Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/113

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ii s. VL AUG. a, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Can any reader kindly tell me when and where the song was published ? Has the " curious old song" entitled ' Brighton Fine Scenes,' referred to at 7 S. ii. 394, any such refrain ? G. F. TRACY BEALE.

Point House, Exmouth.

JAMES PATTISON STEWART. Is anything known about the later career of this British naval officer, who twice distinguished himself during the naval war a century ago against Denmark ? He commanded the brig Sheldrake during the Anholt affair, 1811, and for his services the young officer, stated to be only 20 years of age, was pro- moted to be commander of the Dictator, said to have been a former Spanish ship. On 6 July, 1812, he sailed through the narrow entrance of the Skerries at Lyngoer, Southern Norway, and destroyed the last Danish warship of importance, the frigate Xajaden, after a desperate resistance at almost pistol-shot range. W. R. PRIOR.

HARRIS FAMILY. I shall be grateful for a clue to the maiden name of Elizabeth (wife of William Harris of Ilford. Essex), died 20 October. 1730, aged 63. The slab over her grave in the nave of Barking Church bears arms : Parted per pale, dexter, a chev. erm. betw. 3 hedgehogs ; sinister, a stag at gaze. Crest : a cubit arm grasping an arrow. The dexter arms are, of course, Harris for the husband, but what family is indicated by the sinister coat ? None of the names mentioned in Papworth's ' Ordinary ' as bearing a stag at gaze seems likely. Kindly reply direct.


Maycroft, Fyfteld Road, Walthamstow.

THOMAS GILBERT. Might I inquire through the medium of your columns whether any of your readers have ever come across a portrait or caricature of Thomas Gilbert (ob. 1798), the Poor-Law Reformer, M.P. for Newcastle-under-Lyme and Lich- field?

At one stage of his career he made himself so unpopular by proposing a 25 per cent tax on all pensions and places during the continuance of the American War that it seems almost inconceivable that there should not be, at any rate, a caricature of him in existence. J. G.

CHANCELLOR'S SEALER FOR THE DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. Is this an ancient institu- tion ? and what are the Sealer's duties ? Is there an official of this kind in every cathedral body ? M.A.OxoN.

THE USE OF FORKS. It is said that the use of forks in ordinary life was inveighed against from St. Mary's pulpit, Oxford, as immoral, tending to softness of life, &c. in the sixteenth century. Can any one give chapter and verse for this assertion T

I. S. W.

SIR ROBERT BARTLEY, K.C.B. Can any reader tell me when Sir Robert Bartley died, and where he was buried ? In Gazette promotions of 24 Dec., 1842, there is " Major- General Robert Bartley, 49th Foot, to be K.C.B."

Lodge's ' Knightage ' of 1844 refers to his death since the previous issue.

M. ELLEN POOLE. Alsager, Cheshire.

POPE : REFERENCE WANTED. Could some one of your readers kindly tell me of whom Pope wrote the following lines, and where they are to be found ?

A soul supreme, in each hard instance tried, Above all pain, all passion, and all pride, The rage of power, the blast of public breath, The lust of lucre and the dread of death.


ARMS : XEUNBTTRG. On 9 Nov., 1807> arms were granted to George Vander Neunburg of St. Martins, Stamford Baron, co. Northampton, and his descendants ; and his sister Augusta, widow of Andrew Nash, late of Patna, East Indies, and her descendants. Does a representative exist of either family ? Arms : Sa., on a mount vert a castle ppr. ; a chief arg. charged with an eagle displayed of the field between 2 bombs fired. Crest : a cross calvary arg., on each side a rose gu., slipped and barbed ppr. ASTLEY TERRY, Major-General.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. 1. LITCHFIELD. Vincent Litchfield was ad- mitted to Westminster School 17 Jan., 1780; Thomas Litchfield, 15 Jan.. 1781 ; and John Litchfield, 15 Jan., 1787. Particulars of their parentage and careers are desired.

2. FRANCIS LOWTH was admitted to Westminster School 4 Feb., 1825. Who were his parents ? What was his career ? When did he die ?

3. LUDLOW. Edmund Henry Ludlow was admitted to Westminster School 31 March, 1818, and Edmund Ludlow 6 July, 1818. I should be glad to learn the parentage of these two Ludlows, and any other particulars concerning them, G. F. R. B.