Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/244

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. v. MAK. 9, 1912.


MESSRS. MAGGS'S Catalogue (No. 282) of Engraved Portraits gives us in Part I. Ill ex- amples of portraits of physicians and surgeons, of which the most interesting are the large plate showing Henry VIIT. in royal robes, presenting the Charter to the Society of Surgeons in London, 1736, 11. 10s. ; a fine line engraving by Sharp, after Reynolds, of John Hunter, 1788, 12?. 12s. ; and a mezzotint by W. Say, after J. Northcote, of Edward Jenner, 1803, 10?. 10s. Part II., portraits of lawyers and statesmen, is drawn chiefly from characters of the eighteenth century, the chief exceptions being a mezzotint by Haid after Rembrandt's portrait of De Witt, 1765, HZ. 11s. ; and a line engraving by Nanteuil of Le Tellier, 1650, 147. 14s. We noticed a very fine portrait of Benjamin Franklin, mezzotint by Savage after D. Martin, 1793, 30?. ; an attractive three-quarter-length of Sir George Nares, mezzotint by W. Dickinson after N. Hone, 1776, 12?. 12s. ; 5 portraits of William Pitt, of which the most important is a colour-print by P. M. Alix after Ant. Hickel, c. 1800, 181. 18s. ; and an impression in proof state before letters, and the plate only partly cleaned, of Burke's mezzotint after Dance's well- known portrait of Lord North, 25/.

Part Til. is devoted to portraits of artists, and among these are a mezzotint by Charles Turner of Rembrandt's portrait of Nicolaas Berchem, c. 1820, 45Z. ; a mezzotint by J. R. Smith after Rigaud's group of Carlini, Bartolozzi, and Cipriani, 1778, 15?. 15s. ; and a charming drawing in pencil and water-colour, o. 1820, by George Cruikshank of himself, 151. 15s. We may also mention a stipple engraving by Bartolozzi after Reynolds's portrait of Angelica Kauffman, printed in red, 1780, 15?. 15s. ; and an impression printed in colours of a mezzotint by C. Turner after a portrait of Rembrandt by himself, 12?. 12s. In Part IV. (dramatic and musical celebrities) we get an interesting picture of Neil Gow, mezzotint by W. Say after Raeburn, 1815, 13Z. 10s. ; an impression of J. Faber's mezzotint from Hudson's portrait of Handel, 1748, 10?. 16s. ; a portrait of Miss Rose by J. Berridge, mezzotint by E. Fisher, 16Z. 16s. ; and many other items which well deserve mention if the space in our columns would allow of it.

M. LUDWIG ROSENTHAL of Munich, in the 145th Catalogue of his Antiquariat, containing 3,308 items, offers works relating to the history of Art, under the headings of Architecture, Archaeology, Biography, Lexica, Philosophy, Costumes, Cartography, and many others. We noticed a large number of valuable French and German books on Architecture dating from the 16th century ; an interesting Instructor in Calligraphy, by Johann Newdorffer the elder, 1538, with the fine book-plate of Christopher Scheurl, 251. ; and the Journal des Luxus und der Modcn, published at Weimar 1786-1803, con- taining fine coloured fashion-plates, an advertise- ment of Goethe's ' Beytrage zur Optik,' a notice of a Goethe almanac drawn from ' Hermann und Dorothea,' and report of the production of his ' Iphigenie ' at Vienna, 151. There are a set of Topographies (Austrian and German), by Mat- thaeus Merian, in 22 vols., 1643-1726, 1151 ; a 1549 edition of Holbein's ' Simolachri, historic

e figure de la morte ' the most interesting in a considerable number of ' Dance of Death ' items 12?. 10s. : 9 vols. of Simplicisvimus, 1896-1904, including all the confiscated numbers, 25Z. ; and a long list of works on Book-plates, Gems and Coins, Playing-cards, and many other subjects.

MESSRS. SOTHERAN'S 723rd Catalogue of Second-hand Books offers us, to start with, a collection of Almanacks, Calendars, Diaries, &c., belonging to the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, containing lists of members of Parlia- ment and of officials and dignitaries, information respecting postal rates, coach routes, charges for chairs and watermen, and other such matters:, the whole amounting to 389 vols., 1708-1836, 52?. 10s. Another good collection is that of 100 vols. of speeches, made in Parliament or on the platform, ranging from Cromwell to the present day, 75?. There are three Shakespeare quartos : a copy of the First Quarto edition of ' Julius Caesar,' bearing on the reverse of the title a list of actors, in which Betterton appears as Brutus, 1680, 10?. 10s. ; a copy of the Third Quarto edition of ' The Merchant of Venice,' printed by M. P. for Lawrence Hayes, bound in crimson morocco by Pratt, and a sound copy, save for a few catchwords and signatures shorn, 1637, 74?. ; and a copy of the Sixth Quarto edition of ' Pericles,' 1635, 40Z. We noticed also Eyton's ' Antiquities of Shropshire, 12 vols., 1853-60, 31?. 10s. ; Swift's ' Gulliver,' the first issue of the first edition, with an imaginary portrait by Sheppard, 4 parts in 2 vols., bound by Riviere in olive morocco, 1726, 21?. ; and 2 vols. of the first editions of the ' Last Essays of Elia,' bound by Riviere, 30?. Of the complete sets of periodical publications the most important are Numismafa, from its beginning in 1863 to 1903, 67 vols. in all, 40?. ; The Alpine Journal, from its beginning in 1863 to February, 1910, with index to the first 15 vols., and with maps and plates, 23 vols., 351. ; and The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, complete from January, 1901, to Decem- ber, 1911, 22 vols., 31?. 10s. The somewhat less expensive items are in many cases yet more interesting : there is an illustrated set of Burton's ' Arabian Nights,' 12 vols., to be had for 14?. 14s. : a black-letter copy of Adlington's translation of Apuleius's ' Golden Ass,' 1639, 51. 5s. ; Saint- Germain's ' Madame de Sevigne,' 12 vols., 1823, 5?. 5s. ; a good collection of books on Egypt and the Holy Land ; a large-paper copy of Goldsmid's ' Hakluyt,' 16 vols., printed privately in Edin- burgh verbatim from the edition of 1598-1600, 16?. ; and the first critical edition of Shakespeare, 1709-10, in 7 vols., 21Z.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

to C0msp0ntonts.

A. C. H. and Rev. J. WILLCOCK. Forwarded.

Y. T. We would suggest application direct to the publishers of The Cornkill Magazine.

BELFAST. The tablet refers to a dispute between tenant and ground landlord which occurred a few years aaro, and was fully reported in the papers of the time.