. -Col. Ollney, 48

Lucas (J. Landfear) on grandfather clocks in France, 509

Lucas (Perceval) on Army bandmasters and the officers' mess, 297. Bode (John), 1630, 494. " Scammel " =to tread on, 277

Lumb (G. D.) on 'Churches of Yorkshire,' 14, 58. Lodbrok's (Ragnor) sons : Hulda, 315

Lynn (W. T.) on astrology and ' The Encylco- pasdia Britannica,' 26. Campbell's ' Napoleon and the English Sailor,' 107. Plume (Arch- deacon) and the ' Dictionary of National Bio- graphy,' 86. ' Progress of Error,' 455. Statues in London : William III. and Richard I., 285. Wakefield, Vicar of, 170

M. on Elector Palatine c. 1685, 136. "Pindar (Peter)," Dr. Wolcot, 411. Rosebery (Lord) on books, 386. " Swale," its American and English meanings, 114. Watchmakers' sons, 336

M. (A. A. ) on Latter Lammas, 469

M. (A. L. ) on George Morland's inn sign, 447

M. (A, R.) on Senior Wranglers : Senior Classics, 115

M. (A. T.) on " Cousin and Counsellor," 529

M. (C.) on Hamlet as Christian name, 538. " Vive la Beige," 498

M. (F. B.) on " All who love me follow me," 494. Fielding (Henry) and the civil power, 58. Norris surname, 417

M. (G. B.) on funeral with heraldic accessories in 1682, 306. Peploe family grant of arms in 1753, 508. ' Robbers' Cave,' 448. Welsh quotation, 490

M. (H. E.) on " meteor flag," 108

M. (J.) on authors of quotations wanted, 28, 449. Gray's ' Death of Richard West ' : " complain," 229. " Polilla," 490. Selden's ' Table Talk ' : " force," 229

M. (L. S.) on John Preston, D.D., 308

M. (N.) on "Amurath to Amurath succeeds," 507. Peers immortalized by public-houses, 228

M. (N.) & A. on Felicia Hemans, 468. Spider stories, 26

M. (P.) on Hulton Abbey cartulary, 367

M. (T. F.) on John Bode, 1639, 369