Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/340

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. v. APRIL 6, 1912.


MESSRS. HIGHAM & SONS' Catalogue 507 has one or two interesting items under the heading Bibliography, notably Prof. Lambros's ' Cata- logue of the Greek MSS. on Mojint Athos,' 2 vols. for 12s. 6d. ; ' A Bibliographical Description of the Editions of Tyndale's Version,' by Mr. Francis Fry, 1878, 31. ; and a Vivaldi, ' Opus Regale,' Gothic letter, with 3 full-page woodcuts, printed by Stephen Gueynard, 1512, 21. Under the heading of Education we noticed a copy, offered for 31. 3s., of J. Bass Mullinger's work on ' The Schools of Charles the Great,' 1877. There are several pages of books on Egypt and Palestine, most of them expensive works of recent date, such as the various publications of Dr. Wallis Budge, and some e.g., Dr. Bigg's Samp- Ion Lectures on ' The Christian Platonists of Alexandria,' 1886, 11. 4s. which, without being old, are becoming scarce. There are two sets of volumes of the ' Survey of Western Palestine ' published by the Palestine Exploration Fund, the one for 101. 10s. ; the other, apparently more worn, for 91. We noticed under the heading Music two numbers of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society's publications : ' Early English Har- mony from the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century,' vol. i., 1897, 11. ; and ' Madrigals by English 'Composers of the Close of the Fifteenth Century,' mow out of print, 1893, 11. 5s. Both are numbered copies of limited editions. The Occult Sciences occupy many columns, in which appear a copy of Sir William Crookes's ' Researches on the Phe- nomena of Spiritualism,' a rather rare book, 187-4, 10s. 6d. ; Faber's ' Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri,' 2 vols., 1803, 11. ; 2 vols. ap- parently i. and iv. of the Kabbula, translated into Latin by Von Rosenroth, 1677-8, 31. ; and Matter's ' Histoire Critique du Gnosticisme,' 1828, 11. Is. The most valuable item of this Catalogue may be found under the heading of Philology, in ten volumes of Ducange's ' G lossa- rium ad Scriptorcs Mediae et Infinite Latinitatis ' the new edition brought out in 1883-7 by Leo- pold Favre 141. 14s. ; and it may be well to -call attention to a Greek ' Thesaurus ' (Ste- phanus), edited by Barker, which is to be had for 12s. 6d. The Philosophy columns are well filled, important books being offered at moderate prices. Under Architecture there is a complete set, in 29 vols., of The Ecclcsiologisl, published by the Cambridge Camden Society 1843-08, 41.

No. 284 of Messrs. Maggs's Catalogues is designated also Part I. of a new series ' Old-Time Literature.' This comprises first or early edi- tions of English and foreign authors prior to 1800, incunabula, illuminated MSS., and 15th and 16th century books with woodcuts. The most valuable of the items here offered is a copy of the first edition of Coverdale's Bible. Of this edition no perfect example is known, and the copy in question has title-page, map, most of the preliminary leaves, and two leaves at the end in facsimile. The general condition is good (1535, 275Z.). Perhaps even more interesting is a complete copy of the first polyglot Bible, including, as it does, the editio prmceps of the Greek Testament. The first four : volumes contain the LXX., and have at the bottom of the Greek text a Chaldee paraphrase with a Latin interpretation ;

the fifth is the New Testament in Greek, with the Vulgate running collaterally ; the sixth, and last, is a Hebrew and Chaldaic vocabulary of the Old Testament. A feature of this copy is the sheet of six leaves containing a Greek preface to St. Paul's Epistles, which is seldom found (Com- pluti, 1514-17, 115Z.). Other Bibles which we must mention are Matthew's (called the " wife- beating " Bible, from a curious note at the end of 1 Pet. iii.), 1549, 45?. ; a later Coverdale the last issued during the translator's lifetime 1550, 311. 10s. ; the first edition of Luther's Bible in Low German, Liibedk (sic), 1533, 52Z. 10s. ; and 'La Saincte Bible en Franco ys,' Anvers, printed by Martin Lempereur, 1534, 221. 10s. There are also St. Bonaventura's ' Vita Christ! ' in English, " Imprynted at London in Flete Streete at the sygne of the Sonne by Wyiikyn de Worde. The yere of our lorde god " 152*5, 78Z. ; and a very interesting ' De Imitatione Christi ' (here apparently ascribed to Gerson) in Gothic letter, " per Johannem Zainer ulmens," 1487. It has bound up with it a contemporary MS. of 372 pages (211.). For 175Z. is offered Glanville's ' De Proprietatibus Rerum,' a beautiful copy, folio, printed in double columns, with red initials painted in. It is the work of Gotz de Sletztat of Cologne, who, it is believed, was as- sisted by Caxton, c. 1471. We noticed two copies of Richard Arnold's ' Chronicle,' the better being from the press of Andrian van Berghem at Ant- werp, a perfect copy of the first edition, which ends with the death of Prince Arthur in 1502, 88Z. 10s. ; a copy of ' England's Parnassus,' 1600, 521. 10s. ; a copy of the first edition of Bacon's ' Novum Organum,' 1620, bound by Riviere, 75Z. ; and two Leipsic almanacs, one a broadside inclinable by Magister Johannes Wirdung de Haspurth, printed in red and black on a single large folio sheet by Kochlofen (apparently unknown to bibliographers), 1495, 501. ; the other, printed in 1494 by Martin Landsberg, a medical almanac giving a table of times and seasons for blood- letting, compiled by Magister Wenceslaus von Budweysz, 40Z. A complete set of first editions of ' Hudibras,' bound by Riviere, 3 vols., post 8vo, can be had for 401. ; and Barbour's ' Actes and Life of the most Victorious Conquerour Robert Bruce, King of Scotland,' printed by Andrew Hart at Edinburgh, 1620, for 31Z. 10s. Among the somewhat less expensive items we noticed a first Aldine Dante, 1502, 141. 14s.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


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WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

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