Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/578

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.

Coverham horses, 206. Cross-legged effigies, 88. Cuckoo rimes : Heathfield Cuckoo Fair, 135. Farmer's Creed, 6. " Fent " : trade term, 478. Fielding (Henry) and the civil power, 336. Finch family tradition, 246. " Gabetin," 78. Gyp's ' Petit Bob ' : " Robe en toile k voile," 214. History of England with riming verses, 233. ' Howden Fair,' 439. Johnson (Dr.) and tobacco, 175 ; and ' The Pilgrim's Progress,' 492. Learned horses, 354. Lotus and India, 72. Lunatics and private lunatic asylums, 251. " Make a long arm," 158. Merivale (Dean) on perseverance, 10. Millinery in 1911, 86. Mummy used as paint by artists, 57. Needles in China : quaint use, 506. " Old Clem " : ' Great Expectations,' 415. Purvis surname, 358. Richmond, York- shire : market custom, 307. " Rydyng aboute of victory," &c., 408. St. Clement the Pope and Wyremongers, 196. St. Esprit, 257. St. Expeditus, 45. St. Hugh and " the Holy Nut," 69. SS. Bridget, Gertrude, Foillan, and Febronia, 236. Selden's ' Table Talk ' : " force," 278. Shakespeare and " warray " : Sonnet CXLVI., 243. Stockings, black and coloured, 166. " Swale " : its American and English meanings, 114. Tattershall : Elsham : Grant- ham, 455. Thackeray : Wray, 333. Touching a corpse, 95, 178. Trees growing from graves, 297. Twins and second sight, 379. Viper and cow folk-lore, 147

Salmon (David) on eighteenth-century school- book, 392. Rhoscrowther : Llandegeman : Rhos-y-cryther, 393

Sandys (Sir J. E.) on Wordsworth : " Quam nihil ad genium, Papiniane, tuum ! " 531

Saunders (G. Symes) on King's turnspits, 177. " Scammel " =to tread on, 229. " Swale " : its American and English meanings, 175

Saunders (H. A. C.) on Dumas on Cleopatra's Needles, 375

Savage (Canon E. B.) on Capt. Cuttle's hook, 506. Lodbrok's (Ragnor) sons: Hulda, 337. Pears: " Bon Chretien " and " Doyenne du Cornice," 372

Schank (Lionel) on authors of quotations wanted, 276

Schloesser (F.) on " Bombay duck," 238. "Caratch," 237. " Dillisk " and "slook," 469. Noel, cook to Frederick the Great, 269. Obso- lete fish, 310

Schwerin-Schwerinsburg (A. Count) on Phillipps family, 527

Scott (J. W.) on dry weather in nineteenth century, 495

Scott (W. ) on Battle on the Wey : Carpenter, Cressingham, and Rowe families, 77. ' Church Historians of England,' 117. Dickens and Thackeray : Mantalini, 153. " Gag," " guillo- tine," and " kangaroo " as Parliamentary terms, 35. House of Commons prayer : Speaker Yelverton, 38. Nelson : " musle," 477. Peter the Great's portrait, 17. ' Waverley ' : " Clan of grey Fingon," 37

Scotus on Burns and ' The Wee W T ee German Lairdie,' 14. D'Urfey and Allan Ramsay, 58. Macaulay's (Lord) ancestry, 33. Ogilvie (Rev. Dr.), brother of the poet. 494. Swammerdam's ' History of Insects,' 18. Twins and second sight, 54

Senior (W.) on authors of quotations wanted, 309

Sharpe (Dr. Reginald R.) on St. Clement the Pope and Wyremongers, 147

Shearme (D.) on Cornish genealogy~ r and the Civil War, 228 '^

Shepherd (T.) on Axford family, 399. Bibles with curious readings, 158, 259. Cock-fighting and Coronation mugs, 366. Dumbleton, place- name, 179. First perforated postage stamps, 298. Per centum : its symbol, 238. Port Henderson : Corrie Bhreachan, 58, 97. Royal jubilees, 12. St. Esprit, 257 fctf*. <

Sherborne (Lord) on " O.K.," 17

Sherson (E. S.) on authors of quotations wanted* 507

Sherwood (G.) on deeds and abstracts of title r society for their preservation, 194

Shickle (C. W.) on John Rustat, 29

Sicile on Spanish motto, 353, 437. Urban V.'s family name, 256

Siev eking (A. Forbes) on Matthew Arnold's French quotation, 149. Fives Court, St. Martin's Lane : Tennis Court, Haymarket, 110. King's Theatre (Opera-House), Haymarket, 495

Sieveking (Herbert) on Cavendish Square : eques- trian statue. 527

Sigma Tau [2] on Nicolay family, 407

Skeat (Prof. W. W.) on " apssen counter," 256. Authors of quotations wanted, 76. Bagstor surname, 213. Baked pears = " W T ardens ": Bedford Fair, 371. Beaumont and Fletcher r 'Monsieur Thomas,' 345. " Bursell," 73. " Ch " : its pronunciation in early English, 285. " Cytel " in Anglo-Saxon names, 233, 491. " Dillisk " and " slook," 532. " Fent " : trade term, 458. Haldeman's surname, 398. " Haywra," place-name, 35. " Homestead," 525. " Honorificabilitudinitatibus," 538. " In- goldsby Legends ' : rebus, 216. ' Knight of the Burning Pestle': "FS.=3s. 2d.," 434. Norris surname, 417. Obsolete fish, 396. Penge as a place-name, 437. " Pe. .tt," 513. Purvis surname, 357. St. George and the lamb, 37. Scissors : " pile " side, 317. Shakespeariana, 83. Tattershall : Elsham : Grantham, 314. Thackeray : Wray, 333. Waller (Baron de) : Sir Robert Waller at Agincourt, 412. " Writes me " : " Stand it," 536

Sladen (Rev. S.) on Eliza Wesley, 508

Smith (E.) on tailor and poet, 495

Smith (Prof. G. C. Moore) on " fent," 478. North Devon words c. 1600, 518

Smyth (H.) on " happen," 437. Rags at wells, 38

Snell (F. S.) on Arno surname, 376. Peers immortalized by public-houses, 332. ' St. Aubin ; or, The Infidel : a Novel,' 28. Touching a corpse, 434

Solomons (Israel) on Hebrew medal, 511. Jew and Jewson surnames, 209. Lima (J. Suasso de), 509

Solus on Macaulay on the W T ar of the Spanish Succession, 207

Somerville (C. F.) on ' Mother and Three Camps/ ' Guard Salute,' or ' The Point of War,' 227

Sparke (Archibald) on rating of clergy to find armour, 532

Spicer (Newton) on Lady Elizabeth Stuart, Darnley's sister, 89

Squires (E. E.) on John Owen of Hemel Hemp- stead, schoolmaster, 9

Stapleton (A.) on " Gothamites " = Londoners, 133

Steel (A. E.) on Sir Walter Ralegh's house at Youghal, 472

Steele (R. L. ) on Shakespeares in the eighteenth century, 146