Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/412

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. v. APRIL 27, 1912.

Anglia, showing that, in the phrase " he keeps good seals," or " badr seals," the word was then at least in colloquial use. " Selion " sillon, a iurrow- used, as it appears, from the fifteenth to the end of the seventeenth century, turns up again in 1839, and yet again in The Times in 1894.


MR. L. C. BRAUX (No. 78) has a number of good French and German books to offer : complete ' Works ' of Victor Hugo, Moliere, Herder, Lessing, Schiller, and Goethe ; a copy of the original edition of Casanova's ' Me'moires,' 1833-7, 11. Is. ', Draner's ' Souvenirs du Sige de Paris,' 11. ; and a first edition of Heine's ' Atta Troll,' 1847, 1Z., besides many others. In English or Latin we noticed the following : ' Anthologia Hibernica, or Monthly Collections of Science, Belles-Lettres, and History,' illustrated, 1793-4, 1Z. 5s. ; ' The History and Practice of Aerosta- tion,' by Tiberius Caya'llo, 1785, 21. ; the ' Works ' of Burns, with Bewick's woodcuts, 2 vols., 1808, 11. ; Matthiolus (Petrus Andreas), ' De Plantis Epitome,' 1686, 1Z. 10s. ; ' London and its Environs ' (Dodsley), 1761, 11. 5s. ; and Nostra- damus's ' The True Prophecies, or Prognostica- tions,' 1685, 1Z. Is. Mr. Braun has besides an ' English Topography,' bound up in fourteen 4to vols., being a collection of views and news- paper cuttings made about the middle of the last century, carefully arranged, and illustrative of the whole of England, for which 20Z. is asked.

MR. BERTRAM DOBELL sends us his Catalogue 205. He has a copy of the Kelmscott ' Chaucer ' for sale, for which 70Z. is asked. From the Butler Library there are three fine MS. copies of the Vulgate : the first, thirteenth and fourteenth century 366 leaves, 4to written in small Gothic letter, probably by a Northern French scribe, initials in blue and red inks, and contemporary notes in the margins 45Z. ; the second, Anglo- Norman of the fourteenth century, 410 leaves, 4to, also written in Gothic with unusually nume- rous and finely illuminated letters, offered for75Z. ; the best, an Anglo-Norman MS. of a somewhat earlier date, with initials resembling those in early Irish work, 470 leaves, richly ornamented, and having later MS. notes in the margins, 90Z. Of nine Horse, the most valuable is an edition printed in semi-Gothic letter " a Paris par Guillaume Anabat. . . .pour Gillet Hardouyn. . . . et pour Germain Hardouyn," upon vellum, with eighteen full-page woodcuts and twenty-eight small initial figures of saints, all painted and illuminated, as well as other ornaments, the illuminated work being by Germain Hardouin, 1500^20, 60Z. Another, printed in Gothic letter by Pierre Jouault, also richly adorned, is offered for 40Z. ; and there is a manuscript Horse (French, late fifteenth century) which may also be had for 40Z. The most important manuscript we notice here is, however, a fifteenth-century ' Roman de la Rose,' 140 leaves, in semi-Gothic characters, with contemporary marginal notes from the Didot sale 90Z. An interesting item, for which 12Z. 12s. is asked, is an American powder-horn, of oxhorn and ivory, engraved with the English Royal Arms, ships, views of New York, Quebec, and Mount Royal, with a map above showing rivers, lakes, coastline, &c.

There are two first editions of Jane Austen ' Mansfield Park,' 3Z. 5s. , and ' Nort hanger Abbey,' 3Z. 3s. ; some ten or eleven examples of binding, of which the best is Mearn's ' Waller,' 16Z. 16s. ; an uncut copy of Blake's Young's ' Night Thoughts ' for 15Z. ; some good Chapmans ; a black- letter Chaucer, Rycharde Kele (1538), 21Z. ; and three first editions of Keats ' Endymion,' 1818, 65Z. ; another copy, 38Z. ; and 'Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems,' 1820, 65Z.

LOOKING through Catalogue 331, which has reached us from William George's Sons of Bristol, we notice a number of useful modern works offered at moderate prices, and several older books and collections or sets of a series. Collin- son's ' History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset,' 1791, is one of the most important, 6Z. 12s. Qd. ; Lardner's ' Cabinet Cyclopaedia of History,' 133 vols., 1836, &c., is to be had for 5Z. 18s. ; and there is The European Magazine and London Review, 1782-1820, 78 vols.. for 4Z. 4s. We notice also the original " Aldine " edition of Chaucer, 1845, in 6 vols., 12mo, 6Z. 6s.

WE have received their Catalogue No. 18 from Messrs. Walford Bros. It contains a number of scarce and interesting books at moderate prices, and, in particular, several sets of important series of publications. Thus we noticed the Journal of the Asiatic Society, complete from its begin- ning in 1834 to 1910, 62 vols. in all, 25Z. ; The Alpine Journal, 1863-1911, a few numbers wanting, 18Z. 18s. ; ' The Comic Almanac ' for the years 1835-53, 6Z. 15s. ; a complete set of the Publications of the Early English Text Society, in all 245 numbers, 8vo, with one additional volume, folio, 1864-1910, 70Z. ; a complete set of the English Historical Society's Publications, 1838-56, 14Z. ; and Vols. I.-XV. of the produc- tions of the Philobiblon Society, with four extra volumes, privately printed for members of the Society only, 1854-84, 14Z. 14s. There are some good Dickens items, as well as T. F. Dibdin's ' Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland,' 1838, 13Z. 13s.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

MESSRS. W. & G. FOYLE have sent us the first number (which runs to eight pages) of their ' Books- Wanted Circular,' to be issued henceforth every fortnight. This seems to us a truly useful enter- prise. We should like to suggest that some kind of classification be adopted in the list, were it only the separation of the fiction from the rest of the items inquired for.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name Mid address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office. Bream's Buildimrs, Chancery Lane, E.G.