Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/361

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n s. v. APRIL is, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


and rider, flamed with fire. A dimly told tale, with variations, was to the effect that a certain squire persisted in riding to hounds on a Sunday, and, passing by a church when the people were going in, drove the pack to the doors, for which he was condemned ever afterwards to ride abroad upon wild, stormy nights. They were also known as the " Seven Whistlers."


PEVERIL FAMILY (11 S. v. 90). Has MB. STAPLETON seen the article by Sir Arthur Vicars, ' Notes on an Illuminated Pedigree of the Peverell Family and their Descendants in the Possession of Mr. Hartshorne,' printed in The Archaeological Journal, vol. xlix. (1892), pp. 44r-7 ? Eyton's ' History of Shropshire ' has much matter relating to Peverells, all of which is fully indexed in the final volume. See also two articles one by the Rev. Charles Kerry and the other by J. P. Yeatman in The Derbyshire Archaeo- logical Journal, vol. xiv. (1892). There is a well-known village called Sampf ord Peverell (the scene of a once famous ghost story), two or three rrvles east of Tiverton. Collin- son's ' Somerset ' has some references to Peverells. A. L. HUMPHREYS.

187, Piccadilly, W.


LAND KINGSTON (11 S. iv. 107). Capt.

Strickland Kingston retired from active service in the Madras army with the rank of lieutenant-colonel on 25 May, 1814. His name occurs in a list of retired officers on the Madras Establishment for 1832. See

  • East India Register ' for that year.

W. S. S.

WOMEN AND TOBACCO (11 S. v. 89, 177). In the account book of the Rev. Giles Moore, Rector of Horsted Keynes, co. Sussex, 1655- 1679, occurs the following entry, quoted in the ' Memorials of Old Sussex ' : " Tobacco for my wyfe, 3d." P. D. M.

DINNER- JACKET ( 1 1 S. v. 7, 1 15). This gar- ment came into general use in 1888. It had been worn by a few choice spirits since the early eighties, and was the direct outcome of the aesthetic movement of that time, a few disciples of the late Oscar Wilde having tried to introduce such a jacket with knee- breeches usually of velvet as evening dress. The aesthetic garb was laughed out of existence, but the comfort of the jacket caused it to be retained, and on my return to this country in 1889, after a three years'

residence in America, I found nearly all " smart " men wearing dinner or, as they were then called, theatre jackets.


PRIME SERJEANT (US. iv. 470, 516 ; v.77 ). This official is described in Black's ' Law Dictionary,' and in Wharton's also, as " the king's first serjeant-at-law," and

" an officer so constituted by letters patent who has precedence over the bar after the Attorney and Solicitor general and queen's advocate."

See H. J. Stephen's ' Commentaries,' 7th ed., p. 274, note. The title of serjeant-at- law in England was dropped in 1875.

N. W. HILL. New York.

"PAINT THE LION" (11 S. iv. 109). The phrase " to paint the lion," meaning to strip off a person's clothes and smear him over with tar, was formerly common on board ship. See Brewer's ' Phrase and Fable,' p. 931, where a reference is given to ' N. & Q.,' 6 August, 1892. SCOTUS.

MUNICIPAL RECORDS PRINTED (11 S. ii. 287, 450, 529 ; iii. 493 ; iv. 131, 390, 451 ; v. 73).

Xantwich. Catalogue of All the Names of the Prisoners taken at the Raising of the Siege at Nampwit-ch, by that Valiant Commander, Sir Thomas Fairfaxe, and the Lancashire and Cheshire Forces ; under his Command : being a True Copy of the List presented to his Excellency, and by his Excellency presented to both Houses of Parliament, the first of February, 1643. Together with a Notable Defeat given by Collonell Massy, to the Enemy at Shepstow the 24 of Tttnuary, 1643. Both appointed to be Printed and Published. (1643.)

Newark. The Manuscripts of the Corporation of Newark. (1891.) Historical MSS. Commis- sion, Twelfth Report, App. IX. p. 538. Brief description of important documents.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Extracts from the Mu- nicipal Accounts of Newcastle - upon - Tyne, extending from 1561 to the Revolution of 1688. (1848.) Notes, but no index. One of Richard- son's Reprints.

Extracts from the Records of the Merchant Adventurers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 2 vols. Vol. i. (1895) is vol. xciii. of the Publications of the Surtees Society. The various books are described in the Preface to the first vol. They date from 1480 to 1895. Vol. ii. (1899) is vol. ci. of the same series. Consists of further ex- tracts and Lists of Freemen. Both vols. well indexed.

Extracts from the Records of the Company of Hostmen of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (1901.) Vol. cv. of the Publications of the Surtees Society. The Preface describes the nature of the various books, lists, &c., extending from 1600 to 1901. Full Index.