Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/410

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. v. APRIL 27, 1912.

E. A. Fry, being vol. xxix. of " The Index Library" issued by the British Record Society. 124, Chancery Lane, W.C.

X. Y. Z.

COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHIES (11 S. iv. 488; v. 30, 178, 196, 276).

Northumberland Hodgkin (T. ), The Literary History of the Roman Wall (Arch, ^lliana, xviii. 83-108).

Hodgkin (T.), Suggestions for a New County History of Northumberland (Arch. JEliana, N.S., xv. 54-03).

Welford (R.), Local Muniments (Arch. JEliana, xxiv. 128-77).

Clephan (James), Early Printing in New- castle (Arch, MLi&na,, N.S., vii. 267-71).

Hodgson (J. C.), The Brumell Collection of Charters (Arch. .321iana, xxiv. 115-23).

Fallow (T. M.), Abstract of Deeds in the Muniment Room, Kirkleatham Hall, relating to the Chantry of the B.V.M. in Chester-le- Street Church (Arch. JEliana, xxiv. 124-5).

Ogle (Sir Henry A.), Local Charters in the B.M. (Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, x. 170).

Welford (Richard), Early Newcastle Typo- graphy (Arch. .SSliana, Third Series, iii. 135- 151).

Martin (Miss M. T.), Index to North- umbrian Inquisitiones Post Mortem (Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, Third Series, ii. 27-30).

Burman (Dr.), Manuscripts relating to the Building of Holy Island Fort in 1675-6 (Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, Third Series, ii. 42-4).

Craster (H. H. E.), The Marquess of Waterford's MSS. at Ford Castle (Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, Third Series, ii. 36-8).

Craster (H. H. E.), Note on some Orde Deeds (ibid., ii. 38-41).

Boyle (J. R.), Christopher Hunter's Copy of Bourne's History of Newcastle (Arch. jEHana, N.S., xv. 167-91).

Cf. Henry Bourne, the Historian of New- castle, by Rev. E. H. Adamson (Arch. .Eliana, N.S., xi. 147-53).

Adamson (Rev. E. H.), Notices of Dr. Thomlinson, the Founder of the Thomlinson Library (Arch. ^EJliana, N.S., x. 80-87).

Thompson (Henry), Reference Catalogue of Books on Northumberland, 1888.

Heslop (R. O.), Bibliographical List of Works on the Northumbrian Dialect (English Dialect Soc. Publications, 1896).

Catalogue of the Reference Library, New- castle-on-Tyne.

Nottinghamshire Ward (J.), Descriptive Cata- logue of Books relating to Nottinghamshire, with Supplement, 2 vols., 1892-8.

Ward (J.) Manuscripts relating to the County of Nottingham, 1900.

The Nottingham Public Library has a special collection relating to the county. Cf . also J. P. Briscoe's Contributions to the Biblio- graphy of Notts, 1888. Godfrey (J. T.), Notes on the Bibliography of Notts, 1891. Thoroton Soc. Catalogue of Engraved Por- traits, by J. T. Godfrey and C. B. Stevenson, 1900.

Cropper (P. J.), Bibliotheca Nottingham- ensis (Sufferings of the Quakers in Notts, 1649-89), 1892.

Shipman (J.) and Carr (J. W.), Biblio- graphy of the Geology of Notts, 1893. Oxfordshire Madan (Falconer), Rough List of Manuscript Materials relating to the History of Oxford, 1887.

Madan (Falconer), The Early Oxford Press, a Bibliography of Printing and Publishing at Oxford, 1468-1640 (Oxford Hist. Soc.). Oxford, 1895.

Madan (Falconer), Oxford Books, vol. ii- being matter supplementary to the author's ' The Early Oxford Press,' 1895, and now containing a detailed survey of the Oxford Pamphlets, Proclamations, and Treatises of the Civil War, 1642-8. Oxford, 1912. The book presents an account of the- literature of the University and of the City of Oxford up to 1650.

Manning (Percy), Manuscript Materials for Oxfordshire Topography in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries (Berks, Bucks, and Oxon Archseol. Journal, ii. 99-106).

Aplin (Oliver V.), Bibliography of Bird* of Oxfordshire, in his Birds of Oxfordshire^. Oxford, 1889.

No bibliography exists of Oxfordshire. Rutland There is no bibliography of this county, but a fragmentary list may be found in the- Catalogue of the Oakham Lending Library, pp. 41-4 (Oakham, 1900). See also The Rutland Magazine, vol. i. (1903-4), article on Thomas Blore (historian of Rutland), under heading ' The Bibliography of Rut- land.'

Shropshire Walcott (Mackenzie E. C.), An Intro- duction to Sources of Salopian Topography. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Shrop- shire Archseol. and Nat. Hist. Soc , Shrews- bury and Oswestry (1879), pp. 20. (Wholly inadequate. )

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), Shropshire Topo- graphical MSS. in the British Museum (in Transactions of Shropshire Archaeol. and Nat. Hist. Soc., Second Series, ii. 76-104).

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), A Bibliography of Battlefield (Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc., Third Series, iii. 273-83).

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), Some Documents relative to the Battle of Shrewsbury (Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc., Second Series, x. 227-50).

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), Further Docu- ments relating to the Battle of Shrewsbury, Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc., Second Series, xii. 39-44.

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), Shropshire Topographical and Genealogical MSS. pre- served in the Bodleian, Oxford (Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc., Second Series, vii. 79-93.).

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), Shropshire Topographical and Genealogical MSS. in the William Salt Library at Stafford (Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc., Second Series, vii. 94-6).

Fletcher (Rev. W. G. D.), The Municipal Records of Shrewsbury (Shrop. Arch. and. Nat. Hist. Soc., Second Series, x. 145-56).