Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/179

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us. vi. A. 24, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Gold for Ever ! Real Causes of the Fall of the Funds : also, Wholesome Advice to holders of Funds, Scrip, Shares, and all sorts of Paper- Money. By William Cobbett ...." I counsel thee to get gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich." Revelations, [sic] chap. iii. v. 18. London : Printed and Published by C. Clement, No. 183, Fleet -Street. 12mo, pp. 12.

The Woodlands : or, A Treatise on the Preparing of ground for planting ; on the planting ; on the cultivating ; on the pruning ; and on the cutting down of Forest Trees and Under- woods ; Describing the usual growth and size and the uses of each sort of tree, the seed of each, the season and manner of collecting the seed, the manner of preserving and sowing "it, and also the manner of managing the young plants until fit to plant out ; The Trees "being arranged in Alphabetical Order, and the List of them, including those of America as well as those of England, and the English, French, and Latin name being prefixed to the directions relative to each tree respectively. By William Cobbett. London : Printed and Published by William Cobbett, No. 183, Fleet Street. 1825. 8vo, no pagination. 601 paragraphs and an Index.

Cobbett's W r eekly Register. Volume LIII. From January to March, 1825. [Volume LIV. From April " to June, 1825.] Printed and published by C. Clement, No. 183, Fleet Street. 1825.

8vo, each volume pp. iv-832 columns.

Cobbett's Weekly Register. Volume LV. From July to September, 1825. [Volume LVI. From October to December, 1825.] London : Printed and published by W, Cobbett, No. 183, Fleet Street. 1825.

8vo, each volume pp. iv-832 columns.


Cobbett's Poor Man's Friend ; or, A Defence of the Rights of those who do the work and fight the Battles. London : Published by Wm. Cobbett, at No. 11, Bolt-Court, Fleet Street ; and may be had of all booksellers, in Town and Country. Price Eight-pence. 12mo, pp. 72.

Cobbett at the King's Cottage. The Petition of William Cobbett to his Majesty George the Fourth, with a detail of his endeavour to deliver the Petition in Person to his Majesty, at the Cottage, near Windsor, on Saturday, July 29, 1826. 8vo, pp. 8.

Cobbett's Weekly Register. Volume LV1I. From January to March, 1826. [Volume LVIII. From April to June, 1826.] [Volume LIX. From July to September, 1826.] [Volume LX. From October to December, 1826.] Lon- don : Printed and puolished by W. Cobbett, No. 183, Fleet Street. 1826.

8vo, each volume pp. iv-832 columm pp. 4 Indices.


The Protestant " Reformation," Part Second ;.- Containing a List of the Abbeys, Priories, Nunneries, Hospitals, and othe'r Religious- Foundations in England and Wales, and in Ireland, confiscated, seized on, or alienated, by the Protestant " Reformation " Sovereigns and Parliaments. By William Cobbett. Lon- don : Printed and Published by William, Cobbett, 183, Fleet Street. 1827. ' 12mo, no pagination.

Cobbett's Weekly Register. Volume LXI. From January to March, 1827. [Volume LXII. From April to June, 1827.] London : Printed and published by W. Cobbett, No. 183. Fleet Street. 1827.

8vo, vol. Ixi. pp. iv-832-4 pp. Indices ;. vol. Ixii. pp. iv-832.

Cobbett's Weekly Register. Volume LXIII. From 30th June to 22d September, 1827, inclusive. [Volume LXIV. From 29th Sep- tember to 29th December, 1827, inclusive. J' London : Printed and published by the- Author, at No. 183, Fleet Street, 1827.

8vo, vol. Ixiii. pp. iv-832 : vol. Ixiv. pp. iv- 896.


A Treatise on Cobbett's Corn, Containing Instruc- tions for Propagating and Cultivating the Plant, and for Harvesting and Preserving the Crop ; and also an Account of the several Uses to which the Produce is Applied, with Minute Directions relative to each Mode of Applica- tion. By William Cobbett .... London : Pub- lished by William Cobbett, 183, Fleet Street. 1828.

8vo, pp. iv 203 paragraphs.

A Letter to His Holiness, The Pope, on the Character, the Conduct and the Views, of the Catholic Aristocracy and Lawyers of England and Ireland. By William Cobbett. London : Published by William Cobbett, 183, Fleet Street. 1828*. 12mo, pp. 60.

Facts for the Men of Kent .... London : Printed by William Cobbett, No. 183, Fleet Street. 8vo, pp. vi.

Noble Nonsense ! or, Cobbett's Exhibition of the Stupid and Insolent Pamphlet of Lord Grenville. " Now, ' Noble Lord,' we have thee on the hip." Printed and published by Wm. Cobbett, No. 183, Fleet Street. Price- Twopence. 8vo, pp. 31.

List of Mr. Cobbett's Books, Published at No. 183, Fleet Street, London : And to be bad of all Booksellers in the United Kingdom. 12mo, pp. 12.

Usury ; or, Lending at Interest. . . .By the Rev. Jeremiah O'Callaghan, Rom. Cath. Priest.... With a Dedication to the " Society of Friends."' By William Cobbett. London : Published by William Cobbett, 183, Fleet Street, 1828. 8vo, pp. v-230.

Elements of the Roman History, in English and French, from the Foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium ; Selected from the Best Authors, Ancient and Modern, with a Series of Questions at the end of each Chapter. For-