Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/434

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[US. V. MAY 4, 1912.

parish just south of Carlisle, extending from the London and North-Western Rail- way to the Eden. It contains Arma- thwaite Castle. It was a chapelry of St. Mary's parish, Carlisle, which is perhaps the reason why the registers go back no further than 1 662. Some of James's relatives may be mentioned in them. Thornbarrow may be the same as Thornborough. a farm- house in Plumpton Street, one of the town- ships in the parish, occupied in 1829 by Mr. John Graham, farmer. William James, Esq., of Barrock Lodge in the parish, was M.P. for Carlisle and East Cumberland from 1820 to 1847, and High Sheriff of Cumber- land 1827; but his family seems to have been derived from West Auckland, co. Durham and not to have settled in Cumber- land till the end of the eighteenth century.

A portrait of Dr. James in wig and gown, in crayon and water colour, by Gardiner, was presented to Queen's College by Mr. J. E. Cowan, his great-grandson, in 1892, and hangs in the Upper Common Boom.


Queen's College, Oxford.

[MR. A. R. BAYLKY also thanked for reply.]

DEL VIGNES : VINES (11 S. v. 208). In reply to S. VINES, concerning the descent of the French family of Des Vignes, the following information may be of interest.

It would seem as if some members of the family must have escaped to England before Richard des Vignes in 1645, for in the Register of the Walloon Church at Norwich occurs 6 Jan. 1607 the name of Jan des Vigne as witness to a baptism. Also, 1622, in a List of Citizens : " Peter De Vine, Comer [his trade]. Borne beyond the seas " ; and also 1622 : " John Le Vine, Sen 1 ', Comer. Borne beyond the seas."

Among the births in the Register of the Walloon Church at Canterbury is " Mai 1st, 1642" that of "Pierre, fis de Robert de Vines et de Marye Cloudore sa femme."

The name occurs frequently in the register ; also in that of Holy Cross, Canter- bury ; the French Church in Threadneedle Street, London ; and the Walloon Church at Norwich.

In the Register of the French Church of St. Patrick, Dublin, is the following death entry :-

" 7 Mars, 1701. A este enterr6 par M r de la Roche, ministre, le corps de feu Etienne Vigiie, Tiatif de St. Vincent en Vivares. . . . Aage" cl'environ 18 ans."

In the Huguenot Society's publication ' Denizations and Naturalizations of Aliens in England and Ireland ' is 1699 the name

of Henry Vine among the list of aliens riding in his Majesty's first troop of Guards, under the command of the Right Hon. the Earl of Scarborough. Among the names on the- ' List of Naturalizations,' 1698, are

" Henry Vine, born at Nions in Dauphine in France, son of Peter Vine by Frances his wife " ?


" Francis Vine, born at Xions in Dauphine in France, son of Peter Vine by Frances his wife. (F. Vine, trooper 13 years in Col. Wood's regi- ment.)"

The published Registers of the Huguenot Society can be seen at the Guildhall Library f and a search among the old wills stored at Somerset House would probably give much valuable information. Many of the old wills from Canterbury are at Somerset House. (Miss) G. DE CASSEL FOI/KABD.

Holyrood, !>, Brixton Hill, S.W.

A query in the Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London, published by Messrs. Spottiswoode, would very likely help your correspondent. WILLIAM MACABTHTJK.

AUTHOBS' EBBOBS (11 S. v. 248). (a) The reference is to a speech of Irenaeus (his twenty-fourth answer to Eudoxus) in Spen- ser's ' A View of the Present State of Ireland.' He certainly confuses the brother of Edward IV. with his great -great -great -grandfather,, the son of Edward III. A. R. BAYLEY.

WALTEB BBISBANE (11 S. v. 168, 29(5).. The following may be of some use to MB, HAVILAND HILLMAN, if only as a clue to where he may direct more particular investigation. James Brisbane was served heir to his father John on 2 May, 1727, but died unmarried. He was succeeded by his brother, who wa& married to Isabel, daughter of Sir Thomas Nicolson of Ladykirk, in 1715: by this marriage there were four sons. Thomas succeeded in 1770. The arms at the first reference are those of the Brisbanes, or at least are very similar, thus: " in [the latter] in the collar point a representation of one of the gold medals conferred on General Sir Thomas Brisbane by the King." The crest differs in so far as " waved " replaces- " no wed " ; and the supporters are "two- talbots, proper." ALFKED CHAS. JONAS.


HENBY BLAKE (11 S. v. 168, 273). T would remind G. F. R. B. that he himself furnished me with the information that an official record of Henry Blake's admission was not preserved at Westminster School,, which he now declares to be erroneous.