Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/94

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[11 S. V. JAN. 27, 1912.

Maidenhead. A Calendar of the Ancient Charters and Documents of the Corporation of Maiden- head. By J. W. Walker. (1908.) No table of contents, many names (though a Catalogue), and no index.

Maidstpne. The Charters and other Documents relating to the King's Town and Parish of Maidstone. With notes and annotations, &c. By W. R. James. (1825.) Very few names, and no index.

Man, Isle of. The Lex Scripta of the Isle of Man, comprehending the Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws. From the earliest to the present date. Published by authority. (1819.) Index of Matters.

Monumenta de Insula Mannise, or a Collection of National Documents relating to the Isle of Man. By J. R. Oliver. 3 vols (1860, '61, '62). Ptiblica- tions of the Manx Society. Notes, and vol. iii. has Indexes of Names, Places, and Matters.

Manchester. The Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester, from the year 1552 to the year 1686, and from the year 1731 to the year 1846. By J. P. Earwaker.

I. 1552-1586. (1884.)

II. 1586-1618. (1885.)

III. 1618-1641. (1886.)

IV. 1647-1662. (1887.) V. 1662-1675. (1887.)

VI. 1675-1687. (1888.)

VII. 1731-1756. (1888.)

VIII. 1756-1786. (1888.)

IX. 1787-1805. (1889.)

X. 1806-1820. (1889.)

XI. 1820-1832. (1889.)

XII. 1832-1846. (1890.)

Each volume has a good Introduction, and is well indexed.

A Volume of Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester in the Sixteenth Century. By John Harland. Vol. I. (1864.) Vol. II., continuation of, A.D. 1586-1602. (1865.) Vols. Ixiii. and Ixv. of the Publications of the Chetharn Society. Index of Matters more than of names to each volume. Important Lists.

The Constables' Accounts of the Manor of Manchester from the year 1612 to the year 1647, and from 1743 to 1776. By J. P. Earwaker. I. 1612-1633. (1891.)

II. 1633-1647. (1892.)

III. 1743-1776. (1892.) Each volume is well indexed.

The Orders and Instructions to be observed by the Officers of the Manchester Police. (1836.)

Manchester Sessions. Notes of Proceedings before Osward Mosley (1616-30), Nicholas Mosley (1661-72), and Sir Oswald Mosley (1734-39), and other Magistrates. Edited from the MS. in the Reference Library, Man- chester. By E. Axon. Vol. I. 1616-23/4. Index of Matters, Places, and Names. The Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. xlii. (1901.)

Manydown, Hampshire. The Manor of Many- down. By G. W. Kitchin. Hampshire Record Society. (1895.) A valuable volume, but difficult to describe ; embraces manors of Bag- hurst, Hanyton, and Wotton, ranging from about 1300 to 1635. Good Index.

Marazion. Notes on the Borough Records of the Towns of Marazion, Penzance, and St. Ives. (1882.) Journal of the Archaeological Associa- tion, xxxviii. pp. 354-370. Alludes to long list of Mayors, &c., btit gives very few names, and the Index to the volume ignores these. Melcombe Regis. See Weymouth. Melton Mowbray. The Constables of Melton in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By T. North. Transactions of Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society, iii. 60-79.

Accounts of the Churchwardens of Melton Mowbray from 1547 to End of the Sixteenth Century. Ibid., iii. 180-206.

Both articles by T. North. (1874.) Index of Matters, but not of names. Mendlesham. The Manuscripts of the Parish of Mendlesham, co. Suffolk. (1876.) Historical MSS. Commission, Fifth Report, xviii. Very brief description (pp. 593-6). Good Index in Part II.

Merstham, Surrey. A Rental of the Manor of Merstham in the year 1522. Surrey Archaeo- logical Collections, xx. 90-114. (1907.) Names in Index to volume. Middlesex County Records.

Vol. I. Indictments, Coroners' Inquest- post-mortem, and Recognizances from 3 Edward VI. to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By J. C. Jeaffreson. Index by A. T. Watson. (1887.)

Vol. II. Temp. James I. (1887.)

Vol. III. Temp. Chas. I. to 18 Chas. II. (1888.)

Vol. IV. Temp. 19 Chas. II. to 4 James II.

With several illustrations. Each volume well indexed.

Calendar of the Sessions Books, 1689 to 1709. By W. J. Hardy. With Index by M. Dorothy Brakspear. (1905.) Index of Matters, Places, and Names.

A Catalogue (of the Names of such Persons as are, or are reputed to be, of the Romish Religion, not as yet Convicted) being Inhabi- tants within the County of Middlesex, Cities of London and Westminster, and weekly Bills of Mortality, exactly as they are ordered to be Incertcd in the Several Commissions ap- pointed for the more Speedy Convicting of such as shall be found of that Religion. Im- perfect, lower half of sheet missing. Midhurst. Midhurst : its Lords and its Inhabi- tants. Sussex Archaeological Collections, xx. pp. 1-33. (1868.) Names in Index of volume. Monmouth County. The Sheriff Roll for Mon- mouthshire. Chronological List from 1542 to 1877. From a newspaper.

Morpeth. Manuscripts of the Corporation of Morpeth. Historical MSS. Commission's Sixth Report, App., pp. 526-538. (1870). Names in Index to volume. This report is supplementary to Hodgson's ' History of Northumberland .'

An Account of the Customs of the Court Loet and Court Baron of Morpeth, with the Court Roll of 1632. (1894.) Arch. 2Eliana, xvi. pp. 5275. Also supplementary to the sam. Some important names, but Index of volume does not help.


(To be continued.)