Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/346

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NOTES AND QUERIES. tn s. v. APRIL is, 1912.

are extraordinarily few. On 3 Nov., 1721, the members agreed to subscribe 2 guineas each towards the expense of the engraving of copperplates of Assizex Precepts ; and on 12 Nov., 1760, the like for orders of dis- charge of debtors cost them 16-9. 8d. each. The entry of 12 Nov., 1781, is as follows : " It appearing to the Clerks of Assize that the giving the Gentlemen of the King's Remem- brancer's Office the Names of Gentlemen deemed fit to serve the Office of Sheriffs of England previous to the annual Nomination on the morrow of Saint Martin hath been attended with con- siderable inconvenience those Gentlemen haying disclosed such Names It is agreed to discontinue that Practice but that we will correct the Nomina- tion on application to us."

By resolution of 20 Nov., 1809, it was decided to enter records of disputes with Secretaries of State, &c.. in a separate book, " for the benefit of posterity and that our offices may descend as little impaired as possible and may acquire strength from length of years, acquiescence and practice."

It may be that this book is now in the Public Record Office, having gone in with the records of some other Circuit in March, 1911, when all Circuit records were taken over.

The Clerks of Assize on 4 Nov., 1706, waxed sentimental and agreed that every one then present would, at his decease, leave a ring of the value of 20*. to each survivor. In the present day half of us do not know the other half by sight !

In one entry only does any attempt at humour appear, and whether that entry is written in a facetious or a regretful tone is open to doubt. It runs :

"On 27 Feb., 1772, the Clerks of Assize met at the Crown & Rolls in Chancery Lane on special affairs and they entred into a further discussion of the business on the carpet and they refreshed themselves with a supper & liquor. Mr. Bury having grossly misbehaved in a manner we hope he will make it unnecessary to record to the amount of 1, 10, 6. It is recommended to Mr. Bury to reflect on his conduct before the next meeting."

As, however, Mr. Bury attended every meeting for the next twenty-one years, his offence cannot have been very serious.

With regard to the following list, it will be observed that, on the Home Circuit, between the appointments of William Gould and the present day there is an interval of 120 years, during which but one appointment, other than that of myself, has been made ; whilst, on the Norfolk Circuit, between the appoint- ment of Gerard Dutton Fleetwood and the present day there is an interval of 172 years, with only two intervening appointments.

The date first given shows the year of

appointment, the final date that on which

the person named first attended a meeting: HOME CIRCUIT.

Ifi78. Thomas Lee, then existing.

1679. Eldred Lanculott Lee. " " Resined " 7 July, 1079.

1718. Simon Mitchell. 3 Nov., 1718.

1726. Richard Mitchell, son of the above- 3 Nov., 1726.

1740. Adam Pierce. 3 Nov., 1741.

1747. Jerome Knapp. Died May, 1792 3 Nov., 1747.

1792. William Gould. 9 Dec., 1796.

1839. Hon. Richard Denman, then Clerk of Assize on the N. and 8. Wales Circuit (S. Wales and Chester). 15 June, 1837. In 1876 the Circuit was rearranged as : SOUTH-EASTERN CIRCUIT. (Home Division.)

1887. Arthur Denman, appointed 25 April for the counties of Hertford, Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Surrey; and on 11 July, 1902, for the counties of Huntingdon, Camb ridge, Suffolk, Norfolk, and the City of Norwich and County of the same Citv_


1678. John Luke, then existing. 1691. Thomas Knight. 3 Nov., 1691. 1709. Roger Jenyns. Died 20 Oct., 1753. Mural tablet in Clewer Church, near Windsor. 3 Nov., 1709.

1740. Gerard Dutton Fleetwood. 3 Nov., 1740.- 1797. Harry Edgell. 13 Nov., 1797. 1863. Charles Platt. Died 7 July, 1902. In 1876 the Circuit was rearranged as : SOUTH-EASTERN CIRCUIT. (Norfolk Division.}

1902. Arthur Denrnan, who had been, since- 1887, Clerk of Assize on the South- Eastern Circuit (Home Division).

N.B. The " Divisions " henceforward abolished

1678. 1706.

1711. 1741

1795. 1850. 1855.

1862. 1876.


George Dodson, then existing.

Henry Harwell. Died 3 Nov., 1710,

4 Nov., 1706. Thomas Blencowe. Resigned. Was

living 1743. 3 Nov., 1711. John Bloncowe, jun. [sic], his son. 3 Nov...


Richard Lowndes. 12 Nov., 1795. William Collisson. 13 Nov., 1850. Francis James Coleridge. Died 6 June.


Frank Cockburn. Arthur Duke Coleridge. (Circuit rearranged that year. )


1678. Thomas Hesletyne, then existing. 1696. William Cuthbertson. Never attended. 1700. John Wilkinson. Surrendered. Never

attended. 1704. John Darley. 3 Nov., 1705.