Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/400

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NOTES AND QUERIES. f n s. v. APRIL 27, 1912.

who was his mistress at Lynn hawked this dictionary- about in London in after years. It never saw the light. The ' Essay ' remained in Yorkshire, and was the property of the Master of Richmond Grammar School in 1832.

Are Aram's etymological derivations of vir, magister, beer, apple, beagle, Nid, Eboraciim, &c., entirely fanciful ? Does any philological journal or work of that class refer to him ? The impression I get of his general scholastic character is that he was ingenious, but superficial.


ENSOR FAMILY. A MS. pedigree in my possession gives the following descent :

" James Ensor, of Aston, Warwickshire, born about 1688, married in 1712 Hannah, daughter of Ward, Esq., of Aston. Their son and heir George Ensor, born 1717, married in 1739 Elizabeth, daughter of W. Bird of Stafford- shire, whose son and heir Samuel Ensor, born 1747, married in 1774 Mary, daughter of Clarke of Yardley, Warwickshire, whose elder daughter Mary Ensor married Edward (Lewis) Roberts (? of Oswestry)."

Can any reader kindly confirm this de- scent and refer me to sources ? What connexion, if any, had James Ensor with known families of the name ? Any reference to Edward Roberts will also be appreciated. His son Charles William Lewis" Roberts, captain 2nd Ceylon Regiment, married Nancy Hamilton Lever. Please reply direct. W. ROBERTS CROW.

Camelot, Park Hill Road, Wallington, Surrey.

CAMDEN SOCIETY : ' LONG AGO.' I should be grateful for some information about the publications of the Camden Society. Are they still being issued ? if not, when did they cease ? and is the Society extinct ? I have forty-five volumes, beginning with the; first issue.

Also, I wish to know something of Long Ago : a Journal of Popular Antiquities. The first volume, dated 1873, came into my hands some years ago, and I found in it several articles written by my father a constant contributor to ' N. & Q.' But he never mentioned it to me, nor was there a copy found among his books after his death. I have never seen it advertised. Is it still in existence ? if not, how many volumes were issued ? It was edited by Alexander Andrews. E. L.* H. TEW.

Upham Rectory.

[The Third Series of the Camden Society publica- tions are being issued by the Royal Historical Society, whose offices are at 6 and 7, South Square, Gray's Inn, W.C.]

MAJOR - GENERAL JAMES STUART ANI> HEREFORDSHIRE. Major - General James Stuart of Torrance, who was the chief actor in the arrest of Lord Pigot, the Governor of Fort St. George, in 1776, had, it appears from private correspondence, a country house in Herefordshire, at which he stayed before he went out to the East Indies in 1775 ; and a neighbour of his was a Mr. Woodhouse, who, among other property, owned some land called Greyly Wood. Can General Stuart's house be identified at the present day ? Does the name Wood- house still appear among those of the county people ? and does " Greyly Wood," which had been turned into a garden, still exist under that name ? J. PENRY LEWIS.

' THE DOG IN THE SERVICE OF PRIMITIVE MAN.' I seem to remember a reference to a recent book or paper bearing the above title. Could some reader kindly give me the name of the author , and also that of the magazine or periodical in which the article appeared ? I/. L. K.

STERRETT. I should feel greatly obliged if any reader would enlighten me as to the meaning or composition of the word or proper name Sterrett, alias Starratt, Storrett, and Stirrett. There are people of this name in the North of Ireland who are said to have come from Lochaber in Scotland c. 1600. Is it a Scotch Gaelic name Starraidhe ? or is it a diminutive of Starr, also a proper name ? And which is the older form, Sterrett or Starrett ?


MAZZINI AND VOLTAIRE. In his essay entitled ' Byron and Goethe ' (Scott) Maz-< zini writes :

" Before he [Byron] came, all that was known of English literature [in Italy] was the French translation of Shakespeare and the anathema hurled by Voltaire against the intoxicated barbarian."

Will some one kindly give us the Voltairean original ? M. L. R. BRESLAR.

BAGENAL : HAMILTON. 1. Bagenal, Bag- nell, or Bagnall in Ireland. Are there any pedigrees extant of this family ?

2. Hamilton of Mauchlinhole. Claud Hamilton of Mauchlinhole (dead before 1636) had a brother Robert, burgess of Dundee, who had two sons, John of Mauch- linhole (living 1636) and Robert (dead by 1653). John had a son Robert (living 1642, dead by 1654), and a daughter Anne (living 1654), who married Robert Acheson of