Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/196

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. vi. A, a*. 1912.

also mention a copy of Cramer's ' Emblems,' Frankfurt, 1630, II. 5s., and the ' Platonici Ser- mones sive Disputationes xli. ex Cosmi Paccii Archiepiscopi Florentini interpretatione ' of Maxi- mus Tyrius, Paris, H. Stephanas, 1557, 11. 10s.

THE first part of Messrs. Maggs's Catalogue No. 294 is particularly interesting, made up, as it is, of. original drawings. Foremost among these is Blake's 'Judas betrays Him' a water-colour which is described in vol. ii. of Gilchrist's 'Blake' 14f by 11^ in. in size, and bearing the artist's full signature, for which 100 guineas is asked. There are four or five drawings by Claude Gell^e, the best a pair of landscapes, done in pen and wash on either side a sheet of grey paper, 4 by 7f in., the one a riverside scene, the other depicting a monu- ment, 51. Of Peter Dewint they have a pleasant exam pie in the water-colour the ' Wayside Cottage,' 12^by 18J in., offered for 521. Turner is represented Irv two water-colours and some pencil sketches, of which the ' Hastings ' from the Ruskin collection, priced at 421., is the most important. These are out a few out of many.

Part II. of the Catalogue is devoted to etchings ; and we noticed a collection of some thirty pieces by Edwin Edwards for 10s. 6d. each, which might lie worth attention on the part of collectors who find more expensive items beyond their reach. These are landscape subjects very prettily treated. 'The Smithy,' signed by the artist, representing men at work in a blacksmith's shop amid a con- fusion of implements and other objects, for which 3U. 10s. is asked, is the most valuable of the ten Whistler etchings, among which we noticed also ' The Bridge ' one of the Venetian set 181. 18s. "Two Turner etchings the price of each HI. 14s. may be specially mentioned : ' Rizpah,' 1812, first state, engraved by Dunkarton, and ' Winchelsea, Sussex,' first state, in brown, 1812, engraved by I. C. Easling. There is a large number of Piranesi's Roman Views, the best perhaps the ' yeduta dell' interno dell' Anfiteatro Flavio detto il Colosseo,' 'Gl. 6s., and the 'Arch of Constantine,' offered for a like sum. We must not omit " The Hundred Guilder Print," an impression in second state of Rembrandt's etching 'Christ healing the Sick,' "1649, 105Z.

MESSKS. HEVRY SOTHERAN & Co., in their Cata- logue 728, send us a more than usually interesting list of old and valuable books, a large number of which we notice are drawn from the Huth library. This is, for instance, the case with Francois de Billon's ' Le Fort inexpugnable de 1'honneur du Sexe Feminin,' a first edition, "Acheu6 d'imprimer k Paris le premier iour d'Auril, 1555," 3lf. 10s. ; with Bacon's ' Considerations tovching a Warre with Spaine.' a first edition, "imprinted 1629." 12/. 12s. ; with ' The Assize of Bread. Together with Sundry good and need full ordinances for Bakers, Brewers,

Inholders, Victualers, Vintners, and Butchers '

black-letter, with small woodcuts of bread-making, printed by William Stansby. 1630, 61. 17s. M. ; and an eighteenth-century Philippe de Commines in 5 vols., " Brusselle, chez Francois Foppens, 1723," 51. 10s. A very attractive item, of which the price is 251., is the " Booke called in latyn En | chiridion Militis Christian! | and in englysshe the Ma | nuell of the Christen | Knight, replenys | shed with moste | holsomepre | ceptes, | made | by the famous | clerke Erasmus of | Roterdame, to the whiche I

is added a neweand | meruaylouspro | t'y table pre I

face " first edition, "Imprinted at London by

Wynkyn de Worde, for Johan Byddell, otherwise Salisbury, the xv. daye of Nouembre. And be for to sell at the sygne of our Lady of pytie, next to Flete bridge, 1533." There are numerous good works on heraldry and genealogy, out of which we may mention Siebmacher's 'Grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch,' from 1858 to 1884, profusely illus- trated, 181. 18s. For 621. is offered a good copy including the supplement, which is rare, of Gould's ' Trochilidse ' ; and for 14/. Tooke and Newmarch's History of Prices, and of the State of the Circula- tion, from 1793 to 1856,' complete, with the General Index, in 6 yols. The most valuable item in the whole collection is a copy of the Second Folio Shake- spearethe second impression with the Droeshout portrait and Jonson's verses opposite for which 1751. is asked ; and 94. 10s. is the price of a copy of the Halliwell-Phillipps Shakespeare on India paper only 25 copies having been printed thus (1853- 1865). Other good items are four of Bruno's works i.e., ' Camoeracensis Acrotismus,' 1588, 81. 8s 'De Imaginum, Signorum, et Idearum Com- positione,' 1591, 51. 5s. ; ' De Umbris Idearum,' 1582, '31. 13s. 6d. ; and the same together with ' Ars Memoriae Jordan! Bruni,' 1582, 67. 6s. each being " editio princeps " ; " Bogg- Witticisms : or. Dear Joy s Commonplaces. Being a Compleat Collection of the most Profound Punns, Learned Bulls of

the Natives of Teague-land printed for E vidansh

Swear-all in Lack - Plansh Lane," 1682, 91. 9>. Musasus, 'Opusculum de Herone et Leandro' [Greece etLatme],' and 'Orphei Argonautica, Hymni et de Lapidibus Liber [Grace],' Aldine edition, 1517, U. 4s.; Garrick's copy, bearing his book- plate, of Pesselier's ' (Euvres de Theatre,' 4/. 10s. ; the 1893-9 Pepys, the only complete edition, one of the 250 copies on hand-made paper, with proofs before letters of the plates, 211. ; a copy of HJSAlS 6 Ro11 Society's Publications from 1884 to 189o ,19 vols., 11. 7s ; a copy of the 1811 'Complete Works' of Samuel Richardson, W. 10s. ; an Aldine first edition of 'Silius Italicus, De Bello Punico Secundo XVII. Libri,' 1523, 21. 2s. ; a rare " fourth " edition of Sidney's 'Arcadia,' 1605, 51. 5s.; and Aparos: ^atv6fj.eva Kal Atoir^eta, i.e., the poet quoted by St. Paul in the speech on the Areopagus itself a work on weather- forecasting, Parisiis, 1559,


to <E0msp0tttonts.

jL 1 commun i c ations must be written the name ind address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- '.ication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed x> "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- ishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery .linn'. E.C.

KENDALIAN. St. Sunday has been discussed at 10 S. xi. 275, where references are given to an earlier correspondence on the subject. The most plausible explanation is that St. Dominic is the saint meant, though it is also suggested that ' Holy Sunday " may have been the original meaning.