Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/506

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. v. MAY 23, 1912.

The bibliography of the town of Wellington is contained in A. L. Huraphreys's History of Wellington (London, 1889), pp. 258-70.

The Bibliography of Richard Bernard of Batcombe (Somerset) was published (50 copies only) by John Ingle Dredge, Horn- castle, 1890.

For Bath compare Monkland (G.), The Literature and Literati of Bath, 2 vols., Bath. 1854-5 ; and for the Quantocks, Nichols (W. L. ), The Quantocks and their Associa- tion?, Bath, privately printed, 1873 ; re- printed, with additions, London, 1891. Also E. H. Coleridge's Lake Poets in Somerset, Roy. Soc. Lit., xx. 105-31 (1899). Staffordshire MR. FRY alludes to the excellent book by Rupert Si rams (Lichfield, 1894), a most laborious work, as good for biographical matter as it is for bibliographical. Its weak point is that there is no parochial arrange- ment or general subject index. It contains references to prints, engravings, &c., as Well as to books.

An Index Catalogue of the William Salt Library at Stafford (Stafford, 1878), pp. 187. This valuable library was formed by Thorpe, the famous bookseller of Piccadilly, assisted by Capt. Ferneyhough. At the death of Mr. Salt the library was catalogued for sale by Spthebys. and only narrowly escaped being dispersed.

Lawley (George T.), The Bibliography of Wolverhampton. Bilston, 1890, 8vo, pp. 72 (50 copies printed).

Salt (W.), List and Description of the Manu- script Copies of Erdeswicke's Siirveyof Staf- fordshire (20 copies printed separately) ; re- printed in Hanvood's Erdeswicke, 1844.

Whitaker (W.), List of Books on the Geo- logy of Staffordshire (Report of the Meeting of the British Assoc., 1886, pp. 780-97).

Cox (Rev. J. C.), Catalogue of the Muniments and Manuscript Books pertaining to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield (William Salt Arch. Soc., vi. 1-230).

Suffolk Copinger (W. A.), The County of Suffolk : its History as disclosed by Existing Records a.nd other Documents. London, 5 vols., 1901-5, 8vo.

Levien (Edward), On MS. Collections relating to Suffolk in the B.M. (Brit. Arch. Assoc., xxi. 5-21).

Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the P.R.O. (Siiffolk Arch. Instit., x. 251- 344 and 399-413).

Rix (S. W.), MS. Collections relating to the County of Suffolk (Brit. Arch. Assoc., xxi. 144-58).

Deedes (Rev. Cecil), Dr. Bisbie's MS. Collections for Long Melford (Suffolk Arch. Instit.. vii. 78-90).

The Ipswich Free Library has special collections of Ipswich, Suffolk, and East Anglian literature.

rey Manning (Owen) and Bray (William), Catalogue of Books relating to Surrey or Particular Parts of It (Manning and Bray's History of Surrey, vol. iii. 683-702, London, 1804-14).

Stephenson (Mill), Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Surrey Archaeol. Soc. Pro- ceedings of Surrey Archfieol. Soc., x. 173-204 (189D.J

Bax (A. R.), List of Papers on Surrey- Surrey Archeeol. Soc.. xv. 128-36 (1900).

Giuseppi (Montague S. ), Deeds in the- Society's Library (Surrey Arch. Soc., xviii. 222-5).

Giuseppi (Montague S.), The Parliamentary Surveys relating to Southwark (Surrey Arch. Soc., xiv. 42-71).

Minet (W.) and Courtney (C. J.), Catalogue of Works on Surrey in the Minet Public Library. Camberwell, 1901.

The Croydon Public Library has a collec- tion of books upon Surrey, and especially upon Croydon.

Sussex Besides G. Slade Butler's Topographica- Sussexiana (which only comes up to 1866 ),. there are several others for this county.

Sawyer (F. E.), Recent Sussex Biblio- graphy, 1864-81 (Sussex Archseol. Collec- tions, 'xxxii. 201-12 ; xxxiii. 207-12).

General Index to the Sussex Archseol. Collections, vols. i. xxv. (by H. Campkin),. Lewes, 1874. Index to vols. xxvi.-xl., Lewes, 1909.

List of articles on Roman Remains in Sussex (Archaeological Review, i. 43440).

Simmons (Henry), A Catalogue of Drawings in the British Museum relating to the County of Sussex, arranged alphabetically, and, as far as possible, according to Parishes (Sussex Archaeol. Soc., xxviii. 148-79).

Trower (Charles Francis), Suggestions for the Collecting and Printing of Records relating to the History of the County (Sussex Arch. Coll., xxvii. 1-2 and xxviii. 1-10).

Trower (Charles Francis), The Publica- tion of our County Records (Sussex Arch. Coll., xxix. 232-4).

Round (J. Horace), Index of Illustrations to the Sussex Arch. Coll., i.-xxx. (Sussex Arch. Coll.. xxx. 198-229).

Grimm (S. H.), Catalogue of Drawings relating to Sussex in the Bodleian Library (Sussex Arch. Coll., iii. 232-8).

Dunkin (E. H. W.), Calendar of Deeds and Documents in the Possession of the Sussex Arch. Soc. (Sussex Arch. Coll., xxxviii. 137-40 and xxxix. 179-96).

Fcnton (A. J.), Extracts relating to Sussex from Exchequer Special Commissions (Sussex Arch. Coll., xxxviii. 141-59).

Dodspn (J. G., M.A.), On some Old Acts of Parliament concerning or connected with Roads in the County of Sussex (Sussex Arch. Coll., xv. 138-47).

Tyssen (J. It. Daniel), Parliamentary Surveys of the County of Sussex (Sussex Arch. Coll., xxiii. 217-313).

Kershaw (S. W., F.S.A.), Sussex MSS. in Lambeth Library (Sussex Arch. Coll., xl. 2(57 ).

Heron-Allen "(E.), Selsey Bill, Historic and Prehistoric (Bibliography, xiii-xvi. 1911).

Brighton Public Library: Supplementary Catalogue of the Victoria Lending Library, to which is added a Catalogue of the Brighton and Sussex Books in the Reference Library. | Brighton King, Thorne & Stace, 1892.

Reid (Clement), Geology of the Country round Chichest or, 1903 (Bibliography, p. Isj

A. L. HUMPHREYS. 187, Piccadilly, W.

(To be continued.)