Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/616

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. v. JUNE 29, 1912.

BARNARD FAMILY. The following entries in various hands are copied from the fly-leaf of a late seventeenth-century Bible :

John Barnard and Christabell his wife was maryed September 23 th : 1697.

Eizabeth, the dafter of John Barnard and Cristabell his wife was born one Sunday being between the hours of five and six of the clock being the 24 th day of July in the yeare 1698.

Mary the Secund Dafter of John Barnard and Christabell his wife was born one thursday night being te 2 th day of noveniber being a quarte of an oure before eight of ye clock. [In a later hand] : in Anno 1699.

Christabell the third dafter of John Barnard and Christabell his wife was born October 7 th : 1701.

John the Son of John Barnard And Christabell his Wife Was born one Sunday the 18 th of June in ye yeare of our lord 1704, about half anour after twelve of ye clocke att noone.

William the Second Son of John Barnard and Cristabell his wife was Born one thursday the 9 th of Aprill a litle before seuen of the clocke in the morning in y 6 yeare of our Lord 1709.

Aprill "'24 1721, Elizabeth the dafter of Eiza- beth Cobden was Boarn In the Begining of the Morning, & was Baptized Aprill the 28.

John Barnard and Mary his wife was Maryed August y 8 5 : 1726.

Mary y e Daughter of John Barnard & Mary his Wife, was born Aprile y 6 30 : 1728 about three of y 6 Clock in y 6 afernoon and baptized May the 8: 1729. [In the first year-date 9 has been crossed out, and 8 substituted.]

John Barnard and Mary his Wife was Maryed February y 6 18 : 1729/30.

Thomas Scriven Son of John Barnard and Mary his Wife was Born on Sunday Morning half an Hour after one a Clock and on y 8 nineteenth [corrected to " eighteenth" in another hand] day of October 1730. [In another hand :] which was On Saint Lukes day.

Departed this Life August 18 th : 1732.

John Barnard Sn r Dyed Sep : 17 th 1725 Aged 53 ys.

Christable Barnard Sn r Dyed Aug 12 : 1731 Aged 63 years.

William barnard was borrnard march the 1 o april.

The following pedigree may be adduced:

John Barnard=r=Christabel

1672-1725. 1668-1731.

1 Elizabeth= b. 1698.

r Cobden Mary, b. 1699.

Christabel, b. 1701.

John,= b. 1704.

r=(l) Mary = d. 1729.

f=(2) Mary Scriven.

William b. 1709.

Elizabeth Cobden, b. 1721.

Mary, b. 1729.

There is nothing to indicate where this family lived, the information ?

Thomas Scriven Barnard, b. 1730, d. 1732.

Can any reader kindly supply HERBERT C. ANDREWS.

RYAN : LORD CARDIGAN AT BALACLAVA. I lately saw in ' D.N.B/ mention made of a book or article published in 1855 by George Ryan, entitled ' Was Lord Cardigan a Hero at Balaclava ? ' apparently implying that he was not. Can this be the George Ryan who, in that same year, wrote a book called ' Heroes of the Crimea,' which has been in my possession from the time of its publica- tion ? It seems hardly possible, for in the latter work the conduct of Lord Cardigan is made the subject of the highest eulogy. Who was George Ryan, and what is known of the former book or article ?

E. L. H. TEW. Upham Kectory, Hants.

JAMES NEWELL GORDON, " King of Morro Velho," who was manager of the Sao Joao d' El Rei Mining Co. at Morro Velho, Brazil, figures constantly in the ' Romance of Isabel Burton ' and in Marianne North's ' Memoirs of a Happy Life ' (in neither case is his Christian name given), having played the

generous host to both these ladies. Where did he come from, and when did he die ? He occupied, I believe, a conspicuous place in the later commercial history of Brazil. J. M. BULLOCH. 123, Pall Mall, S.W.

QUEEN ANNE'S NURSE. The following is a copy of an affidavit in my possession, stamped Qd. and Qd. To what historical doubt does it refer ? Mrs. Martha ffarthing is in my own family, amongst whose papers I found this :

" Martha ffarthing the wife of John ffarthing Esqr maketh oath, that she this dep' was wett nurse and did give sucke to her p r sent Mat 16 Queene Anne for the space of ffifteene monthes or thereabouts, and that she this dep 1 was the onely wett nurse to her p r sent Ma tie


" Jurat xv j die Julij 1702 : apud Norwicu corani me Edu: Themytthorpe in Cur' Cane' Mg'ro ext'ord'."