Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/240

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. v. MA*. o, 19,2.

Archibald, the first Marquis of Argyll, was commonly known and spoken of as " Gilles- pick Gruamach " (grim -faced Archibald). bee Browne s ' History of the Highland Clans ' ; Gregory's ' History of the Western Highlands ' ; Dr. Willcock's life of ' The Great Marquess ' ; and Neil Munro's novel ' John Splendid.' At all events, it is evi- dent that the cluster of "rugged names" observed by Milton was not gathered pro- miscuously over Scotland, but belonged to the locality of the wars of Montrose.

The fantastic form " Galasp " for Gillespie was probably inserted for metrical reasons. As the name " Gordon " was introduced by Milton into his sonnet, presumably on account of the exigencies of rime, so, in all likelihood, " Gillespie " received its weird fashioning into " Galasp " in order to ac- commodate it to its rime- word " gasp." For the same reason probably it stands at the end and not in the middle of the line.


EARLDOM OF DERWENTWATER (US v 109). Possibly it may be found that Mr. John Nicholas -Fazakerley, who died a.p. 21 April, 1909, was the last representative of the family of Ratcliffe, Earl of Derwent- water. That gentleman was the only sur- viving son of Mr. John Fazakerley, of Stoddley, Devon, M.P. for Peterborough, a Whig politician, and a member of the

Holland House circle." Either this Mr Fazakerley or his father changed his patro- nymic of Ratcliffe. H. G. ARCHER.

'TEMPLE BAR ' : CASANOVA (11 S. v. 110). The author was Herbert Greenhough bmith. It was reprinted along with nine other papers in ' The Romance of History,' published by Newnes. a V

Strawberry Hill.

COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHIES (US. iv. 488 ; v. 30, 178). My ^ second list closed with Huntingdonshire, but before proceeding with the other counties I subjoin a supplementary

.r s, and Oxon Arch^eolf Journal, voT H.

Buckinghamshire Summers (W. H.), Some Docu-

Cambridgeshire Gray (G. J.), Index to the Contents of the Cole Manuscripts in the British Museum. Cambridge, Bowes & Bowes, 1912. The above was referred to in my drat list as " announced for publication." Jt is now issued.

Clark (J. W.), Hammond's Map of Cam- bridge, 1592 (Proc. Camb. Ant. Soc., vii. lo 14).

Bowes (R,), On the First and Other Early Cambridge Newspapers (Proc. Camb. Ant. Soc., viii. 347-58).

Cheshire Hughes (Thomas), On Chester Litera- ture, its Authors and Publishers during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Ches- ter Archit., ArchaBol., and Hist. Soc., ii.

Z 1 oU ).

Robson (John), The Materials for the History of the Two Counties (Lanes and Cheshire) and the Mode of Using Them (Lanes and Cheshire Hist. Soc., v. 199-217 vii. 99-114 ; x. 47-58).

Taylor (Henry), A Transcript of Old Chester Deeds (Journal of Archit., Archteol., and Hist. Soc. of Chester and N. Wales, v. ooO 83 ) t

Cheshire Records, transcribed from originals in the P.R.O. (ibid., vi. 283-345).

Earwaker (J. P.), Notes on the Collection of Deeds preserved at the East Hall, High Legh, Cheshire, with Special Reference to those relating to Manchester and Neighbour- hood (Lanes and Cheshire Ant. Soc , vii. 142-59).

Hollins (Norman), Bibliography of Lanes and Cheshire Antiquities and Biography, 1902 and 1903 (Lanes and Cheshire Ant. Soc., xx. 265-75 ; xxi. 224-33). Cornwall Chanter (J. R.), Report on the Harding Collection of Manuscripts, Records, and His- torical, Ecclesiastical, Heraldic, and Anti- quarian Documents relating to Devon and Cornwall (Devon Assoc., xx. 49-68).

Worth (R. N.), Manuscript Materials for Cornish History (Royal Instit., Cornwall, viii. 144-7).

Cumberland Ferguson (Chancellor), On the Collection of Chapbooks in the Bibliotheca Jacksoniana, with some Remarks on the History of Printing in Carlisle, Whitehaven, Penrith, <tc. (Trans. Cumb. and Westmor- land Antiq. Sec., xiv. 1-120).

The same author dealt with this subject in Arch. Journal (London), lii. 292-335. Derbyshire Wallis (Alfred), A Sketch of the Early History of the Printing Press in Derby- shire (Derby Archseol. and Nat. Hist. Soc., iii. 137-56).

Derry (T. R.), Some Notes on Old Belper and Old Belper Books (Derby Archjeol. and Nat. Hist. Soc., xii. 1-23).

Pedes Finium for the County of Derby, from their Commencement in the Reign of Richard I. (Derby ArchsBol. and Nat. Hist. Soc., xviii. 1-17).

Devonshire W 7 ainwright (Thomas), An Index to the Names of Persons found in the Monu- mental Inscriptions in Devonshire Churches (Devon Assoc., xxxvi. 522-41).

Whale (Rev. T. W.), Index to Domesday Analysis (Devon). Devon Assoc., vol. xxviii.