Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/89

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ii S.V.JAX. 27, i9i2.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show, let me show it now." I have also seen this attributed to Stephen Grellet. Which is correct ?

2. Can any one give me the authorship of the following line ?

Horns from Elfland faintly blowing.


[1. See the numerous references in the General Index of the Tenth Series, s. v. ' Quotations.']

2. This is part of the second stanza of the song which opens the fourth section of Tennyson's ' Princess.' It runs :

O hark I O hear ! how thin and clear, And thinner, clearer, farther going ! O sweet and far from cliff and scar

The horns of Elfland faintly blowing !]

Who is the author of the following lines ?

With patient steps the path of duty run ;

God never does nor suffers to be done

But that which yovi would do if you could see

The end of all events as well as He.

In a (London) Church Calendar for 1912 they are attributed to Byron, but they do not seem to me to savour of the author of ' Don Juan.' BLADUD.

HENRY DOWNES MILES. I should be glad of information concerning Henry Downes Miles, the author of ' Pugilistica ' and other works. He seems to have been 70 years of age when the second volume of 'Pugilistica' was published in 1880.

May I take this opportunity of saying that we badly want a biographical dictionary of minor worthies ? Neither Henry Downes Miles nor many of the prizefighters whose biographies we enjoy in his pages are in- cluded in the ' Dictionary of National Bio- graphy.' This is not meant as a dis- paragement of that work to which I am in the habit of referring every day of my life ; nor is it meant as a disparagement of Sir Leslie Stephen or Sir Sidney Lee, both of whom have written books which no well- regulated library can dispense with. It is only to say that these editors seem to me to have worked on a wrong principle of selection and rejection while they were engaged upon the ' Dictionary of National Biography.' CLEMENT K. SHORTER.

THE PIANO IN CONSIDERANT'S 'DESTINEE SOCIALE.' Miss Morris, in her introduction to ' Sigurd ' (' Collected Works of William Morris,' vol. xii. p. x), quotes from memory a phrase of Considerant's, " the ferocious, the inevitable, the untameable piano," as a great favourite of her father's. Like her,

I have tried to verify the quotation, but Failed. The British Museum copy of the first edition of the ' Destinee Sociale ' has ' cancel " page at the place at which the passage should naturally occur (vol. i. p. 485), and it would be interesting if any one who has access to another copy, or to Mr. Morris's own copy, which appeared in his sale cata- logue, would verify the quotation. R. S.

SPANISH TITLES GRANTED TO IRISHMEN. I shall be infinitely obliged if some reader of ' N. & Q.' will kindly advise me where I can find definite data regarding the titles granted by Philip IV. of Spain to the Irish- men who fought in the " Wars of the Nether- lands." Is there a book which gives the arms of the gentlemen so ennobled, and can- not their descendants still bear these titles ? This information I desire to complete a genealogical table. RENE DE LAZLA.


[This query appeared at p. 427 of our last volume- We regret that hitherto no replies have been forthcoming.]

FELIZIANO, PORTUGUESE ARTIST. Can any of your readers give information about a Portuguese artist, Feliziano dates, Chris- tian name, and so on ? He was living in Lisbon in 1668, and painted a portrait of Edward, first Earl of Sandwich, who was there on a special mission. The portrait is at Hinchingbrooke. F. R. H.

QUEEN ANNE AND HER CHILDREN. Queen Anne, who married George, Prince of Den- mark, 28 July, 1683, and became a widow 28 Oct., 1708, is said very often in periodi- cal and other publications to have had seventeen children, though in the Royal Lineage which forms the introduction to Burke' s ' Peerage ' six only (two sons and four daughters) are recorded. Is there any truth in the statement that as many as seventeen were born to her, and if so, where can a complete record be found ?

F. DE H. L.

ANNE WENTWORTH. I should be much obliged to the readers of ' N. & Q.' for any information concerning Anne, daughter and heiress of John Wentworth of Codham Hall, Essex, and Anne Bettenham his wife. She married (1) Hugh Rich, son of Lord Chancellor Rich ; (2) Henry Fitzalan, Lord Maltravers : and (3) William Deane. Is the date of her birth known ? Is there any portrait of her in existence ? She left no descendants, and her property, including Gosfield Hall, which she built, passed to her