Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/219

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ii s. v. MAS. 2. Mia] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Catalogue of the Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, &c., in the Library of the E?sex Arehseol. Institute, by W. H. Daltoa. CoU Chester, 1895.

See also Catalogue of Essex Literature in Public Library at Leyton, and some newer authorities named by W. P. Courtney (National Bibliography, vol. i. p. 177).

The Colchester Public Library also has a collection of Essex books, and Mr. Miller Christy has done a bibliography of Essex Bird Literature (Essex Field Club Special Memoirs, 1890).

Gloucestershire Hyetfc (F. A.) and Bazley (W.), The Bibliographer's Manual of Gloucester- shire Literature, 3 vols. Gloucester, 1895-7. 8vo. Vol. III. relates to Bristol alone. An admirable work arranged under parishes.

Phelps (J. D.), Collectanea Glocestriensia, or a Catalogue of Books, Tracts, Coins, &c., relating to the County of Gloucester, in the possession of John Delafield Phelps, Chave- nage House. London, 1842.

Catalogue of the Books, Pamphlets, and MSS. in the Library of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeol. Society, 1898.

The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archseol. Society issued in 1890 (H. Osborne, St. Mary's Square, Gloucester) a full Index to vols. i.-xx. of their Transactions.

The Gloucester Public Library has a special collection of Gloucestershire literature and a County Photographic Record.

John Washbourn's book, Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis, is not a bibliography, but a reprint of local Civil War tracts. Hampshire MR. FRY names H. M. Gilbert's book, and gives date 1872, but there is a much later edition, as follows :

Gilbert (H.M.) and Godwin (G. X.), Biblio- theca Hantoniensis, 1891, 8vo. Contains a list of Hampshire newspapers by F. A. Edwards. (Southampton, 26, Above Bar.)

Cope (Rev. Sir W. H.), List of Books on Hampshire in the Library at Bramshill, Wokinghara, 1879.

Whitaker (W.), List of Books on the Geology of Hampshire (Proc. of the Win- chester and Hants Scientific Society, 1873).

The bibliography of the Flora of Hamp- shire is found in F. Townsend's Flora of H., 1883.

Rogers (W. H.), Maps and Plans of Old

Southampton, edited with Notes by W. II.

Rogers (Southampton Record Society), 1907.

Herefordshire Allen (John, jun.), Bibl. Here-

fordiensis. 1821.

Havergal (F. T.), Fasti Herefordenses, 1869. A bibliography of the Cathedral, City, and County, pp. 20517.

Mr. Courtney refers to " a Bibliographer's Manual of Herefordshire Literature, collected by Frederick Bodenham," which is said to have been printed in 1890.

As far as one can trace, no satisfactory bibliography of this county exists. Hertfordshire An Index to the Bibliography of Hertfordshire is in preparation by the East Herts Archaeol. Society. (See W. P. Court- ney's Nat. Bib., vol. i. p. 2i3.)

A Quarterly Bibliography of Middlesex and Hertfordshire (Middlesex and Herts Notes and Queries).

Catalogue of the Library of the Herts Nat. Hist. Soc., by John Hopkinson, 1885.

Descriptive Catalogue of Maps, by H. G. Fordham, in Herts Nat. Hist. Soc., xi, (reprinted separately 1902 and 1903).

See also Pryor (A/R.) and Jackson (B. D.) r Flora of Herts (Bibliography, pp. xxxvii- Iviii).

Also Whitaker (W.), List of Works on Geology of Herts to 1873 (Herts Nat. Hist. Soc., i. 78), brought up to 1883 by John Hopkinson (ib., iii. 165).

The bibliography of John Norden's Hert- fordshire is found in the 1903 reprint, pp. x-xiv.

Bibliography of Rye House Plot, N. &Q., 9 S. i. 212, 372 ; ii. 34, 175.

Huntingdonshire Catalogue of Huntingdonshire Books collected by H. E. Norris. Cirenceste'r (privately printed), 1895.

A. L. HUMPHREYS. 187, Piccadilly, W.

[Supplementary entries for the counties up to this point will appear in our next issue.]

Jiotes on ISaoks.

The Story of Garrard's, 1721-1911. (Stanlev Paul &Co.)

MESSRS. GARRARD have done well to celebrate their removal from the Haymarket to their new home in Albemarle Street by publishing this most interesting volume. In the first portion an account is given of the early history of the Haymarket, which at one time was the heart of London and the centre of fashion. In the brief space of seventy-two pages we are carried through three centuries and a half in a light and pleasant way. The Haymarket has always been noted for its theatres and other places of amusement, and the book contains a good account of these. We hear how " on Easter Monday, April 9th T 1705, Vanbrugh and Congreve opening the new playhouse, there were masquerades more magni- ficent than those known in Italy." These masquerades continued popular for a century ami a half. On May 2nd, 1732, George II. and Queen Caroline were present at the performance of Handel's 'Esther'; and in September, 1761, two serenatas by Cocchi were performed in honour of the marriage and coronation of George III. It may be noted " that on the occasion of the crowning of his great-great-grandson, George V. the gala performance took place in the building now known as His Majesty's Theatre, which occupies to-day the site of its four predecessors."

In the third chapter, in reference to the Gold- smiths' Company, it is stated that it " possesses no less than fifteen charters conferring on masters and members many great and singular rights and privileges, comprising the ceremony known as the Trial of the Pix, or the assay of a new coinage " : and we get the remarkable statement that " in 1500 there were not less than fifty-one goldsmiths' shops in the Strand alone." The