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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 8. vi. AUG. 17, i9i-_>.

the 30tb, 1820. London : Printed and Sold by William Benbow, 269, Strand. 1820.

8vo, vol. xxxvi. pp. iv-1320 columns; vol. xxxvii. pp. iv-1704 columns. <Cobbett's Evening Post.

This newspaper was issued between 29 Jan. and 1 April, 1820.


"The American Gardener, or, A Treatise on the Situation, Soil, Fencing and Laying-Out of Gardens ; on the Making and Managing of Hot-Beds and Green-Houses ; and on the Propagation and Cultivation of the several sorts of Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits, and Flowers.

By William Cobbett Stereotype Edition.

London : Published by C. Clement, 1, Clement's Inn. 1821.

12mo, no pagination. 391 paragraphs and 6 pp. Indices.

~Links of the Lower House, or, An Alphabetical List of the Members of the House of Commons, showing the Counties, Cities, or Boroughs for which they sit ; and also showing the Offices, Pensions, Grants, Church-Preferment, Func- tions, Services, and other Matters and Things, belonging or attached to the several Members and their Families. . . .Printed by C. Clement, and sold by John M. Cobbett, 1, Clement's Inn.

8vo, pp. 32.

Oobbett's Political Register. Vol. XXXVIII. Including the time between January the 6th and March the 31st, 1821. [Vol. XXXIX. From April the 7th to July the 14th, 1821.] [Vol. XL. From July the 21st to December the 29tb, 1821.] London : Printed by C. Clement, and published by John M. Cobbett, 1, Clement's Inn. 1821.

8vo, vol. xxxviii. pp. iv-920 columns ; vol. xxxix. pp. iv-1072 columns ; vol. xl. pp. iv-1600 columns.


-Cobbett's Sermons on 1. Hypocrisy and Cruelty. 2. Drunkenness. 3. Bribery. 4. Oppression. 5. Unjust Judges. 6. The Sluggard. 7. Mur- der. 8. Gaming. 9. Public Bobbery. 10. The Unnatural Mother. 11. Forbidding Marriage. 12. Parsons and Tithes. London : Printed and Published by C. Clement, No. 183, Fleet Street. 1822.

12mo, pp. 295. Published monthly from 1 March, 1821, to 1 March, 1822 (with the exception of February), as " Cobbett's Monthly Religious Tracts."

Reduction no Robbery. To the Freeholders of the County of Kent. On their Petition for a Reduction of the Interest of the Debt.

8vo, pp. 31.

Cobbett's Gridiron : Written to warn Farmers of their Danger ; and to put Landholders, Mortgagers, Lenders, Borrowers, the Labourers, and indeed all Classes of the Community on their Guard .... London : Printed for Henry Stemman, No. 68, Princes Street, Leicester Square. And to be had of every Bookseller and Newsman in Town or Country. 1822. [Price Six-pence.]

8vo, pp. 22.

Cottage Economy : containing Information rela- tive to the brewing of Beer, making of Bread, keeping of Cows, Pigs, Bees, Ewes, Goats, Poultry and Rabbits, and relative to other

matters deemed useful in the conduct of the Affairs of a Labourer's Family. By William Cobbett. London : Printed and Published by C. Clement, No. 183, Fleet Street. 1822.

12mo, pp. iv-207. Published in six parts, between 1 Aug., 1821, and 1 March, 1822.

Cobbett's Collective Commentaries : or, Remarks on the Proceedings in the Collective Wisdom of the Nation, during the Session which began on the 5th of February, and ended on the 6th of August, in the 3rd year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, and in the vear of our Lord 1822 ; being the Third Session of the First Parliament of that King. To which are subjoined, A Complete List of the Acts passed during the Session, with Elucidations ; and other Notices and Matters ; forming, all together, a short but clear History of the Collective Wisdom for the year. " In multitude of Counsellors there is wisdom." Proverbs, ch. 24, v. 6. London : Printed for J. M. Cobbett, 183, Fleet Street. 1822. 8vo, pp. 320.

The Horse - Hoeing Husbandry : or, A Treatise on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation, wherein is taught a Method of introducing a sort of Vineyard Culture into the Corn Fields, in order to increase their Product and diminish the Common Expense. By Jethro Toll, of Shalborne in the County of Berks. To which is prefixed, an Introduction, explanatory of some Circumstances connected with the History and Division of the Work, and containing an Account of certain experiments of recent date. By William Cobbett. London : Printed for John M. Cobbett, No. 183, Fleet Street. 1822. 8vo, pp. xviii-332.

Cobbett's Weekly Register. Volume XLI. In- cluding the time between January the 5th and March the 30th, 1822. [Volume XLII. From 6th April to 29th June, 1822, inclusive.} [Volume XL [II. From July 6th to September 28th, inclusive.] London : Printed and pub- lished by C. Clement, 183, Fleet Street. 1822. 8vo, vol. xli. pp. iv-830 columns ; vols. xlii. and xliii., each pp. iv-832 columns.

Cobbett's Weekly Register. Volume XLIV. From October 5th to December 28th, 1822, inclusive. London : Printed and published by J. M. Cobbett, 183, Fleet Street. 1822.

8vo, pp. iv-832 columns-4 pp. Indices.


Surplus Population : and Poor-Law Bill. A Comedy in Three Acts. By William Cobbett, M.P.

12mo, pp. 24.

A Grammar of the English Language, in a Series of Letters. Intended for the Use of Schools and of Young Persons in general ; but more especially for the Use of Soldiers, Sailors, Apprentices, and Plough-boys. By William Cobbett. To which are added, Six Lessons intended to prevent Statesmen from using false grammar, and from writing in an awkward manner. London : Printed for John M. Cobbett, Fleet Street. 1823. 12mo, pp. vi-230.

Cobbett's Weekly Register. Volume XLV. From January 4th to March 29th, 1823, inclusive. [Volume XLVI. From 5th April to 28th June, 1823, inclusive.] [Volume XLVII. From