Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/634

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912..

Boydell (J. & J.), their catalogues of plates an

prints, 251, 337

Brady (John), date of his death, 1814, 187 Branding of hounds, custom in England, 370, 45 Brandon (C.), Duke of Suffolk, standard-bearer tc

Henry VIII., 89, 215 " Brass Angel," sign, 1615, 165 Brault (Eleonore Marie )= Gordon-Archer, 1831


Braybrooke edition, Pepys's ' Diary,' error in, 6, 9 Breaches, place-name, the meaning of, 289, 413 Bream of Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, 90 Breton song, translation of, 449 Brettargh (Dr.) and foundress of Little Sisters

of the Sacred Heart, 49, 138 Brettargh family of Lancashire, 49, 138 ' Brides of Mavis Enderby,' the tune, 149, 237 Bridge, Chinese, and Pagoda, St. James's Park

391, 471

Bridges being repaired, straw under, 18 Bright (John), his writings in " The Best of al!

Good Company " Series, 178 Brinsop Court, old Herefordshire house, 26 Brisbane (Walter), d. c. 1770, his ancestry, 168,

296, 358

Britannia Regiment, origin of their badge, 136 British Isles, statues and memorials in, 62, 143, 481 British memorials of the Peninsular Campaign,

204, 302

Brodie (Sir B. C.) on ventilation, 226 Brodribb family of Somerset, 71, 251, 450 Bromley, Kent, epitaphs in churchyards, 185 Bromley ( William )= Miss Frogmorton, 250 Brooke (James), 1771, his parentage, 269 Brooke and Burrows families, 288 Browne (Capt. C. Orde), his ' The Gentile Powers,'

390, 475 Browne (Isaac Hawkins) the Elder, his marriage,

168, 275

Browne (Lyde), his marriage, 168 Browne (Sir Thomas) and witchcraft, 1664, 221 Browne (W.), 1590-1645, his sonnet on Rome, 25 Browning (E. B.) and George Meredith's works,


Browning (Robert), 1812-89, centenary notice, 341 Bruce (Robert), Earl of Ross, his mother, 177 Briicke, bibliographer's international exchange,


Brunswick and Hanover, succession to. 507 Brunt (Sir John), his biography, 89, 215 Buchanan, Blakesley, and Walter families, 308 Buckfastleigh, Vicars of, 1777-1860, 308 Buckingham (J. Silk), d. 1855. autobiographical

MSS., 48

Buldon, Prebendary of, 68, 139 " Buller-a-lahj" 1686, meaning of the word, 28,

111 Bullock's Museum, Piccadilly, its situation,


Bunkins, character of fiction, 251, 374 Bunyan (J.), 'Pilgrim's Progress' illustrated,

1880, 30

Bureau for registration of relics, 147 Burgess (Daniel), his marriage, 250 Burial customs : fire-dogs biiried with the dead, 70 Burial in woollen and " Colherteen," 37, 134 Burial inscriptions at St. John's, Westminster,

42, 83, 305

" Burial porch," meaning of the term, 309, 415 Burke (William), M.P., d. c. 1798, his death, 49,


Burrows and Brooke families, 288 Burton (Robert), book with his autograph, 125

Buss (Miss) and Miss Beale, rimes, 291, 392, 497

Butler (S.) on Irish shire stolen, 468

Buttons, silver, the date of, 49

Buxton and Rothschild, conversation between,.

309, 414

Byde family of Ware Park, 469 ' Byron (Lord), his Aberdeen tutor, 167 ;]'and the

Sidney family, 268. 378

C.P., meaning in Kirby's ' Winchester Scholars/' 168, 258

Cadell & Davies, publishers, their successors, 68

Calarny (Edmund), 1697-1755, his marriage. 350

Calendar: 'Shepherd's Calendar,' 1496,368

Calendar, Gregorian, curiosities of, 447

Calendar, runic, description of, 261, 285, 321, 363,. 384, 403, 422

Calonne (M. de), catalogue of his museum, 349

Calthorpe (Dorothy), d. 1693, her epitaph, 185 ;

Cambridge, honorary degrees at, 495

Cambridge boating song, 1883, 388

Cambridge College mottoes, record of, 209

Camden Society Publications, 328, 434, 493, 515

Campbell (T.), c. 1729, his parentage, 509

Campione and the Ambrosian Rite, 447

Campioni (Madame) and Casanova, 361

Capraniea family, 110

Caraccioli (Charles) on Clive, 507

Carcassonne : " J'ai vu Carcassonne," 348, 473

Card (Henry), his parentage, 79

Cardigan (Lord) at Balaclava, G. Ryan on, 508 larlos (Don), son of Philip II., his death, 409

Carlyle (Thomas), his 'Sartor Resartus,' 209,. 315 ; explanation of references, 290, 435 r- French version of his ' French Revolution,' 30 ; and Casanova, 428 'arolina, South, newspapers, 1732-74, 378

Caroline (Queen), brass token with bust of, 167

' Carronade " guns, origin of, 251, 337

?ary (H. F.), translator of Dante, his portrait,. 348

Casanova, and Kitty Fisher, 106 ; account of, in ' Temple Bar,' 110, 196 ; in England, 1764, 123, 484 ; letters said to be by, 129 ; his ' Me^noires,' English edition, 189, 296 ; and the English Resident at Venice, 207, 315, 376 ;: and Madame Campioni, 361 ; and Carlyle, 428

Oasanoviana: Edward Tiretta, 19, 516 ; Casanova families, 126 ; La Charpillon, 484

' Castra," " Castrse," in Old English, 103 atalogues of plates and prints, J. & J. Bovdell,. 251, 337

' Caulker "=dram of spirits, origin of the word. 87, 156

Cavendish Square, equestrian statue removed, 58

^ecil (Edward), Viscount Wimbledon, d. 1638,. 428

'entenary of Swedenborgian magazine, 84

}hair, "odd chair" made by Peter the Great, 108 Champak "=an Indian tree, scented wood, 220

Chaplains, H.E.I.C.S., certificates of appointment,, before 1835, 268, 411

Characters, fictitious, c. 1852, 208

Charles I., bells rung for his execution, 28, 113

Jharles V., his coat of arms, 167

Charter granted to Combe-Martin, 1264, 249, 355'

Charter of Henry II., its date, 150, 214

Chaucer (G. ), his use of " hit," 465 Chazan," meaning of Jewish word, 506

heek= impudence, early use of the word 366

Cheshire words, 1300-60, 287, 373, 494