Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/653

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912.



Higham (C.) on centenary of a Swedenborgian magazine, 84. Glasgow Grammar School class meeting of 1762, 210

Hill (Arthur F.) on musicians' epitaphs: Inglott, 109

Hill (N. W.) on ' The Confinement ' : a poem, 116. Foreign journals in the U.S., 137. Halfacree surname, 77. Hood (Robin), 296. Jones and Blunkett, 258. Logan, Laughan, 516. " Nose of wax," 7. Penge as a place-name, 97. Polack (Elizabeth): Elizabeth Helme, 337. Potaoos, English racehorse, 29. Prime Serjeant, 297. " Samhowd," 99

Hillman (E. Haviland) on Water Brisbane, 168. Churchill (Lieut.-General Charles), d. 1745, 210, 309. Garden (Alexander), 432. " Vicugna " and ' The Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 48. Wright (Nicholas) of Oyster Bay, L.I., 310

Hipwell (Daniel) on Edward Barker, Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer, 446. Blake (Henry), 168, 358. Brady (John), 187. Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of Clancarty, 366. Gretna Green marriages, 1825-54, 347. H.E.I.C.S. : chaplains' certificates of appointment, 411. Kendall (Frederic), 50. Lumley (Frances, Lady), 47. Powell, 355. St. Bride's: J. Pridden, 376

Hockaday (F. S. ) on ' White Hand and a Black Thumb,' 517

Hodgkin (J.) on grise : grey : badger, 170

Hogan (J. F.) on Dickens: unpublished letters, 86. Jacobi (Mary P.): Mrs. Ellis, 397. New Zealand Governors, 134. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 145

Holinsworth (C. B.) on Alexander the Great and Paradise, 154

Holworthy (F. M. R.) on Epitaphiana, 185. Inscriptions in churches and churchyards, 147

Hone (Nathl. J.) on manorial literature, 208

Hope (Andrew) on " ash " coincidence, 387

Howard (H.) on St. Laluwy, 412. Wiltshire phrases, 434

Huck (T. W.) on arithmetic among the Romans, 173. Bullock's Museum, Piccadilly, 514. Con- gres internationaux des Sciences historiques, 433. County bibliographies, 32. Hone's ' An- cient Mysteries,' 191. ' London Chronicle ' : ' Monthly Review,' 213. Revolution Society, 152

Hughes (Philippa Swinnerton) on Henry Blake, 273. Latin guide to Westminster Abbey, 430

Hughes (T. Cann) on vicars of Buckfastleigh, 308. Vicars of St. Leonard, Exeter, 330

Hulme (E. Wyndham) on Sheffield cutlery in 1820, 78

Humphreys (A. L.) on Brodribb of Somerset, 251, 450. Camden Society, 493. Christinecke (C. L.), 458. County bibliographies, 30, 178, 196, 276, 338, 417, 510. Grellet (Stephen), 394. Lackington the bookseller's medals, 16. Legend of the last Lord Lovell, 291. ' Married Men's Feast ; or, The Banquet at Barnet, 1671,' 131. Peveril family, 297. Sibbering, 416. Smith (Baker Peter), 437

Hutchinson (J.) on Sir Francis Drake, " unus de consortio Medii Templi," 10, 255

Hyllara on Miss Buss and Miss Beale, 291, 497

Hytch (F. J.) on ' Shotover Papers ; or, Echoes from Oxford,' 512

I. (P. ) on authors of quotations wanted, 68 Ikin (A. J. ) on author of quotation wanted, 28

J. (D.) on Massacre of St. Bartholomew : medal r 475. Shakespeare's signatures, 490

J. (E.) on De Ruyter : Van Tromp, 149

J. (G. E.) on arms of Charles V., 167. Levant or Turkey Company, founded by Queen Elizabeth, loo

J. (J. F.) on Gellyfeddan, Cynghordy, and Lletty- scilp, 28. ' Ian Roy,' 110. Succession to- Hanover and Brunswick, 507

J. (R. H.) on Logan, Laughan, 290

Jacobs (P. ) on first coffee-house keeper, 369

Jaggard (W.) on 'Catalogue of Honor,' 14. County bibliographies, 374. Families : dura- tion in male line, 415. Fire-papers, 18. Jaggard (Lord), 370. Military executions, 434, Spenser (Edmund), 1592, 417

Jenkins (Rhys) on early fountain pens, 496. Railway travel, early impressions, 191. Sash- windows, 218

Jerram (C. S.) on the Thames, 474

Jesson (T.) on curious staff, 237

Johnson (F.) on " Confounded red herrings,"'377

Johnston (A. W.) on skating in the Middle Ages r 276

Jonas (A. C.) on Walter Brisbane, 358. " Burial porch," 309. Lucius, 59, 234. " Piccadilly gates," 256

Jones (A. D. ) on " polilla," 35

Jones (T.) on arithmetic among the Romans. 173. Burial in woollen : " Colberteen," 135. " Burial; porch," 415. " Caulker," a dram of spirits, 156. Diseases from plants, 56. Early fountain pens, 497. Grandfather clocks in France, 37. Hood (Robin), 94. " Latter Lammas," 18. Money-box, 117. " Pimlico order," 254. Robin Hood Society, 473. St. Agnes : folk- lore, 112. Sash windows, 218. Skating in the- Middle Ages, 98. Stones' End, Borough, 396. " With allowance," 135. Yedding, 514

Jones (T. LI.) on David Lloyd, Winchester scholar, 475. Wordsworth's friend Jones, 430

Julyan (S. C. ) on early fountain pens, 497

K. on Bunkins, 374

K. (E.) on "Mizpah" epitaph, 290. Rights of

interment, 106 K. (J. H.) on " precedence " : its pronunciation.

248 K. (L. L.) on " Chazan," 506. Copying machines,

407. Curiosities of the Gregorian Calendar,.

447. Danteiana, 426. ' Dog in the Service

of Primitive Man,' 328. Loti (Pierre) : Easter

Island, 469. Macaulay on " fen slodgers," 348.

Mildenhall (John), 186. Roman inscription at

Hyeres, 498. St. Wilhelmina, patron saint

of nursing mothers, 514. Sanctuary seats, 473..

Snake poison, 455. " Static bene fida carinis,"

369 Kaley (A. G.) on "The Dutchman's anchor,"

330 Kastner (L. E.) on Drummond of Hawthornden,

230, 267 Kealy (A. G.) on St. Agatha and white rabbit..


Kemp (J. T.) on " honorificabilitudinity," 187 Kendall (W. Clement) on ancient terms, 266.

Kendall, 489. Selkirk family, 109 Kenny (Courtney) on Epitaphiana, 504 King (Sir C. S.) on J. R. : letters to Lord Orrery r

8, 158. Schaak, an artist, 507 Kingsford (C. L.) on legend of the last Lord

Lovell, 292