Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/642

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912.

Observatory on the field of Waterloo, 485 Officer's kit, inventory of, 1775, 167 Olympic games and Batheaston vase, 245, 396 Omar Khayyam, his tomb, 105, 192 ; biblio- graphy of, 295, 464

Omnibus, first over Holborn Viaduct, 1869, 55 Ordination and Oxford degrees, 53, 133 Organists and longevity. 206, 315 Osmunderley, whereabouts of place so named, 270,


Owen (Thomas Ellis), d. 1814, 90 Oxford degrees and ordination, 53, 133 Oxfordshire, the hidage of, 444

Paganel as a Christian name, 350, 472

Pagodas in St. James's Park and at Kew, 270,

391, 471 Palacky (Francis), 1798-1876, historian and

statesman, 505

Paley (Archdeacon), his sister's marriage, 189 Pall Mall and United Service Club, 1, 91 " Pangam-man." carrying " a band of music,"

148 Panthera, explanation of the Christian name, 91,

177 Paradise, legend of Alexander the Great and, 48,

154 ; story of Welshmen lured from, 1528, 386,


' Paris IllustreY English edition, 1888, 158 " Parkin " for November 5th, origin of, 38 Passion play, children accidentally burnt at, 1705,

307, 410 Paul (Jean), list of English translations of, 290,


Pauper, use of the word, 209 Peel Castle, the Duchess of Gloucester and, 375 Peerage and Lords of Appeal, 287 Pen, fountain pen, early use of, 1789, 388, 496 " Penard," meaning and derivation of the word,


Penge, origin of the place-name, 18, 97 Peninsular Campaign, British memorials of, 204,


Penleaze family, 270, 414 Pentateuch, zodiacal sign in Samaritan version of,

28, 116

Peploe family, grant of arms, 1753, 55 Pepys (S.), error in his ' Diary,' 6, 97 Peter the Great, " odd chair " made by, 108 Peveril family, 90, 297 Philadelphia, folk-lore note from, 467 " Philip and Mary," official style of reign, 190 Philipps family, 326 Photography as an aid to wood engraving, 1854,

407 Physicians, the saying " Sol eorum successus

intuetur," 366

Piano in Consid^rant's ' Destined Sociale,' 69 " Piccadilly gates," meaning of the term, 150,


Pigtails, Chinese, origin of, 188, 413 Pike family of Market Harborough, 389 ' Pilgrim's Progress,' illustrated, 1880, 30 Pillar stones next cromlechs, instances of, 370 " Pimlico order," origin of the phrase, 167, 254 Piper in the Plague of London, statue of, 64,


' Pishoken,' song sung by Hogarth, 509 Pit or Pitt (James), his ' Letter on Superstition,'

205, 315 Pitt (William), ' Letter on Superstition ' wrongly

attributed to, 205, 315

Place-Names :

America, in Scotland, 38

Beauvoir, Normandy, 88

Belvoir, England, 88

Bengeworth, 489

Breaches, 289, 413

Castra, Castrse, 103

Dowles, 501

Duppa's or Dupper's Hill, 469

Elsham, 57, 135, 216

Elvet, 466

Gotham, 125

Grantham, 57, 135, 216

Hamilton Hill, Lines, 468

Hancock, 428, 513

Keighley, 289, 376

Locwella, 149, 236

Londres, London, Londinium, 129, 191, 314, 456

Nats, Great and Little, 289, 413

Penge, 18, 97

Spurrier-gate, 150, 234

Tattershall, 57, 135, 216

Yedding, 408, 514

Place-names, index of Essex, completed, 407 Plague of London, statue of piper in, 64, 153 Planche (White), his biography, 310 Plants supposed to cause disease, 56, 158, 257,

398, 515 Playhouses named after Dickens's characters,


Playing-card with lugubrious reputation, 150 Plenderleath (Peter), killed at Kandy 1803, 248 Poe (Edgar Allan), his mother. 7, 135, 294 Poem on labour riots, ' Battle of Brimpton,' 389 Poetry, English, sauriaus in, 67 Poets, Polish, translations from, 308, 377, 435 Poet's Road, Canonbury, origin of its name,

389, 517

" Pointers," meaning of the word, 447 Poison of snake, chemical formula and use of, 388,

455 Poker-work, exhibition of, in eighteenth

century, 146 Polack (Elizabeth), author, her biography, 189

337 " Polilla " =moth, etymology of the Spanish word,


Polish poets, translations from, 308, 377, 435 Pompadour (Madame de), Maurepas's verses on,

228, 372 Pontifical Zouaves and the banner of the Sacred

Heart, 367

" Poor " =pauper, use of the word, 209 Pope, Duchesse de Bari crowned by, 71, 139, 235 Pope (Walter), astronomer, his parentage, 90 Popham (Sir Home Biggs), his father, 70, 136 Porter (Jane), d. 1850, authoress, her ' Diary,' 130,


Porter (Sir R. Ker), his pedigree, 130, 353 Potooos, racehorse, spelling of the name, 29, 97 Powell (Rev. G. Gervas), d. 1811, 270, 355 " Precedence," its pronunciation, 248 Pretty ( Catherine ) = Edmund Combe, 1702, 88 Pridden (J.), bookseller, on St. Bride's Religious

Society, 376

Primram (Henry), c. 1851, his biography, 490 Prince of Orange Coffee-House, Haymarket, 30 Prior (Matthew) of Long Island, c. 1668, 17 Prisoners of war, French, at Lichfield and Notting- ham, 109, 257, 411 Privilege and licence to publish, 1534, 324